Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Updated----- records posted in the last 20+ posts....

If you guys want the category dropped, lemme know (or post a poll) I don't think its as random in VC as it is in GTA3--- I frequently had it up near and above 80000 when I was killing with the hunter method-- I believe there is a lag in it though, so you have to rampage for a while before it comes up-- I'm pretty sure wanted level plays into it too.

Well I don't care if it's removed or not. I don't care much for it, but if it's too much bother, just leave it. The lag may be there, but I think this is how it works:

The Daily Police Spending is randomnly numbered, but any recent activity is added onto it. Just say it is $40,000; if you go on a rampage you may get it to $50,000, but the next day it may be $20,000, and if you go on another rampage you may get it to $30,000. If you get what I mean.

That's a guess, but it explains everyone's good points about it as far as I'm concerned. I'm probably well off the mark here, but no harm in guessing.
On the topic of shortest time from start to credits, I've killed Diaz, have completed Shakedown and am in the middle of Bar Brawl at 1hr19..

I believe I only have 14 missions left - one of those being a ten minute job inside the Pole Position. I also believe that I can crack it in under 3 hours.
FYI, to cut off some time, I read on another board (from someone that has looked at the actual code in the PC version), that you only need to spend $300 at pole position to complete it---so 5 minutes--- I would at least give it a try, will save you 5 minutes if it works.

And you probably know, but I'll state it for others that might want to try for this record, that cutscenes count toward your time played, so click through them.

That's how I got 100% in 11hr 55... :D

Anyone else wanting to try this might find it useful to spend 30 seconds getting Hidden Packages near to you. 30 Hidden Packages gives you Armour and the Colt Python available at Ocean View and the Mansion (eventually), and the usefulness of the one-hit-kill cannot be overstated.
I forgot to mention last weekend, I had a kick@ss PCJ playground run going-- hit everything pretty much perfectly and then left the last jump onto the roof just a hair short-- I hit the edge of the roof at about the 56 second point--- would have been a 58 or 59 second time for it-- I was taping it and was going to post a video of it too.

WHich Assets do you plan on doing Famine-- I'm not sure which ones are the best to skip. I'm thinking Malibu and Film studio take the longest but I'm not sure. SSA can take a while if one of the cars is stubborn in spawning (I know you only have to do the first list).

I'm thinking the shortest in order are:
1. Boatyard
2. Pole position
3. Cherry Poppers
4. Printworks
5. Kaufmann cabs
6. SSA first list (although this one can vary-- and you can work them in as you stumble across them)
7. Film studio
8. Malibu

What do you think??
A few months ago I did the game up to the credits in about 5.5 hours. I wasn't really trying for a very fast time, just trying to beat it in one day.(which I did). I remember the hardest thing for me was getting enough money to buy the Malibu and film studio without wasting loads of time. I just did cone crazy a few times until I had enough money. What do you think would be the fastest way?

People wasted- 50,012 (woohoo!)
distance traveled in boat- 64 miles
Stoppie distance- 808 meters
Stoppie time- 153
Taxi fares- 220 (had to get back to #1)

I'll put up some screen shots for my unverifed records soon. Although they will be very poor, and more than likely outrageously hard to read.
I remember the hardest thing for me was getting enough money to buy the Malibu and film studio without wasting loads of time.

What properties did you complete?

The obvious 3 are Cherry Poppers, the Boatyard and Pole Position.

After that you need the Printworks and one more. Why pick the Malibu? Kaufman Kabs is cheaper and has one less mission.

Thats what he is saying....

I've only played all the way through twice and both times I did printworks last.

According to KM, you only need any 4 properties and Printworks (5 total).

According to Demerest on GTAforums (a very knowledgeable and reliable source), you need 5 and printworks--(6 total) he said he looked at the code to get this.

I'm more likely to believe KM, since he actually has done it. Demerest may have read the code wrong and possibly read the vercetti estate as one of the "assets". You obviously have to complete the vercettin missions to advance the story, and the vercetti missions make the mansion start producing money, so it might be easy for him to mis read that as a business.

Famine might be the one to settle this (since he has completed the game so many times).

I'll update tomorrow, I'm hungry....
In my experience it is 4 and the Printworks. The quickest way is what KM stated, Cherry Poppers, Pole Position, Boatyard and Kaufman Cabs.

I may be wrong, but I'm 95% sure this is correct.
Well I tried to take some pictures, and they turned out 100% unidentifiable. So I think I'm either going to have to find some other way to take pictures, or break down and get a digital camera. :grumpy:

And I now have some new #1 records.

Distance traveled in boat- 101 miles
Bullets fired- 508,xxx (I'll have to check the last 3 digits)

And also, I think I'm beginning to reach the limit's of media attention points. I'm not sure it will go much higher than 7600, but I'm gonna have a go at it tonight to see if I can improve on it at all.
WHich Assets do you plan on doing Famine-- I'm not sure which ones are the best to skip. I'm thinking Malibu and Film studio take the longest but I'm not sure. SSA can take a while if one of the cars is stubborn in spawning (I know you only have to do the first list).

I'm thinking the shortest in order are:
1. Boatyard
2. Pole position
3. Cherry Poppers
4. Printworks
5. Kaufmann cabs
6. SSA first list (although this one can vary-- and you can work them in as you stumble across them)
7. Film studio
8. Malibu

What do you think??

Given that the Printworks is the must-have, and I'll be closest to it after Copland (well, Cherry Poppers is closer), I was thinking of doing that first. But I do indeed have Pole Position, Cherry Poppers and the Boatyard down there.

However, I was curious about the whole "5 assets including the Printworks" thing (which is part of the reason I'm doing the Printworks first-ish). The Protection Ring is an asset in itself. Since it only requires two missions after "Shakedown", both originating from Starfish Island, I'm doing that first.

Now it may transpire that you need the Protection Ring AND 5 assets including the Printworks, but I'm not totally sure. I'm certain you need the Protection Ring complete anyway though. I do have Kaufman lined up for the next asset though - Sunshine Autos list #1 is a good idea but would require too many diversions from my planned route (I've already worked it out... :D)

I have my 30 packages already though - the Colt proves useful for Rub Out and Death Row... :D
Well I tried to take some pictures, and they turned out 100% unidentifiable. So I think I'm either going to have to find some other way to take pictures, or break down and get a digital camera. :grumpy:

And I now have some new #1 records.

Distance traveled in boat- 101 miles
Bullets fired- 508,xxx (I'll have to check the last 3 digits)

And also, I think I'm beginning to reach the limit's of media attention points. I'm not sure it will go much higher than 7600, but I'm gonna have a go at it tonight to see if I can improve on it at all.

I'm not going to ask you for a screenie of shots fired (that stat is ez enuf)--unless someone else wants to see it.

I will need one for boat distance and taxi-- do the best you can with your web cam--I think there is at least another stat in the book that I'm waiting for a screenie too.

If money is an issue in getting a digital cam, I know they sell low resolution ones pretty cheap (less then 1 mega pixel) or you can get a vid capture card and hook up a vcr or TV (if it has vid output jacks) to your PC to get screenshots-- if you get this you could also record clips-- the Nitzkit stunt videos in the video clip thread were done this way-- not as clear as the PC vids but still pretty good.

Clear enough. As long as you can make it out.

However, I was curious about the whole "5 assets including the Printworks" thing (which is part of the reason I'm doing the Printworks first-ish).
That's what I thought, except I don't know if the Mansion is included. It DOES generate money...

I have mixed thoughts about this one.
Sunshine Autos list #1 is a good idea but would require too many diversions from my planned route (I've already worked it out... )
Good idea. If San Andreas wasn't so soon and I was still on holidays, I might attempt this. I personally think I could get an okay time.
Well I tried taking some pics again and they turned out slightly better. I just messed around with the lighting and stuff until it was actually readable.

They records are in this order.
-passengers in taxi 220
-distance in boat 101
-media attenion (raised to 7656 last night)
-drug deals made 100


  • GTAstats.bmp
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  • GTAstats.bmp
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Well, I'm annoyed... :D

I'm on 2hr 36. I've completed every mission of Tommy's and the Printworks, Pole Position, Boatyard, Cherry Poppers and Kaufman Cabs. In theory all I have left is "Cap the Collectors" and "Keep Your Friends Close...", but I'm not getting the phone call to start the Collectors mission.

The only things I can think of are:
Help Cortez escape ("All Hands On Deck...")
May be a money pre-requisite (I'm only on $14,500 right now)
... Out of ideas...
I see that my taxi-driving records are under fire, hehe, so here are my new stats (with a screenshot as well) :sly:

Passengers dropped off: 267
Cash made in taxi: 201088

and not to forget:

Daily police spending: 82251


  • Taxi - 267, 201088.GIF
    Taxi - 267, 201088.GIF
    88.7 KB · Views: 64
  • Daily police 82251.GIF
    Daily police 82251.GIF
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I would try all hands on deck first and see what happens, if you don't get the call, reload and then maybe collect some more money or something??? :crazy:

Updated-- I don't need a screenie for Rancids passengers dropped off now.


I just checked a walk through and they list "all hands on deck" as a storyline mission. THis might be what is hanging you up. If you remember, Cortez calls you after you complete keep your friends close and enquires about Mercedes-- he probably has to be out of town to call you.

All Hands On Deck!: Nothing doing.
Interglobal Films: Magic phone call...

It looks like it's 5 assets AND the Printworks. Poo.

Still, that should plant me just over 3 hours.
That's bizzare. It works fine when I do it. How do I post a picture directly onto the post? I tried it but it doesn't work, and I'm confused.


  • GTAstats.bmp
    91.3 KB · Views: 11
That's bizzare. It works fine when I do it. How do I post a picture directly onto the post? I tried it but it doesn't work, and I'm confused.

Put <IMG> and </IMG> tages around the address like this


Expect use [ ] instead of < >

Your address for the pictures has HTTP:// at the start twice. If you edit your post and take out one of them the link should work.

It doesn't work without the other HTTP. I hate imagestation. Just attach it.

Go to "Go Advanced" underneath the Quick Reply box. Go down to "Manage Attachments" and attach it there. Upload it and click "Submit Reply" under where you attached the picture. You can also write things in the text box above.

Finally I got the Record Books stickied. With the San Andreas Record Book on the way, and all of the 100% Checklists, it's going to look neat and tidy, as it does now.

All Hands On Deck!: Nothing doing.
Interglobal Films: Magic phone call...

It looks like it's 5 assets AND the Printworks. Poo.

Still, that should plant me just over 3 hours.

Did you reload after all hands on deck-- or did you leave that as done?? Just curious.
Well, I'm annoyed... :D

I'm on 2hr 36. I've completed every mission of Tommy's and the Printworks, Pole Position, Boatyard, Cherry Poppers and Kaufman Cabs. In theory all I have left is "Cap the Collectors" and "Keep Your Friends Close...", but I'm not getting the phone call to start the Collectors mission.

The only things I can think of are:
Help Cortez escape ("All Hands On Deck...")
May be a money pre-requisite (I'm only on $14,500 right now)
... Out of ideas...

I thought that you had to have 50,000 to do the last mission too?!

The last mission money requirement - if it exists - is a bit of a nonsense anyway, seeing as you get $30,000 from "Cap the Collector".

I can now confirm that "All Hands On Deck!" has no bearing towards the final missions. I reloaded, with that mission not completed, and did the Film Studio. Hey presto, with only $23k in the bank, I got the phone call to start "Cap the Collector".

So it requires 5 assets (not including the Protection Ring) AND the Printworks.

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