- 6,546
- matthewjlcoleman
Oops. Lol. Hold a sec, I forgot I was that excited! 
Jimmy EnslashayOkay. I tried taping it, but I could only get lousy 11 seconds. I tried for ages, but I guess my 10 seconds was a high 10. 10 none-the-less. The thing I kept screwing up on whilst Video Taping was the ramp. I couldn't seem to get it right. I got it right twice I think, and I ended up one time hitting the wall at the other end too hard and turning the car into the path of a cone, and the other time braking too soon and not bouncing off the wall at all. 11 is easy now for me, I must admit. 10 can be done again, but I need to get in the proper frame of mind. I have a lot of shifts at work coming up, so when I get some proper time to play, say Wednesday, I will have a proper attempt.
Also, I don't believe 9 seconds is possible.
KieranMurphyI checked out their website earlier today and the only records they currently have are for fastest time for completing both GTA3 and Vice City. Completed as in how long it takes from the time you first take control of your character up to when the credits roll. So you have to just complete both games up to The Exchange / Keep Your Friends Close
The record for GTA3 is just under 2 hours and for Vice City it's just under 4 hours. They're very strict though, only entries recorded on VHS tape will be considered.
KieranMurphyActually, this is an easy one to verify because the Vice City stats page includes the last completed mission..
Spuds725I don't think mine shows that-- where is it located in the stats--next to what??? The only place I've seen the last mission completed is in the game save file-- or maybe I've just never noticed....
I'll have to check..
Jimmy EnslashayYeah it does round down. I took notice of the clock while I was playing today taping, and my first run, 11 seconds, I thought was a 12. But I got so many 11s today.
I know why I do so well at this now: like I've said before, I do best at driving cars with "crappy" handling. That suits me best. If I do a cop chase in a Cheetah and a Stallion on 2 different occasions, I would last longer in the Stallion. Plus, I was obsessed with the Stallion on GTA 3 and when I first got Vice City, so I know the car quite well.
I think someone else here should easily do 11, it's not that hard. I'm now doing 11 seconds on less cleaner runs...I must be doing something different...but 10 was one of those round down things I think, too.
I haven't seen them. When I finished that mission, I got "Streetwannabes" in my stats, when beforehand I had the Haitians.SpudsI'm not sure if the "forrelli gang" exists in the game-- has anyone seen it in the stats???
Well, it seems easy to me. My first try on that new game I started was an 11. And I started a new game a couple more times, each time the first go was an 11. But eh.SpudsIf you call 40+ tries easy....
I might try a few times, but I've only achieved 10 once so far. I know I've got close on a few occasions, but like I said before, I'm going to need to have time and the right frame of mind.SpudsI don't know if you want to try it anymore Jimmy, I don't think a 9 is possible. I don't think I left much room for improvement in my 11. I accelerated up to full speed (across the entire roof) for the first one, used the south wall to turn me, hit the ramps pretty much perfect and I think I did a good brake/bounce off the wall in the corner, you can only back up so fast for the last checkpoint.
SpudsDays passed in game
1. 1682 - T. Vercetti
2. 1496 - Acidman
3. 1440 - Spuds725
4. 728 - KieranMurhphy
5. 315 - Jimmy Enslashay
Jimmy EnslashayJust thought I'd point it out.
Lol, we've been waiting for a while.Spuds1. 100 - RancidMilk (awaiting screenshot)
Ace and Ace, then there are 2 lieutenants, then another Ace. I don't know which ones wrong, but I was sure Lieutenant was before 30 mins...But I don't really know.SpudsFlight Hours
1. 1:30 (Ace) - KieranMurphy
2. 1:25 (Lieutenant) - Acidman
3. 1:17 (Lieutenant) - RVDNuT374
4. 1:15 (Ace) - space
5. 0:58 (Ace) - Viper_Maniac
That's just insane. I could reach 6,000 on a proper attempt if I could be bothered, but you're just crazy.RancidMilkMedia Attention- 7,612 (I think it might be possible to get 8000)
Jimmy EnslashayJust one myself:
Days Passed in Game -- 744 - Jimmy Enslashay
Also, what happened to this in the Ice Cream Mission: Lol, we've been waiting for a while.
Also, there's obviously something wrong here: Ace and Ace, then there are 2 lieutenants, then another Ace. I don't know which ones wrong, but I was sure Lieutenant was before 30 mins...But I don't really know.[/size]
Exactly what I've been thinking.BlakeI'm going to make sure I'm in the running for alot of stats in SA, since I didn't do much killing etc. in Vice for a long while.