Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
What I meant when I said "I noticed that a long time ago." is that I've known about the glitch for a long time. But the glitch still doesn't explain why I can't get a better time.
Deli Dingo
But the glitch still doesn't explain why I can't get a better time.

It does because the glitch is such that it won't display your better times in the statistics. I think you have to beat your Trial by Dirt time for the Test Track time to register if you've got the glitch.

Yeah, I think that's how you do it. I read that somewhere, and it's also a pretty logical way.

Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint -- 1:24 - Jimmy Enslashay.

I think I can take 6 or 7 seconds off that time easy.
RC Bandit -- 2:18 - Jimmy Enslashay

Number 1! The quality is reasonably good in these screenshots I took with my Digi Cam. I have crappier quality screenshots if you need even more proof. :lol:

I think I could take even more time off this, but I can't be bothered.


  • RC Car Brief.JPG
    RC Car Brief.JPG
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It does because the glitch is such that it won't display your better times in the statistics. I think you have to beat your Trial by Dirt time for the Test Track time to register if you've got the glitch.

That sucks! Test Track is a lot harder than Trial by Dirt. Oh well, I'll give it a try. :indiff:

I've got some non-violent records you can add to your magnificent list! 👍

Distance travelled by boat = 73.01
Passengers dropped off (taxi) = 216
Cash made in taxi = $166811

Screenshots below:


  • GTA - Boat 73.01.GIF
    GTA - Boat 73.01.GIF
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  • Taxi - 216, 166811.GIF
    Taxi - 216, 166811.GIF
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Cone Crazy
12 seconds - Blake

Not using moving cones trick. I'll post a screenie when I get back if it's necessary.
Cone Crazy
12 seconds - Blake

Not using moving cones trick. I'll post a screenie when I get back if it's necessary.


No screenie needed-- 12 has been done before and I believe it can be improved upon

Welcome aboard Tigra!!
Ahem...Suck up...Ahem...JOKING!! :lol:

Actually, Spuds is a Godfather, so technically you're right. Btw, I'll be back tonight to post some more info, mainly regarding Hours Played and Days Passed.
Spuds, it seems you've linked alot of things to the one screenshot, between "Passengers Dropped Off" and "Fastest Time for 'Test Track'".
Cone Crazy -- 12 Seconds - Jimmy Enslashay
This time could be improved upon. I think 10 is possible, but I don't think anything under that is.


  • Cone Crazy Stats.JPG
    Cone Crazy Stats.JPG
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  • Cone Crazy Brief.JPG
    Cone Crazy Brief.JPG
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Jimmy Enslashay
Spuds, it seems you've linked alot of things to the one screenshot, between "Passengers Dropped Off" and "Fastest Time for 'Test Track'".
Fixed missing a ]

Updated & linked to your screenie
Well I actually tried some more Cone Crazy, and I've done it!

Cone Crazy -- 11 Seconds - Jimmy Enslashay
RC Baron (Plane) Race -- 2:13 - Jimmy Enslashay


  • Cone Crazy Brief.JPG
    Cone Crazy Brief.JPG
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  • Cone Crazy Stats.JPG
    Cone Crazy Stats.JPG
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Do you think 10 is possible? I didn't try too many times when I got the 11 seconds, but I'm not too sure anymore that it is possible. My 11 was a great run, so I don't know anymore. Maybe it was a low 11, so it could be possible.

Sometimes I wonder what the world record for some things are, too. I wonder if anyone's achieved 10 without doing the moving cones glitch.
Jimmy Enslashay
Sometimes I wonder what the world record for some things are, too. I wonder if anyone's achieved 10 without doing the moving cones glitch.

Go to the Twin Galaxies website and look for Grand Theft Auto records. The last I checked there was bugger all records up, but I think the RC car race record was 2:18. So you've got the joint world record!

10 is approaching “unbelievable” Do you have the ability to record a video clip??? If not I’m going to have to verify by trying it again to see if I think its possible—I only did it a few times when I got my 13—I gave you the 11 since 12 had been done by several people.

If you can’t record a clip, rather then take a pic of your brief screen, take it of your screen after you set it (new record should be at the bottom) so I can see where your car is. If you don’t think you can get the camera ready in time, what I would do is video tape your game as you play, and then play it back to get the screenshot—

In fact, please do video tape it, if you do get a 10, I’d want you to take a couple of pics of the cones as you set the record, so I can verify the cones were not moved—so if you want to go for 10 or less, please do that.

I’d really appreciate it.

I gave you the 11 since 12 had been done by several people.
Spuds, I linked my briefs screen and stats screen for my 11, why did you "give it to me"?

I'll try a 10, but I can't video tape it, I don't have a working Camcorder. I'm not a bull****ter, you should know that by now. Also, I use exactly the same route as everyone else does for their high times, I just done a very good run for my 11.

Sorry if I'm taking this the wrong way, but it seems like you don't believe my 11.

KM -- I can't find any Vice City record books or the like on Twin Galaxies.
Jimmy Enslashay
KM -- I can't find any Vice City record books or the like on Twin Galaxies.

Yeah, it seems to have gone. Some guy had posted records for all 3 RC races and some GTA3 records. I remember his time for the RC Chopper race was 4:20 or so but I think he later posted a 3:58 or 3:59 time.

I checked out their website earlier today and the only records they currently have are for fastest time for completing both GTA3 and Vice City. Completed as in how long it takes from the time you first take control of your character up to when the credits roll. So you have to just complete both games up to The Exchange / Keep Your Friends Close

The record for GTA3 is just under 2 hours and for Vice City it's just under 4 hours. They're very strict though, only entries recorded on VHS tape will be considered.

The GTA3 record seems to have dissappeared. They may just put up new records for a short while. I think it all ends up in their book though.

I remember his time for the RC Chopper race was 4:20 or so but I think he later posted a 3:58 or 3:59 time.
That's crazy. I should have a proper go at that, but I just hate it. I love normal Chopper, but I hate RC Chopper.
Jimmy Enslashay
Spuds, I linked my briefs screen and stats screen for my 11, why did you "give it to me"?

I'll try a 10, but I can't video tape it, I don't have a working Camcorder. I'm not a bull****ter, you should know that by now. Also, I use exactly the same route as everyone else does for their high times, I just done a very good run for my 11.

Sorry if I'm taking this the wrong way, but it seems like you don't believe my 11.

KM -- I can't find any Vice City record books or the like on Twin Galaxies.

I think you are misunderstanding me or just taking it the wrong way.

I don't doubt you got the 11, its just one second less then the other 3 12's-- but 10 seconds is fractionally a lot less then 12 (16% less) so I need further proof to verify if you get 10 or less-- I don't have enough experience doing it the way you guys described at this time to verify its possible to even drive it that fast, let alone not hit a cone--and I'm not sure I will have the time to try it out (I really don't get alot of playtime this month)

Since you cannot provide a clip, I'm assuming you have a VCR-- hook up your game video output to it and record it as you play (thats how I captured my superjump clips)-- then if you break the record, rewind the tape, and play it back-- I would like to see a screen shot of each set of cones--they should all be visible except for maybe the last checkpoint since you back up to pick it up so this would be 1 as you start, 1 for the corner checkpoints (not that you can really nudge the cone up there anyway), one for the corner, one for the circle of cones especially the middle one if its visible, and finally one of your time on the screen (not the brief screen).

I'm only suggesting you do this so the proof is visible to everyone and everyone is just not taking my word for it--

Its not a matter of me not believing you--I'm not singling you out-- I would do this for anyone, but I need to verify as much as possible since it is possible to move the cones to decrease your time.

If you don't have a VCR, let me know and I will have to verify it by playing the game and seeing what kind of time I can get for the route.

Once again-- Its not that I doubt you, its just more out in the open this way-- and I have to do less work :lol:
I just got 10 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, very excited. What I did was pause straight after, get my camera ready and took a screenshot of the in-game screen. I got my brief screen and stats screen snapped, too. Now I don't have a working Camcorder like I said, but you know I'm not a bull****ter Spuds.

Now you posted that above at "Today, 4:40 AM", so naturally I was sleeping. I done this in the morning, at the moment it's 10:41AM so I read that above a bit late.

I'll tell you the one major improvement I got for this: When I took the ramp up and down/left, I jumped from the bottom of the ramp facing West, and landed on the bottom of the ramp facing North. Therefore, I only just got the checkpoint. I didn't even hit the wall to the left, so that was very clean. I then took the one at the north end by bouncing off the wall, and I bounced well. Then I took the circle checkpoint by cutting through finely and sliding into it (quicker I found).

Sorry about not recording this, I didn't read your post until AFTER I had done it. I have provided screenshots of in-game, brief and stats screen.

I attempted a fair few times, and got frustrated on many occasions. Also, my cars blown up stats will improve alot. This is very possible, and with the ramp technique I just told you, maybe the 10 second barrier can be broken.

(PS: Sorry if my post is a big jumble and I repeat myself, I'm actually very excited at the moment.) :lol:


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