Video Game Music - Post your favourites!Music 

  • Thread starter Grand Prix

Piano version of above.

So I heard you liked soundtracks.

:guilty: Sorry. I just love all of these. :guilty:

Again sorry. :guilty:

Especially love the HOTP music. 👍
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I don't know if this has already been posted, but my shockwave flash is constantly crashing (using latest Chrome) so I can't check previously posted videos. I'll post it anyway. :)

Ace Combat 4 Comona

Ace Combat Zero final mission theme (Zero)

Ace Combat 5 final mission theme (Razgriz) Epicness

Going Down On It: Hot Action Cop NFS Remix

DCS A-10 Menu Music

Naval Ops: Commander - Wirbelwind Theme

Naval Ops: Commander - Sturmwind Theme
Some of the best driving music there is

Play this in the E39 and I feel like I'm back in the game

High Stakes definitely had some interesting music in it. The one track though, that continues to stand out to me remains Def Beat.
I'm a young fella so I don't remember many of the nostalgic soundtracks of the past so here is my favourites from the present

And any music from the GH3 line up