Video Game Music - Post your favourites!Music 

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Personal faves for me are a large proportion of tracks played on the radio stations in GTA Vice City (I'm a child of the 80s and do love me some 80s music), the original Tomb Raider soundtrack plus some of the early sequels' variations (you could pop the original PS1 disc in your CD player and just play the music) and pretty much all of the music in Minecraft.

However as one-off tracks go, this always makes me happy:

Going much further back to the late 80s, Jeroen Tel and the M-m-m-m-Maniacs of noise worked wonders with the SID chip of the 8-bit Commodore 64 (1982 technology yo):

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Best music from any game I've ever played. I also love Monkey Island.
From the original Gran Turismo...

GT was how I actually "discovered" Garbage, which is now my favorite band.
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Apologies for many videos. I could have kept going but I'll limit myself.

One of my top 3 favorite games is Chrono Trigger - the soundtrack, the plot, the detail, the general atmosphere it gave me when I was a child and how it still gives it to me today.

This was actually my ringtone for quite some time - another one of my favorite games.

Jet Moto 2 for the Playstation had a superb soundtrack.

'Neon City' - a stage in Twisted Metal 4. A bit creepy to me even now, but the nostalgia is strong.

And of course,
From X-Men: Children of the Atom - the game that began the Marvel vs Capcom series (thanks, Akuma!)

(And yes, Sentinel is the BEST character in the game. At least for a scrub :P)
I'm not sure why I didn't post this a long time ago, but I just have to bring up the music of Touhou. Which was mentioned here. Once. In one video.
I'm not talking about the myriad of remixes for the songs - most of those don't interest me.
Rather, I'm talking the originals.

If you ignore the sometimes awkward instruments and just take note of the composition, you will find they are almost all magnificent.

I would post many, many songs from the series here if I could. But, of course, it's 5 per post. are my ultimate favourites.

That's just one track from the original era. The modern era is where the wick is turned up to 11.

The 11th game is the peak of the series. Currently, I cannot see it being matched.

One of the most epic tunes ever, to accompany one of the most epic boss battles ever.

Last Remote is my absolute favourite. It is beyond all flaws. And this is the other theme of the stage...

There's still 3 more games after this, by the way. So enjoy the music there too! (My 6th choice that I can't post here goes to "Provincial Makai City Esoterica".)

This one still gives me the shivers after all these years. Kinda messed up my childhood but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ok that's enough from me for now, getting too nostalgic listening to all these tunes.
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I don't tend to like in-game music, but I thank Grand Theft Auto Sand Andreas for my obsession with 1990's grunge. Soundgarden and Alice In Chains are two of my favourite bands. Can't argue with Ozzy Osbourne and Stone Temple Pilots either. Plus, if it weren't for Soundgarden, I'd never have heard of Howlin' Wolf. Too bad that GTA V's choice of rock music is comparatively lacking.

Motorstorm: Monument Valley is another one for one simple reason. Slipknot - Before I Forget - If it weren't for that and the sequel, I wouldn't have all of Slipknot's albums today.

Operation Flashpoint: Red River also got me into Disturbed through their song Stricken.
I fell for the Transistor OST when I first listened through it last month. I wouldn't normally consider putting money down for a video game soundtrack, but this was an exception. Plus it was on sale, so why not?

Instrumental tracks like Heightmap and Impossible stand out beyond the rest though. Even more than some of the better vocal efforts like The Spine.

When asked about my favorite game music, invariably my answer is always the entire 92-track masterpiece that is the Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War soundtrack.

A sampler:

Ace Combat 5 Track 55/92: The Unsung War (as @Bobop4 posted)

Ace Combat 5 Track 50/92: Grabacr

Ace Combat 5 Track 91/92: The Journey Home (ending theme)


My pick from GT1 (Mr. 4WD - JP version)

My pick from GT3 (Slipstream)

My three picks from GT4:

Light Velocity Ver. II

Don't Kick Yourself

Moon Over the Castle (Extended Orchestral Version)


My pick of the Pokemon series: Route 104 theme (R/S/E)


My pick of the Need for Speed series: Aquila 303/Romolo di Prisco - NFS III: Hot Pursuit

Although I got quickly bored of playing it, I do also really enjoy the menu track for NFS World, "Static" by Mick Gordon.


Speaking of menu music, some of my favorite tracks in games often come from the main menus.

Test Drive Unlimited's (PS2/PSP versions) soothing menu track (which I seem to recall isn't an original?).

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat's (PS2) epic menu track.

Burnout 3's upbeat menu track, "Ozone" by Stephen Root and Steve Emmy. This is one of my favorites more for nostalgia than anything else.


One soundtrack that is one of my favorites in its entirety is the soundtrack to Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. The tracks are diverse and epic. I love all of them, but my favorite of the bunch has to be the Kavu Island track.

Another is Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies' 48-track soundtrack, which is an easily identifiable musical predecessor of Ace Combat 5's epic orchestral style. My two favorites from this soundtrack are Safe Return and Whiskey Corridor.

The soundtracks to BattleZone (PC) and BattleZone II: Combat Commander (PC) are easy favorites for me. BattleZone because it is among my favorite games of all time and its soundtrack, while not the highest quality, sets a great atmosphere pretty unlike any other soundtrack I've come across. I never played much BZ II, but the first two tracks of its soundtrack (the first four minutes of this video) captured me when I did.


Single tracks that are also among my favorites:

  • Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (PS2) - Heavy Tonnage. I always loved the atmosphere this track made, and it fits the mission it plays during perfectly.
  • Driving Emotion Type-S (PS2) - Best Tone. I've never played the game, but I'm heavily into Japanese jazz fusion, which is what this track is. I love it.
  • 007: NightFire (PS2) - Atlantis Music.
  • GTR2 (PC) - Assassin.
  • P.T.O. IV (PS2) - Sea Battle 2. This rip isn't good quality, but it's the only one I can find anywhere. P.T.O. IV is an old naval fleet commanding game nobody knows about. Pretty fun, and it had this awesome battle track in it.

Non-original songs that appear in games that I've gotten attached to:

The soundtrack of Deus Ex was excellent. Each song matched its environment so perfectly. The UNATCO theme is still my favourite.

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One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy 7) - Truly epic, imo:

Jenova's Theme (Final Fantasy 7) - Alarmingly good:

Natla's Theme (Tomb Raider Anniversary) - Greatness re-imagined:
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