Video Game Music - Post your favourites!Music 

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For me maybe 'Automatic' by the Pointer Sisters from GTA Vice City. That song never fails to please me.

My all time favourite has to be from a little known game on the NES called Lunar Pool. It was a pool game with some bizarrely shaped tables and the theme music from the actual game play was awesome; some kind of electro-jazz. I'll never forget that tune, in fact, it's in my head right now.
But yeah, great game, great song, very emotional piece that I think sets the tone for the game and war very well. I love how it lulls towards the middle, and then comes back at the end triumphantly.
:)I agree.👍

And then, of course, the entire Shatter soundtrack is epic. Especially this one:

"Argon Refinery"

A truly great soundtrack.👍
Shatter - Krypton Garden

Dragon Age 1 - This Is War by 30 Seconds To Mars. I wish those CGI movies were in the game....

Halo - Halo

Uncharted 2 - Main Theme

Tomb Raider Underworld - Amanda's Ship

Ratchet And Clank: Tools Of Destruction - Ending Theme

Ratchet And Clank: Tools Of Destruction - Groovitron music. 2:40 and 6:30 minutes are my favorites. Reminds me of old 70's disco music that makes you want to move and groove.👍

You know what.. Pretty much the entire Vice City soundtrack from Flash FM, V-Rock and Emotion 98.3
The best shooter of all (and my favorite game):

From GT5:

GT4 and NFS Underground:

And, of course, V-Rock and K-DST, from GTA.
I love mostly covers, or if not improvisations of video game music.
Here are some of my personal favorites:

Wily Stage from Megaman 2

Open Your Heart by Crush 40 from Sonic Adventure

Stage 1 (Jungle Stage) from Contra
Lunar Silver Star Story - Battle of Light and Shadow

Grandia II - A Dues

Ninja Gaiden - After The Battle

Metal Gear Solid 4
Can't have a video game music thread without the Mechanical Man!


🤬 it, I love all of Frank Klepacki's music. :lol: Dude's a genius.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Snowy Mountains

Castlevania Lords Of Shadow - Belmonts Theme

Zone Of Enders - Flowing Destiny by Horisawa Maiko

Zone Of The Enders 2 - Beyond The Bounds

Where's Zone Of The Enders 3?!
Tomba - Huanted Mansion

God Of War 3 - Labor Of Destruction

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Gunvalkyrie - Killing Bedroom - Expanded Guitar Version

Super R-Type - Stage 1
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Surprised no one's mentioned this gem so far. If anyone has, my apologies ...

Gallia! Gallia!

The best PS3 game to date IMO. Getting the Hard Mode DLC soon.
Recalling tons of good memories here guys, thanks. 👍

Well, that must be just me but if I'm honest, game sound tracks really marked my life like few other songs did, specially this one:

Chrono Cross : Time's Scar

I've played this game over and over, and recently I've got the OST and all the good songs from the game were there, a tear almost dropped from my face when I heard Time's Scar and all the feelings and memories came back all of a sudden.

Incredible how a silly entertainment can mean so much.
-Current of the times (GT5)
-Night Birds (GT5)
-Have you ever loved somebody (GTA4)
-Let it whip (GTA San Andreas)
-Eternal Love 2003 (Moonlit Lovers)
I really enjoy the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack, even bought from on iTunes. Here's a couple of favourites:

That last one, "Bury Me Not In the Lone Prairie" is just so haunting, I love it.
Game music and menu music is amazing. Far too many to post, so here's a few;

Metal Gear Solid - Duel

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme

Formula 1 97 - Menu Music II

Formula 1 97 - Post Race, Mode Select #1 Most Played On My iTunes

Grand Prix 2 - Menu I

Gran Turismo - Mazda

Gran Turismo 2 - South City

ToCA 1 - Main Menu

ToCA 2 - Main Menu
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Pokemon R/B/Y - Gym Leader, Lance Battle Original

Same song, metal verison One of the greatest covers in the history of audio
Soldner-X Himmelssturmer (another PSN title with a nice soundtrack)

Soldner-X Himmelssturmer - Hyperspace Assault

Parappa The Rapper - All Masters Rap, Bathroom Song

Marvel Vs Capcom 1 - Megaman Theme

Marvel Vs Capcom 1 - Strider Hiryu's Theme

Marvel Vs Capcom 1 - Morrigan's Theme

Burnout Paradise- Cities In Dust

Mercenaries 2 - Oh No You Didn't
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ICO - Castle In The Mist

Silent Hill 3 - You're Not Here

Silent Hill 3 - I Want Love

GRID - Menu Theme

R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 - Thru

Soul Edge/Blade - The Edge Of Soul (To me, this game has one of the greatest intro movies ever and the song goes right along with it. 👍)

The Sabotuer - Main Theme
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Video Game Live [/thread]

This guy speaks the thruth. Coincidentally, they just came to Mexico City, and they were awesome. They played the MGS theme, a medley of Final Fantasy, a Mario a capella, the Zelda theme, and then a guy from Japan played Mario blindfolded. They closed with One Winged Angel. People went absolutely nuts.

Really, if you ever have the chance to see them, GO. No matter what.

Oh and also, this thread needs more Katamari Damacy. What are you, people?