Video Game Music - Post your favourites!Music 

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Quite a few from me, so wont embed the video (even tho I dont know how. lol)

This was from 1994, and this song stuck with me ever since.

Never actually played Silent Hill (apart from the arcade coin-op), but this was also from the movie. Got me the Silent Hill 4 OST as soon as I heard this was on there.

There is only one Duke, and there is only one tune that completely fits. This is a cover that I particularly like of the theme 'Grabbag'

Quake II probably stood out as a game that I loved the entire soundtrack from. Picking my favourite would have to be this one, called Quad Machine. I can still remember running around through several levels to this.

Needs no introduction....

Another from the 90s, this time around 1995 I think. Microsoft Fury3 was to me, almost the Ace Combat of its time. This track has also stayed in my favourites for a long time.

Fast forward over a decade and you now have the increased production values, but the songs will still move you.

Second to need no introduction

One from Wipeout.

Last two for now... original and later remake :D
Back when NFS games were awesome sauce:

Driver had an excellent main menu tune

Something a bit more modern

Frequency Soundtrack - No Doubt - Ex-Girlfriend Frequency Remix

DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball - How Crazy Are You

Dead Or Alive 2 - Yes or Yes (Bass theme)

Dead Or Alive 2 - Vigaku (Hayate theme)

The Getaway - Yardie Crackhouse

Astal - Sea Of Clouds
This brings back memories of the Demo 1 disc that came with my second hand PS1 many years ago.

I've still got that demo disc which has this game (Lifeforce Tenka) on it:

Tenchu - Battle With Lord Mei-oh

Afterburner Climax

Contra 3 - Tearing Up The Turnpike

Golden Axe - Wilderness (Pure 16-bit greatness)
Metal Gear Solid Main Theme

The whole theme building up to 2:40 minutes in, makes you feel like a triumphant hero.

From mgs2. Great music.

Medal Of Honor Frontline - Main Theme

Also great. Not quite up there with MGS2, but definately worth a mention. Maybe I'm a little biased though, as I was addicted to the MGS series.

Super Street Fighter IV Cody's Theme

Most music from the Street Fighter series deserves an honorable mention. One of my favourites was Sagat's alpha stage music.

Wow. Was planning on going through the whole thread, but the sheer amount of embedded video's are causing my browser to slow down dramatically. Regrettably, I'm going to miss out on some soundtrack gold, but I'll contribute a bit. Apologies if these have already been listed, but like I said, I could only get 2/3rds of the way down the first page before my browser slowed down too dramatically.

FF7 Aerith's theme.

FF7 Still more fighting.

FF7 Jenova
Unless I've missed it, I can't believe anyone hasn't posted this gem:

Say what you will about Codemasters, but they sure as hell know how to put a slammin' soundtrack together.
Say what you will about Codemasters, but they sure as hell know how to put a slammin' soundtrack together.

Agreed, especially with the older CMR games. I wish I hadn't given my copy of CMR 2.0 away, guess I'll have to nick a copy of it off my mate :dopey:


Used to love how one channel would cut out when you shoot, it's hard to find a clip that does the music justice. In my head it used to sound better maybe it did maybe it didn't but shooting aliens to this soundtrack was awesome.

God the music on the old Amiga was good.

Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood - End Credits

Super Mario Bros - Main Theme

Super Mario Bros - Star Theme(set to seahawks run back that is comedy)

Shinobi - Stage 4

Virtual Racing OST

Pro Race Driver GRID - Infection Reloaded

Classic Era FTW.

Darius 2 - Olga Breeze

Gran Turismo 3 - Doggy's Turismo

Project Gotham Racing 2 OST - Puff Puff Monde All Up(By NORA)
A nice japanese hip hop track that I kept on repeat status while playing Project Gotham Racing.
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This is from the new Tron game:

This one needs no intro at all... surprised these tracks are not here already...

Love this one too

and when I was 4 I was addicted to this game:

and this:

This! I still play this game:
The Sonic 2 Soundtrack was probably the best out of any other Sega Genesis game.

The hardcore bass

If you haven't already do you life a favor and listen to

Infamous 1 soundtrack-Silent Melody
Dirt 3 -Unkle the Answer (Feat.Big in Japan)

Thank me later