OK. I've had it. I knew back at IL-2: Birds of Prey things were gonna go bad, but I'm now to the point of abandoning the gaming ship. Why?
All the in-game, real money 🤬!
Haven't bought the game, won't be now. I've had enough supporting these greedy 🤬, and the only thing I've done is buy the games upfront. I am not someone who falls into their hands, however I have a number of family members who are, and now trying to skirt everything established both for and against the industry, just to have even more money they'll sit on until they die. I've heard plenty of excuses, and they can all 🤬 off, there is no excuse for extortion, and nothing is too minor. Vain as people are, even a paid cosmetic item with no tangible benefit will turn those who have it against those who don't, anyone who caves at social pressure or anxiety now "has" to have it too, or God forbid they be shunned.
I'm sick of this even being a problem, but I'm also sick of how the games are now designed to make money. Maybe I'm jaded now as opposed to even a handful of years ago, but knowing that this is happening, getting worse, and shows zero sign of slowing, much less stopping, I'm done with it.
Yes, I know I'm late to the party, but I try to do some reading to NOT look like a complete idiot.