Atrocious voice acting.
This bothers me a lot in some games, namely Star Wars games, and not so much in others. I guess it mainly depends on who the character is and how well I know them. Some examples I have come to know over the years:
- Lego Island 2. Love that game, but the voice acting has plenty of room for improvement. It doesn't actually bother me all that much, but I'd be wrong to say it was good and leave them out of this list because it really wasn't that great.
- Spongebob Squarepants Supersponge. Going off memory, the voice acting was pretty good in this game for most of the characters and they even had most of the original voice actors in it as well, but this can't be said for Mr. Krabs though. They had someone else voice him for some reason and he doesn't really sound like Mr. Krabs much, he sounds more like a scratchy, low-quality version of the singing pirate from the theme song to the show.
See for yourself. I don't know where Clancy Brown was when they were developing this game, but my word it's a pity he wasn't involved!
- Star Wars Racer Revenge. Haven't thoroughly listened to all the characters yet, but goodness gracious, just listen to Anakin Skywalker's voice!
I mean seriously?! That doesn't sound like him at all, like
not even close! Never have I heard a voice sound so far off from who it's trying to be in my entire life....
- Star Wars Battlefront (2015). I find most of the characters to be just fine voice-wise. However, my thoughts on Luke Skywalker's voice are literally a copy and paste of what I said about Anakin above, how they find this acceptable in this day and age is beyond me. Between the two, I am not sure who's worse. Of course, I can't even talk about this subject without bringing up Darth Vader. I have heard some semi-decent attempts at Darth Vader's voice in video games before, but this just isn't one of them.
- Star Wars Battlefront II (2005). I love this game and I thought the voices were okay for the most part, but this, however, is a HUGE exception:
Okay, I get James Earl Jones has a very distinct voice that is very hard to replicate and I imagine there was a reason he hasn't voiced him in any video games, but come on, surely they could've done better than this! I mean, this is easily the worst sounding Darth Vader I have ever heard!
Thinking about it now, "atrocious voice acting" may not be the best title for some of these, but I am not really sure what else to put. Either way, I think you get the point now.