Video game pet peeves.

Games with no checkpoints during missions. GTAIV had none whatsoever bar the final mission (there's 1) and 007 Nightfire is a game I played recently that (on PC at least) only has checkpoints when you reach cutscenes.

I don't find it annoying unless the part is has you re-do over and over is something extremely basic, like drive from A to B, nothing else. You have to keep doing that over and over, to get to the bit you keep dying on.
I haven't encountered this yet. Any examples?
PS3/XB360 games via composite on a CRT TV.

If 480i is one of the possible resolutions for output, then text should be legible in 480i. Plenty of games have text that is way smaller than necessary. Now the PS4 and XBone are HDMI-only, but I still sometimes see complaints about text size from people who play from a couch across the room.
Games with no checkpoints during missions. GTAIV had none whatsoever bar the final mission (there's 1) and 007 Nightfire is a game I played recently that (on PC at least) only has checkpoints when you reach cutscenes.

I prefered that to GTAV's too frequent checkpoints. Made GTAV too easy to complete. Ended up spending a fraction of the time playing V that i did all the earlier games.
Welp, time for me to chime in. Of what's here:
Excessive animations- This is what has screwed me in a few games, GTA 4 and I had a few instances in the short time I played it.
checkpoints too far from each other- Looking at you, Mass Effect 1, but at least you could save manually mid mission...if you remembered.
escorting ANY A.I.- Knock it off. Warship Gunner 2 is the only time I've not hated escort missions.
extras hidden using moonlogic BS- Assassins Creed is OK, being expected to hit seven manuvers to get a single pennant is rage worthy.
Size 3 font- Had it not been for the zoom function on the GT5 menus, I'd have been in trouble.
Specially animated QTEs- If I learned anything from Kingdom Hearts II, QTEs can be used right. As of yet, I've yet to see QTEs with their own special cut scene/animation be worth spit. And FFS don't put them in genres that don't need them. Looking at you EA.
Excessive Lensflare & Bloom- If I want to simulate staring at a bright object obscuring my vision, I'll go stare at the sun for free.
Hidden Achievements- What are you trying to accomplish here developers?
DLC Achievements- So you're telling me I no longer 100% the game, even though I've not bought your withheld junk. 🤬 off.
Online-only Achivements- Tell you what, try and download a single patch using satellite internet, then come talk to me.
Rubberbanding- Why don't you create some actual A.I. for once instead of recycling what's cheap. It's a crutch, dump it.
Unskippable cinematics- Not a movie, get me to the bit where I do something.
BS Penalization- So because you can't make decent A.I., I'm being punished for being turned into the pinball.
Crap writing/acting- This is 2015, there has to be better writers and voice actors than most of this.
Info on a 'Need to Know' basis- So I assume you think we can't take care of ourselves enough to give us a pre-emptive rundown?
Constantly repeated info pop-ups- Yes, you've shown me this 275 times, I 🤬 GET IT!
Automatically on Assist/Buffs/etc.- 🤬 you developer, I can beat this without your meddling.
Biblical loading times- One of GT5s many issues, but maybe the worst one.
Poor hitboxes- If I actually hit the guy and not just his shirt, he should take damage. If it's the shirt only, he shouldn't. If I leave a foot between my car and the wall/opponent, my car shouldn't hit ANYTHING.
Zombies- 🤬 enough with the damned things. They've been done back to death a few times over.
Clunky Controls and no options to change them- Again, it's 2015. This should never be an issue. I should be able to use any button for bloody anything, at least it would make trying to use this horrid aiming system less so. GTA3 anyone?
Bad/Useless Menus/GUI- My main run-ins with this are 2k games of the last 5 years. Menus are small, they spread out across the screen eventually, and you still may not find what you need because the gave it an asinine name. GT5 gets the nod on this as well.

And now my additions:
Looks good but plays badly/unplayable- This really applies to many games, and as people will still buy what they know is bad just because it's new and shiny, this won't change. If I had to give up graphics for good content and innovation, I can still play GT2 at will, so bring it.
Battering Ram Trolls Online- You know who you are. If you want a demo derby, there are plenty of people willing to do so. If I'm racing online, I want to do so legitimately. Doing what would get you banned, if not killed, in reality doesn't take any skill and earns you my eternal distain. 🤬
Uber-restrictive linearity- Yeah, I get to do something but nothing will ever change ever. Perhaps just me and my history of almost falling asleep in rail-shooters and on-rail bits of games.
Pretentiousness- Devs, if you make a game, don't make it to where it effectively insults the player for playing the thing. I got this from Forza 3, Forza Horizon once the map is open to you, NBA 2K12 if you aren't a basketball god, NFS 'The Run', and even GRID 2 to an extent late in the game.
Games that don't autosave.
You wouldn't believe how many hours of progress I've lost on Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 or Import Tuner Challenge all because I forgot to save after a session.
Games that don't autosave.
You wouldn't believe how many hours of progress I've lost on Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 or Import Tuner Challenge all because I forgot to save after a session.
Shouldn't manually saving your game be a primary instinct for a gamer?
Coming from the era of taking advantage of save points where ever you find them, I'm paranoid about saving. Even when my game autosaves, I find myself looking for the save option just out of habit.
15. The game autosaves in the wrong place at the wrong time- This is a problem of older games. You're in a middle of a fight or stuck in the games texture then the game decides to autosave your status.
That's not always a bad thing - sometimes developers do it so that you don't spoil the story by looking at the achievements list.
I do see that, and a fair number of them do it well, but then you have those that have vague trophy names to begin with, then over half the list is marked as hidden trophies. Those are the ones that irritate me to no end.
Games that don't autosave.
You wouldn't believe how many hours of progress I've lost on Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 or Import Tuner Challenge all because I forgot to save after a session.
Pokemon players feel your pain.
Something that is really aimed at Rocksteady style action games...I cannot stand the 'action' button format that some games use. For example, 'X' is jump, climb, glide etc dependent on where you are or what objects you are interacting with. I like having buttons that perform dedicated tasks and will always act the way they are supposed to instead of reacting in a 'scripted' manner when close to certain objects. It really grinds my gears and just feels awkward to control in my opinion.
Something that is really aimed at Rocksteady style action games...I cannot stand the 'action' button format that some games use. For example, 'X' is jump, climb, glide etc dependent on where you are or what objects you are interacting with. I like having buttons that perform dedicated tasks and will always act the way they are supposed to instead of reacting in a 'scripted' manner when close to certain objects. It really grinds my gears and just feels awkward to control in my opinion.
It does depend on the game, since contextual actions are a staple of RPGs. The problem is how modern action-adventure games water down the gameplay with contextual scripted actions and animations but don't add much meaningful depth around it, unlike RPGs which are built upon stats, resource management, relatively complex battle mechanics, and so on. It's a means to railroad the player through prebaked flashy cinematic fluff, and it's boring.
It does depend on the game, since contextual actions are a staple of RPGs. The problem is how modern action-adventure games water down the gameplay with contextual scripted actions and animations but don't add much meaningful depth around it, unlike RPGs which are built upon stats, resource management, relatively complex battle mechanics, and so on. It's a means to railroad the player through prebaked flashy cinematic fluff, and it's boring.
Exactly. The Batman games are some of the most boring things I have ever played.
This is primarily a Pokemon thing:

Favourtism in a duo/trio:

This really annoys me in Pokemon, when you make a duo/trio (exceptions include the Weather Trio, Forces of Nature, Tao Trio due to their lore) trios are not treated equally and one shines up high and the others get left in the dust, and I'm not talking about how they perform in Battle, that is likely unintentional. I'm talking about the attention the companies intentionally give, is totally ruining the whole idea of a duo/trio.

Kanto Starters: Charizard definitely has the most attention and it seems like they give Zero effort on Venusaur (you can even see it with how they manage the Mega Evolutions).

Legendary Dogs: What made Suicune way more special than Raikou and Entei. At lest with the Weather Trio it made sense since Rayquaza stops the fights between Kyogre and Groudon.

Hoenn Starters: While Sceptile and Blaziken are pretty even, Swampert has pretty much been overshadowed greatly, even the internet overshadows it with Mudkip.

Plusle and Minun Duo: While they are even for the most part, I can't help but feel Plusle gets more importance over Minun.

Creation Trio: The games are fine. Not so much with the Anime. Dialga has appeared in 4 Pokemon Movies, more than any legendary Pokemon!!!

Kalos Starters: Greninja, Greninja, Greninja. Sad part is that no one really cared about Froakie (I did since it was a Water Types :P) until Greninja was revealed and even then, people only started to like it because of Protean.
17. Uncustomizable HUD- Its 2015 people!
The fact that racing games are still lacking Customizable Car Grids/Entrants, it would actually annoy me if Customizable HUDs came first for racing games :P.

Also, I really don't see how it is an issue, there is no need to make something almost irrelevant like a HUD fancy, and they give you the right details in default.
He's probably reffering not just to racing games (which in many cases, he has a point).
He's probably reffering not just to racing games (which in many cases, he has a point).
I play multiple genres and I really don't get what is wrong with the default HUDs and/or the urge to make them Customizable, they give you all the details as well as not blinding your sight.
Immersion is one of the reason why I would like to see developers let us to customize the HUD. And I think its very easy for them to do it. Modders do it all the time. BTW I was referring to Fallout 4. I found an HUD mod already though. :D
Many games don't have enough options in general, or they're missing relatively basic things. Controls, HUD elements, volume sliders, simple gameplay variables (eg. number of laps), and so on.

The fact that racing games are still lacking Customizable Car Grids/Entrants, it would actually annoy me if Customizable HUDs came first for racing games :P.
That function added a ton of replay value to Enthusia for me.
Cliché - Why does every single game have to have health packs, ammo packs, & HUD scrawled all over the screen? Surely there are more elegant & innovative ways to design games than to parade these 3 mindless clichés at every available opportunity.

I do admit that I don't consider myself to be a gamer, I bought my first games console in 2002 specifically for Gran Turismo 3. However, when innovative games come along that break the mold, I am drawn in. The best example would be ICO on PS2. The fact that it had no HUD at all really drew me into the world, as I wasn't being constantly reminded that I was playing a video game. I got lost in that experience. I'm really looking forward to The Last Guardian, as they're trying to "make an entertainment product" & not a video game, the same as they did with ICO.

Other games I've found to be interesting in this regard are LIMBO, Journey, & Flower, but there really aren't that many about.

18. Getting stuck in game's textures- One of the most annoying and rage inducing thing can possibly happen when you're in an intense fight. Like just happened before I typed this...
18. Getting stuck in game's textures- One of the most annoying and rage inducing thing can possibly happen when you're in an intense fight. Like just happened before I typed this...

Had that happen yesterday. Was doing a mission with some randoms when one of them got stuck and when I was trying to revive them, I got stuck. Just annoying considering I've been to that map multiple times and it hadn't happened prior.

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