Test Drive 5.
This game is one of the oldest, most prominent examples of this I can think of. It’s one of those games where no matter what car you choose, the AI always feels like it’s faster than you. Even if your car has far better performance than theirs, they will still keep up with you and even outrun you as if they have 250 more hp than you do. But of course, if you try to drive what they’re driving, you won’t get the same advantage at all.
Not only that but if they rear-end you, you’re likely to spin out. However, if you try that with them, it’s like hitting a bus. You won’t have much luck doing it to them, if anything, you’ll probably be the one that gets wrecked instead.
I love this game, it’s a childhood favorite of mine, but the AI is so frustrating and unfair, it’s always put me off from wanting to play it more often and the game would so much better if the AI wasn’t so insanely fast. I don’t think it’s limited to Test Drive 5 either, I have heard Pitbull is notorious for this sort of thing. I think Test Drive 4, 6, and Offroad 1 and 2 are like this as well, but I haven’t played any of them in a while.
The Need for Speed.
Arguably even worse than Test Drive 5 is the very first Need for Speed title on the PS1. This one also has AI that feels way faster than you when it really shouldn’t be, to an
even worse degree than that of Test Drive 5. When you start the race, you can climb up to 4th place pretty easily, but once you do, the others in front will go very far ahead of you and you have to spend nearly the entire race catching up to them. You can have a faster car than theirs and it will happen every single time. Not only that, but you could be driving the same exact car as theirs and it will
still happen despite this! What’s worse about is, unlike Test Drive 5, the AI makes no mistakes in this game. You pretty much have to be on your toes the whole time, driving as fast as possible to catch up to them while leaving little room for error. It kind of lives up to its name “Need for Speed”, albeit a bit too much.
And I hate to say that about this game because I really do think the first Need for Speed is a solid game and had it not had such overpowered AI, the whole game would have been so much better.
Gran Turismo 5. Theirs probably a lot that could be said about this game, but I can remember the expert seasonal events were some of the worst I can recall for this game. One of them being a B spec race at Sarthe where I was driving an Audi R10 Race Car and there was another just like mine in there. If I remember correctly, despite having a turbo that gave me an extra 200+ hp, I could not seem to gain any ground on the other car, if anything I think I was losing ground instead. This doesn’t make sense considering his car was the same as mine, but with no turbo installed. Yet he was still outperforming me even on the straightaways when he really shouldn’t have been. I get it’s an expert race that is supposed to be challenging, but that doesn’t mean it has to be obscenely unfair.
Twisted Metal Head On.
This game isn’t bad in this regard I don’t think, but it has one small thing that bothers me a little more than it should.
Although I posted about it earlier, one example I can name about this game is when you fight Tower Tooth, you cannot freeze him, and attempting to do so yields nothing. Yet, when you play as Tower Tooth, they can freeze you. Not a huge deal, but I’d be happier if it wasn’t like this.
Gran Turismo 4. I am sure they're a lot to be said here, but it’s been a long time since I have played this again, so I don’t remember much. I do remember however in the supercar event, it only allowed for production cars, yet a Volkswagen Nardo Concept would spawn in the race when it shouldn’t even be in there since it’s a concept car. I can’t remember if it was exceptionally fast or not, but it’s still pretty unfair a car not within the regulations can make it in there.
Gran Turismo 2. Oh man, I think keen players already know where this is going.

In the historical car cup, the race at Rome has a hp limit of 295 hp, however, despite this, a Ford GT40, a car with 305 hp, will sometimes show up when it really shouldn’t. I have no recollection of ever facing off with this car here, but I have heard quite a few things about it and I have no doubt it’s difficult.
Of course, it doesn’t stop there, there is a lot more in this game that MattJ155 talks about, which can be seen in
this video, but that’s all I care to talk about here.
Twisted Metal 2. Easily the most notorious game for cheating AI that I have ever played. And it gets this title because the AI in this game will spam their special weapons and freeze missiles in an extremely fast manner you could never hope to achieve without cheats. It’s most noticeable in New York for some reason. While the game is not impossible, it is obscenely difficult and very very unfair because of this. As a Twisted Metal fan, I want to like the game a lot more, but the cheating AI just ruins what is otherwise a great game and it is the biggest offender I know for this.