Vintage Showdown *VCRC* Round #1- Merc '54 & Subaru '58 - All Welcome!

The Round #2 tracks are shared... on my acct & VCRC
psn: wat3rm370n
psn: VCRC
I'll be putting the 1 that's on my acct, shared on the redshifting acct this weekend. 👍
Not much happening here.. I have time to do my races any time during the weekend.. my girlfriend is away until sunday evening. ^^
I have some other races to do on GT, so will be busy most nights over weekend:guilty:

Will be free next week to race:tup:
I haven't practised at all this time so if anyone wants to pick up some easy points i'm free all weekend. just pm, or write here or on psn and i'll come!
Yes, if you don't race with someone who have them you will have to. I've got them. Watermelon have one shared and vcrc one i think.
Are you better now? this thing has kind of died since you got sick a couple of weeks ago :rolleyes:
I'm kinda in the dark with this, do I wait till' redshifting or whoever to sign in then join his lounge and race? or do I download his shared tracks, get someones psn, & race him?
You make your plans with someone and go to the vcrc lounge or the redshifting lounge and race, no one else have to be there. Oh yeah you'll have to download the tracks first to do it.
Oh, I get it. Thanks for clearing that up mate. I just join a lounge. They dont have to be online, duh :face palm:.