W.VA. teen arrested after "almost inciting riot"

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I see my posts will just get twisted to whatever you guys want them to say.

I've already said in previous posts to arrest him was grossly wrong.

Unfortunately, you see your constitution like the bible, utterly inflexible, and always right in any circumstance without debate or common sense even though its hundreds of years old. 👍

/Done with thread

Sounds like you still hold a grudge hundreds of years old. Why are you complaining about our laws if you don't even live here? There's several things I'd like to say of your laws but I don't think they're appropriate here.

For the record, no one said our constitution is inflexible. That is why they created the amendment process. We also hold debate - it's called voting and Congress, and it doesn't usually involve common sense anymore. We just don't want to see the founding ideals of our country destroyed so that a few people are happy.

You guys probably consider Ben Franklin a traitor across the river, but didn't he say something like that if you give up your rights for a little temporary safety, you will get neither? Hasn't history basically proven that true also? Look at what has happened in areas of our country where gun control is high, like New York, Chicago, California... High crime rates. Now look at anywhere else in the country that doesn't have gun control really at all, like here in Wisconsin for example. We don't have out of control crime rates. A lot of our crime is from criminals from Chicago who come here to lie low.

Even your country, as well as Australia, had large increases in violent crime after you guys outlawed most firearms in 1996. Source.

Honestly, I think gun owners have already compromised plenty. It's time for the control freaks to compromise.

As your Captain, I suggest you read the thread from start to finish to get up to speed on the various issues but as a general rule of thumb, any time one appears to casually dismiss constitutional rights in favour of just getting along , you're going to get a lot of kickback. You may get painted as a "socialist" because that's the typical attitude of socialists, sort of, "All the stuff you believe in you should relax about and change the way you do things so we can all get along, and all the stuff we believe in you should accept because we've already defined the issues so we can all get along, even if the Constitution says otherwise"

Carry on Mr. Sulu...

+ ∞

I completely agree with this statement, best description about these types I've read in a long time.
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Well if its your right, fine carry on, it's going to happen again, but it's your right to let that happen. Use the second amendment to justify pretty much anything, common sense be damned.

What is going to happen again? Someone who does not care what the law says will do something illegal? If so at least amendment 2 allows self defense.

Who said they are idiots? that's a severe twisting of words.
Then ignore that wording. But that is basically what you said. A 14 year is completely incapable of understanding what he/she is doing and should never try anything like this.

Why can't a teen make a statement, and why can't they understand what they're doing? If they don't why keep them from learning?

It's quite a bold statement, there's a time and a place for everything.
What's bold? Again if this was amendment I, no one would care, yet it would be exactly the same. The shirt stood up for the right to own guns, often used for self defense or sport. People act like the shirt advocates killing students. Odd thing for a student to wear.

For the same reason a fourteen year old can't be an actual politician? I'd like to see you take them seriously, or even vote for him/her. You would dismiss them as a joke.

If they have good ideas, it is easy to take them seriously.
Quite an accusation. I shudder to think what he considers me at worst

At worst I think you are pretending ignorance in order to defend your stance. I've never known a socialist who was offended by that label and I know plenty of them irl.

Who would think it's ok to trash the 1st amendment in order to silence someone pointing out the 2nd, all the while pretending there is an 11th that says a teacher has the right to not be offended by a differing political view? The liberal crowd here in general is all for the 1st amendment as long as you happen to agree with them.

And Prisonermonkey still wonders why I claim that our public school system is all about indoctrination.


Gather around kiddies it's short story time lol. When my older child was in 2nd or 3rd grade I received a typical school supply list that consisted of the usual number 2 pencils, wide rule notebooks etc. At the bottom it said something to the effect of 'plain yellow and brown'. I ignored that part and bought the kid whatever colors where wanted but adhering to the number 2, wide rule etc. The kid came home pretty upset and said the supplies where not acceptable.

I quickly walked back to the school to inquire why and this is what I was told, "we put all the pencils and notebooks you buy in a basket on the middle of the table for all to share, we don't want any squabbles over different colored items".

Now, I don't know about you but I work hard for my money and believe my kid can have whatever colored number 2 pencil I agree to buy. The fact my hard earned dollars where simply given to another adult's child was just the icing on the cake :lol:
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I am very, very liberal, and don't at all agree with what was on this guy's shirt. However, it wasn't, as far as I know, against school rules, and isn't deeply offensive (to most of us), so it seems difficult to understand how a riot could have happened. He was exercizing his right to free speech, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I'm curious to know when "almost" doing something became a crime. I mean, attempting something, sure, but "almost" is very vague and doesn't really make sense in any legal context.