War Thunder (F2P Air/Ground combat MMO)

Yeah, early but a fun change of pace - took me a match to find my sea-legs though and found that square button will put you in aiming position looking over the gunwales for better aiming.
Well, I may have only played it once so far, but this April Fools event is rather fun all things considered. Yes, it's crude at best, and the boats are either sturdier than Chuck Norris or flimsier than a wooden barn, but it is fun when you engage in active combat. The extra pirate-esque songs and the sea monster (!? That is simply fantastic if it's indeed real) are nifty touches that I liked. In fact, I have to admit that I laughed out rather loudly when "Yo Ho And a Bottle of Rum" started playing out of nowhere...

And then I tried out two tank battles with British tanks and lost both due to having my crews knocked out... Well, I really need to drop these reserve tanks as quickly as possible and get some crew levels going.
@Swagger897 and I ended up in a pitch black night time match. I ended up taking a swim...


The night time matches before were things I hated. If they're even darker now, I'll just quit out of them immediately.
They are much darker. It was like pitch pitch black.
now now now... I've played on a few nights before and this was the first time without the moon... Yes, it was bad, no it wasn't unbearable... I got a kill and two crits so I managed to do well. Just watch your altitude..
now now now... I've played on a few nights before and this was the first time without the moon... Yes, it was bad, no it wasn't unbearable... I got a kill and two crits so I managed to do well. Just watch your altitude..

For sure, altitude is key.
I played a little bit with them yesterday and its kinda interesting. It's a bit tricky trying to hit the other ships but fun. Hopefully this is a little teaser taste for the naval part of Warthunder.
Myself, and it appears quite a few others feel that it is. Unlike the random soldiers in some of the maps, this is a lot more fleshed out. Hopefully this is just a few updates away from being patched in.WoWS needs a bit of competition I am thinking.
Update 1.04.2016 (
  • Google Cardboard Plastic support has been added. <-- :lol:
  • [Battle] mode has been added to the “Lost Shores” event.
  • Damage model for the “Golden Hind” has been improved. Cannon balls now apply the same damage to the sails independent of distance.
  • Fire rate of the “Golden Hind” cannons has been decreased by 25%, but at the same time the damage of each cannon ball has been increased by 25%.
  • Automatic replacement of damaged sails has been added.
  • Client stability has not been changed. Actually, we have improved it quite a lot!
Note: This update applies to PC/Linux/Mac users. If applicable, PS4 Users will receive the update as soon as possible.
I still think it's hilarious that they've stuck with radio messages in the 16thC.

I tried to flank them and got killed by a sea monster lol.
Very Kraken in style I thought. I gave it a go as my team was doing well and had only two ships to sink, so I went for the map edge...
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Managed to get some good sunset screen-shots from the naval encounter event. Am I missing something, or is there no PS4 replay save possibility other than the share function? I know that PC has this but I can find nothing about the PS4.
Managed to get some good sunset screen-shots from the naval encounter event. Am I missing something, or is there no PS4 replay save possibility other than the share function? I know that PC has this but I can find nothing about the PS4.
Just the share function. Gaijin could cut corners with replays because of that.

A good observer may notice the camouflaged panzer in this picture

  • A bug with flap position indication has been fixed.
  • Improved display of clouds from above or below.
  • “Thin clouds” weather option has been added.
  • Customisation Objects added for ground vehicles
  • "Mounted armour" modification added for following vehicles:
    • T-34 1941
    • Т-34 1942
    • Т-34-85 ZIS-S-53
    • Sherman Firefly VС
    • Churchill Мk.VII
    • М4А3Е8 76W
    • М4А1 76W
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. А
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. D
    • Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. G
    • Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
  • Churchill Mk.III - fixed (increased) maximum speed, max. speed is now 17 mph (27 km/h), according to: Tank Data. Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maryland. U.S. Army Ordnance School. July 1958.
  • Cruiser tank A13 (all modifications) - fixed (increased) maximum speed, max.speed is now 30 mph (48 km/h), according to: Tanks 1919-1939. The Inter War period. The Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum. Royal Armoured Corps centre Bovington, Dorset.
  • Bug fixed: modifications of M4A3E2 are now displayed by ‘heavy tank’ marker on minimap.

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