War Thunder (F2P Air/Ground combat MMO)

All of them. :odd: That and the Beaufort. I can't nose it down unless I'm going slow.

I think the Hurricane got broken in 1.55. Nosing down normally would cause some slight fuel starvation, but I've seen a lot of complaints that it just outright kills the engine now.
And the Spitfire. In RB when I nose it down the engine dies, and I have to immediately pullup or roll it to get the engine back on. Lost a couple dogfights with it. Albeit it's not as bad as the Hurricane...or similar.
The Beaufort? Really? It shouldn't be affected by that because it's a radial engine plane.
No in that case the plane refuses to nose down...like it starts to climb and I have to cut all power and throw out the flaps to get any small response.
Hurricanes in general are hopeless. They keep banking left to point that it's frustrating to fly, and they go to flat spin from slightest provocation or attempt to manouver. Not to mention that bloody Gladiators 4x.30cals wreck planes faster than Hurri's 8-12x.30cals. And XP-55's brokenness is not true. People just claim that because it's a low level plane that can throw nearly 4kg's worth of ammunition at you against the other Tier II Americans 3.5-3.8kg.
Hurricanes in general are hopeless. They keep banking left to point that it's frustrating to fly, and they go to flat spin from slightest provocation or attempt to manouver. Not to mention that bloody Gladiators 4x.30cals wreck planes faster than Hurri's 8-12x.30cals. And XP-55's brokenness is not true. People just claim that because it's a low level plane that can throw nearly 4kg's worth of ammunition at you against the other Tier II Americans 3.5-3.8kg.

Telling me that a XP-55 can out turn a Yak9M? Yeah... Should be bumped up slightly BR wise.
It's about as well armored and stable as a piece of wet toilet paper though isn't it? Not defending it, but the fact it's a pre-WWII experimental plane that had the record it did in test flights, it isn't exactly a good plane (or shouldn't be anyway). I haven't really flown it (test flight once when I was bored) so I'm just curious. Is it really that good? :odd:
XP-55 climbs well, accelerates well, can handle very steep dives well over the red line as long as you're careful, and while the .50cals set things on fire, the 20mm's just smash.. Can't really comment on handling as I haven't got a single crew that is fully trained.. But it's decent, it doesn't stall the wing and do a snap roll as a result like P=39 and P-40 are prone to doing..

Edit: and the WEP loves abuse, it doesn't really overheat unless you do steep climb at 120mph or such.
XP-55 climbs well, accelerates well, can handle very steep dives well over the red line as long as you're careful, and while the .50cals set things on fire, the 20mm's just smash.. Can't really comment on handling as I haven't got a single crew that is fully trained.. But it's decent, it doesn't stall the wing and do a snap roll as a result like P=39 and P-40 are prone to doing..

Edit: and the WEP loves abuse, it doesn't really overheat unless you do steep climb at 120mph or such.
...how is a plane lime that so low BR?! :scared: Holy cow I'm glad that thing's premium. :odd:
Think of it like this.... how long would it take you at 100% throttle to turn in one direction (left or right) in your car.

You're not rolling, you're yawing.

The XP-55 Ascender is unlike anything you will fly in the U.S. Tech Tree. Flying this aircraft effectively requires a dedication to Energy Fighting. The XP-55 excels greatly in the ability to climb and dive and this is your greatest advantage. The Ascender has poor maneuverability and is incapable of performing a majority of the tactics used when flying a conventional single engine fighter. All four of this aircraft's armament are packed tightly in the nose for devastating results.


The normal hangar has returned. No more awful shaded winter scene.

And apparently, when you fail to get the first hero reward, you lose the ability to get any at all. Oh well... Unless they goofed and removed the achievement tracker from the game.

Edit: Nevermind, I remember it being grouped with the XMas tasks, so it must have been a mistake.
And apparently, when you fail to get the first hero reward, you lose the ability to get any at all. Oh well... Unless they goofed and removed the achievement tracker from the game.

Edit: Nevermind, I remember it being grouped with the XMas tasks, so it must have been a mistake.

I know last night when I checked the hero award I did not see it under Xmas task and couldn't find it anywhere. Hopefully its back today and working and Gaijin didn't abandon it.
PS4 is still downloading War Thunder 3.843GB/12.309 (22 Hours left) I have had it on since last night and have to go out today will it be good left on this long ?
I know last night when I checked the hero award I did not see it under Xmas task and couldn't find it anywhere. Hopefully its back today and working and Gaijin didn't abandon it.
Right after I made that post, I got top on the team and over 600 points in RB and got the reward, so it's definitely still there. It popped back up in the achievement list under X-Mas as well.