Was GT5 Delayed because of Gamescom damage footage?

I remember that image, 2008 :lol: wishful thinking by PD there! But that still wasnt in any way a release date, people know to add like 3 years on to anything PD say!

they need to change their name to Blizzophony digital :D
I actually wasn't going to join into the discussion about release dates and the continuing delays over the years, but the March 2010 release is, quite simply put, a joke. Remember, this is after Yamauchi himself said things like 'GT5 will be released very soon after GTMobile', and 'it's bascially finished - we can release any time we want to', flyers have been printed, comments have been dropped by high Sony representatives, both indicating a 2009 release.

My friends, 'soon' is not 6 months later by any standards. 9 months after comments that they can release any time, is basically just making fans of the game angry and driving them away unnecessarily. I never thought I'd say this, but, if I didn't already own a PS3, I would probably think about getting an XBox and Forza.

It might not be PD's fault - it actually seems like some idiot (pardon my French) at Sony feels they need to push it further and further back. This guy should have to give his degree back (assuming he has one), because he fails on so many levels, it's not funny. GT5 will sell anyway, no doubt about it, but if you were hoping to convince people to buy a PS3, rather than an XBox, for any racing-game fan, you've just given them THE reason not to buy a PS3.

It's really maddening, but the guys at Turn 10 probably can't believe their luck right now.
I bought an XBox Elite today and am downloading the Forza 3 demo as I type, 1.25gb.

Gives me more time to enjoy Forza 3 and GT PSP. Should have about 600 cars to import to GT5 by the time it releases lol.
Yes, your're right. GT 5 hasn't been delayed at all


We were all completely expecting a 2010 release date weren't we guys 👎

HAHA, man it's so sad, another 6 months wait, even longer for the U.S. version. Well good thing I have my first child coming next month so he will keep me busy until GT5 comes out, whenever.
I guess a little bit of that could be from the PSP development time they had to do for Sony and some of the progress was slowed down but there is no point going all aggressive and upset over it. We still have Tokyo Motor Show as the last rampart to get some news about the game :)
Polyphony never announced any official date, therefore the game was never "delayed". Its release date may be way beyond our expectations, and that's fair to say, but technically speaking it was never delayed.

People also take Kaz too literally when he said the game could be released any day. I remember a few years ago when asked about damage he said that the priority was getting the engine done, and damage was low in their priority list. So when he said the game could be released, he means that the main thing was done, but they're still working on things that are not priorities (like damage) that would enhance the experience.

And all those indications about a 2009 release mentioned, like the brochure, didn't come from PD. It's unfair now to blame PD for the hype created by others. The only time I remember Kaz mentioned about release date was last year when he said the game could be released in 2010.
It was never delayed...

Now we have a confirmed launch window of March 2010, we can all start moaning if it doesn't hit said date. Still, this is for Japan only, so I'm not expecting this until second half of 2010.

For Japan. We are still waiting for a U.S. and European release date, which follows after Japan usually.
It's really maddening, but the guys at Turn 10 probably can't believe their luck right now.

I believe this turn of events might indeed help sales on Forza or the 360 for those who can't really wait for a really good console sim. FM3 might be on another system, but for about 5-6 months, it and the 360 has no competition.
Yes, your're right. GT 5 hasn't been delayed at all


We were all completely expecting a 2010 release date weren't we guys 👎

:dunce: haven´t seen that... Wow didn´t kaz say a year ago that they are still working on prologue and hadn´t started working on GT5?

And now that pic :scared:
I believe this turn of events might indeed help sales on Forza or the 360 for those who can't really wait for a really good console sim. FM3 might be on another system, but for about 5-6 months, it and the 360 has no competition.

Did for me. I'll wait for GT5, but I'll have to play Forza in the meantime. I wasnt planing on buying it, but now I will.
Look at it this way; Forza 3 is out in October, and judging by the demo it is massively improved. Even the online has got better with the new storefronts system. Gamers can be playing that in October 2009, a full 5 months before even the Japanese release of GT5.

By then, GT5 will just be another simulator. Unless they're adding some amazing features like new weather, full damage on all cars or night cycles I can't see it being as successful as they'd like. Especially since even the hardcore GT fans on this site are switching to Forza.

It's too little too late IMO.
Look at it this way; Forza 3 is out in October, and judging by the demo it is massively improved. Even the online has got better with the new storefronts system. Gamers can be playing that in October 2009, a full 5 months before even the Japanese release of GT5.

By then, GT5 will just be another simulator. Unless they're adding some amazing features like new weather, full damage on all cars or night cycles I can't see it being as successful as they'd like. Especially since even the hardcore GT fans on this site are switching to Forza.

It's too little too late IMO.

Yea, I get what you're saying. If PD does want to set the standard, they got to do it in a time where it relates to its competition. Other than that, PD has like 5 extra months or so to work on it more than FM3, which doesn't sound as impressive as it should've been. Real comparisons can only be compared if they're released around the same time.

With that said, GT5 will probably be the better game, possibly by miles, but they did have extented times compared to FM3, so in the end it's not as impressive. I was hoping FM3 and GT5 would release close so all this ridiculous fanboy wars would stop and come to a conclusion. Now FM3 boys has something to back them up: Nearly half a years time more for GT5!

Nooooo. I tell you. Noooo!
I don't think GT5 was really that far along to begin with. I mean, we could say the game was delayed IF they had shown something substantial @ GCom. They did not; the only thing they debuted was damage, and even then it was only on ONE car.

Personally, I think PD just bit off more than what they could chew, especially with regards to modeling close to 1000 hyper detailed cars, and they probably got to work on the damage modeling just a few months back.
First of all, I do believe that PD intended to have a GT5 release this year. There have been enough indications (posted in various places, e.g. in the News section by Jordan) to support that thought. So the March 2010 release to me is a change of plan. All the negative feedback on damage as was shown in Cologne may have been one reason to delay GT5, but certainly not the only one. That would be silly. There must be other reasons, reasons we probably will never learn. But I have a few idea's in this area:

Besides the persieved disappointing damage by many, another one might be all the negative reviews regarding the PSP version. Even the one with the best score was full of negatives throughout the review. PD might want things to settle down here and not have those negative impressions transfer to GT5.

Next there is this issue with the feature list that was shown shortly on the official japanese GT site. The one with 20+ tracks etc. Not to mention that only a limited number of cars would have damage and/or cockpit view. Those alone would lead to much lower review ratings, regardless how good everything else is.

And finally the image tearing that is still clearly present in the TGS demo version. Also a reason for lower review ratings.

These things, and probably others, can be enough reasons to have PD sent their developers back to their work stations and fix/expand things.
Look at it this way; Forza 3 is out in October, and judging by the demo it is massively improved. Even the online has got better with the new storefronts system. Gamers can be playing that in October 2009, a full 5 months before even the Japanese release of GT5.

By then, GT5 will just be another simulator. Unless they're adding some amazing features like new weather, full damage on all cars or night cycles I can't see it being as successful as they'd like. Especially since even the hardcore GT fans on this site are switching to Forza.

It's too little too late IMO.

I really agree with you. I myself am just going to get Dirt 2/ NFS Shift/ SCC and just let GT go. Too long to come up with what in the long run will be GT4 with added features,and a few new cars.
What's hard to believe now is that they are only 65% complete!! How is that possible over 5 years of work? And now they are gonna finish off the remaining 35% in 6 months!?
First of all, I do believe that PD intended to have a GT5 release this year. There have been enough indications (posted in various places, e.g. in the News section by Jordan) to support that thought. So the March 2010 release to me is a change of plan. All the negative feedback on damage as was shown in Cologne may have been one reason to delay GT5, but certainly not the only one. That would be silly. There must be other reasons, reasons we probably will never learn. But I have a few idea's in this area:

Besides the persieved disappointing damage by many, another one might be all the negative reviews regarding the PSP version. Even the one with the best score was full of negatives throughout the review. PD might want things to settle down here and not have those negative impressions transfer to GT5.

Next there is this issue with the feature list that was shown shortly on the official japanese GT site. The one with 20+ tracks etc. Not to mention that only a limited number of cars would have damage and/or cockpit view. Those alone would lead to much lower review ratings, regardless how good everything else is.

And finally the image tearing that is still clearly present in the TGS demo version. Also a reason for lower review ratings.

These things, and probably others, can be enough reasons to have PD sent their developers back to their work stations and fix/expand things.

You may be onto something.

Maybe the list they posted/removed from their site was just a probe of how much GT fans would accept as incomplete?
i think Kaz was telling the truth when he said it was pretty much done, and would be out sooner than you think. But Sony stuck their nose in there to get GTPSP out to sell PSPs. GTPSP is evil.< might just make that my new tag line.

Physics is just average
Wow, I don't agree with that at all. In fact, of all my console racers, Prologue actually feels like a PC sim. To an extent, so does Ferrari Challenge, but the Forza physics hurts it a bit, especially in the rain.

I posted something like this in another thread, but I'll repeat the essence of it here. I see several reasons why GT5 is delayed till 2010.
  • GTPSP was a huge development hit to GT5 work, and the game received a surprising amount of criticism. Many even resent that it came first, like me, but that was a SONY decision.
  • Many found GamesCom damage to be unsatisfactory, or even unacceptable, especially only on "premium" cars, probably race cars. Kazunori decided to spend the extra time to improve it, and include some form of damage on all cars.
  • Weather, possibly dynamic, and real time day-night transition.
  • Race Mod and a Livery Editor.
  • Extra work to build a robust, comprehensive online component, featuring many modes including Online Shop, Season Mode Online, Race Even builder and Team/League tools. Along with that, the establishment of an online infrastructure, possibly with dedicated servers, to insure that as many cars can race stably as possible.
  • Extra work on the game engine to permit weather races with the most cars possible, and possible increase of tarmac racing beyond 16 cars offline.
  • Extra time to secure licenses on additional tracks and modeling them.
  • Additional polish, and other goodies like Movie Mode.
This is why I think it was pushed into next year.

I think if we got GT5 looking like the GamesCom demo, most gamers would have been ecstatic. But if most or all of my above list was included, I'd be totally happy with the wait. I don't think most of those elements could be patched in.

Now, if Kazunori-dono would work on a nice Spec IV update, I'd be really happy... ;)
I am glad for it, because I said it honestly. Kazunori's megalomania for car count and detailed car models just killed GT in this gen of console. They should have worked on GT from ground, because sounds, AI, game system, lack of realistic details on cars and tracks that are ommited only by PD (yes, skidmarks and reverse lights), that's two generation old already now. Physics is just average, three guys in LFS team did much more than PD did. Never mind, we will have many small Suzukis, Kias and 1886 Benz, that's enough for us. Make your encyclopedia, Kaz, we don't need a game...

Well, I 100% agree with RedBaron on this one. I've been saying this all along: why spend time modelling hundreds of cars that most people will never drive? In the meantime, the core "racing" elements of the game are under-developed. I was shouted down by the PD fanboys.

I don't mind waiting a bit longer for GT5, because Shift has turned out to be a decent game (& I will probably pick up SCC). But the impression is being created that PD has lost its leadership position, & if GT5, when it finally comes out, isn't absolutely first rate, that impression will be confirmed.
Well, I 100% agree with RedBaron on this one. I've been saying this all along: why spend time modelling hundreds of cars that most people will never drive? In the meantime, the core "racing" elements of the game are under-developed. I was shouted down by the PD fanboys.

I don't mind waiting a bit longer for GT5, because Shift has turned out to be a decent game (& I will probably pick up SCC). But the impression is being created that PD has lost its leadership position, & if GT5, when it finally comes out, isn't absolutely first rate, that impression will be confirmed.

Word 👍

Actually, you bring up a good point Biggles. For the first time today, I am truly beginning to wonder if Kaz and PD are a bit overwhelmed by the whole GT5 project. It kind of makes me start to wonder if I should be upset with the delays or feel sorry for them :( Kind of like an elderly person who is lost, or struggling to open up a pickle jar. I kind of want to reach out to them and ask if there is any way I can help:

Are you okay Kaz? Can we help you? It's okay to ask for help buddy.
We all need a little help sometimes.

I am dissapointed that I have to wait a minimum of 6 months to get my hands on GT5 but if in the end We have a polished game that picks up on the inadeqausies of the the previous instalments then I will be happy.

In the meantime I will buy a 360 and Forza 3, as well as NFS shift for the PS3. I am sure that they will keep me occupied until the BIG DAY.

I am interested to see how PD is run from a business point of view as well as a creative one becuase I find PD as a whole very bizzare to say the least. KY kind of reminds me of a mad scientist that lives in his basement locked away from the rest of the world.

Maybe I am wrong but I think PD need input from outsiders, or even have a group of GT players to have a say in the game development. I think that kind of input would be priceless.
Maybe the damage response was pretty huge if that was the delay.

Anyway I'm just gonna get Modern Warfare 2 to hold me over.