Was GT5 Delayed because of Gamescom damage footage?


I love that word! ;)

I am interested to see how PD is run from a business point of view as well as a creative one becuase I find PD as a whole very bizzare to say the least. KY kind of reminds me of a mad scientist that lives in his basement locked away from the rest of the world.

Maybe I am wrong but I think PD need input from outsiders, or even have a group of GT players to have a say in the game development. I think that kind of input would be priceless.

I'll say it again: why don't PD put out a smaller, "Shift-sized" game sooner & then add DLC over time? It seems to make sense from both a business & a creative point of view. I would happily have forked over $60 for that a year ago, & another $30 for the updated DLC this summer, another $30 for the update in spring 2010 etc. etc. Instead of that, I've spent the same amount for FC & Shift, & will probably spend another $60 for SCC long before GT5 appears.
because thats what he wanted to do. Sony had other ideas


Hmmm, how exactly do you substantiate that claim?

Oh yeah, you can't. No doubt though you won't be getting a ticking off for stating something as fact, presumably because your comment is pro KY/GT5.
Hmmm, how exactly do you substantiate that claim?

Oh yeah, you can't. No doubt though you won't be getting a ticking off for stating something as fact, presumably because your comment is pro KY/GT5.

so then you have inside info that he was lying? please share with us.

I'll say it again: why don't PD put out a smaller, "Shift-sized" game sooner & then add DLC over time? It seems to make sense from both a business & a creative point of view. I would happily have forked over $60 for that a year ago, & another $30 for the updated DLC this summer, another $30 for the update in spring 2010 etc. etc. Instead of that, I've spent the same amount for FC & Shift, & will probably spend another $60 for SCC long before GT5 appears.

Very true. This is where PD just has poor PM skills. It hurts their fans and their revenue. Reduce the content and release something, then build on that and release some more. I think they feel that even on new hardware they need to top the content of the previous full release. That would be fine if they could contain the effort but they obviously can't. The worst part is no one is asking for 950 cars, we'd just like to have a GT game to play. Give us half the cars, give Nascar the boot, include weather and exclude damage or vice versa and get all those missed things into GT6. Sell two games, make twice as much money and not completely piss off your entire fan base.
so then you have inside info that he was lying? please share with us.


I didn't claim to :confused:

I'm just amazed that people make statements like you did with such conviction and don't even blink. It's like you see a negative comment about KY and by default, automatically defend him, with any excuse which exempts him from any blame.

I don't know what the delay is for, and i'm not hugely bothered either as I'm not as diehard about GT as most people here, but I would like to play it sooner rather than later :)
I just want GT5 to come out sooner than later. DAMN it. I bet Forza 4 is already in development now that FM3 is gold. :(

id rather wait, then play unfinished game like forza 3,

I'll say it again: why don't PD put out a smaller, "Shift-sized" game sooner & then add DLC over time?
Once again...
  • Too late, way, way, WAY too late.
  • Just what are you going to price several hundred DLC cars at that would be remotely profitable for PD while not killing our wallets?? :P
I didn't claim to :confused:

I'm just amazed that people make statements like you did with such conviction and don't even blink. It's like you see a negative comment about KY and by default, automatically defend him, with any excuse which exempts him from any blame.

I don't know what the delay is for, and i'm not hugely bothered either as I'm not as diehard about GT as most people here, but I would like to play it sooner rather than later :)

maybe you should look at more than 1 of my posts before you pigeonhole me. i've complained more about the koolaid drinkers than the complainers. and untill i see evidence to the contrary, i'm gonna believe that a man isnt going to lie to me.


ps the games delayed to sell pspgo with that fake gt4 they put on it
I love that word! ;)

I'll say it again: why don't PD put out a smaller, "Shift-sized" game sooner & then add DLC over time? It seems to make sense from both a business & a creative point of view. I would happily have forked over $60 for that a year ago, & another $30 for the updated DLC this summer, another $30 for the update in spring 2010 etc. etc. Instead of that, I've spent the same amount for FC & Shift, & will probably spend another $60 for SCC long before GT5 appears.

Because unlike american developers, japanese developers have other goals than ripping you off all your money.
I think it was delayed because of the competition.

Being a GT player\driver surely you know that you have to be in the same Class to compete.:lol:

Because unlike american developers, japanese developers have other goals than ripping you off all your money.

Indeed, word on the street is EA is in for a takeover by MS after Shift failed, that's what they get for pumping out pup after pup from the same bitch, she gets worn out.(to the mods: ive used the term bitch in its appropriate sense)
Indeed, word on the street is EA is in for a takeover by MS after Shift failed, that's what they get for pumping out pup after pup from the same bitch, she gets worn out.(to the mods: ive used the term bitch in its appropriate sense)

Dangerous ground your treading on there considering we are at GT5 here ;)
I would like to think that its been set out to March because of the competition. Not just with Forza 3 but other games that while not as sim like still provide better racing experiences. As much as I love the series there has been little advancement since GT1 and mostly just refinement to the core game. While in the past this wasnt a big issue today its really making the series as a whole feel dated.
Once again...
Too late, way, way, WAY too late.
Just what are you going to price several hundred DLC cars at that would be remotely profitable for PD while not killing our wallets??

Well, yes, NOW it is way, way, WAY too late.

I don't understand your argument. Surely any amount of money for DLC would be more profitable than just giving it all away within the original release disc?

Because unlike american developers, japanese developers have other goals than ripping you off all your money.

This may be true. However, I don't begrudge developers their profit when they put out a good product that offers fair value for money. The problem with PD (& I admit it's only a perception - I can't know if it's actually true), is by attempting to produce a mega-game with massive content, they seem to be delaying release to the point where it starts to undermine their fan-base & gives their rivals a serious advantage in the marketplace.

If at the end of it all PD releases a game that is not only huge in content, but rich in features that up to now have been missing from the GT series, then the wait may not turn out to be that damaging (although it still may make little sense from a profitability point of view), but if, when GT5 is finally released it is still seen as lacking in some areas, I think PD's pre-eminence in the console racing-sim genre will definitely be diminished.
This may be true. However, I don't begrudge developers their profit when they put out a good product that offers fair value for money. The problem with PD (& I admit it's only a perception - I can't know if it's actually true), is by attempting to produce a mega-game with massive content, they seem to be delaying release to the point where it starts to undermine their fan-base & gives their rivals a serious advantage in the marketplace.

If at the end of it all PD releases a game that is not only huge in content, but rich in features that up to now have been missing from the GT series, then the wait may not turn out to be that damaging (although it still may make little sense from a profitability point of view), but if, when GT5 is finally released it is still seen as lacking in some areas, I think PD's pre-eminence in the console racing-sim genre will definitely be diminished.

Yes, I would say that by doing the right thing they are putting themselves in a tight spot. Hell I even considered buying Forza myself because 6 months is way too much time to wait.

Still, I really don't think PD is worried about the competition. It's not like GT fans are giving up on GT and are only gonna buy Forza. I'm buying GT5. It doesn't matter if it's out tomorrow or next year, and I think all of us feel the same way. They are giving Turn 10 a few months to shine? Sure, but it doesn't hurt GT in any way.

You bring a good point when it comes to the buyers expectations on the game. The longer they make us wait, the better it should be to justify the wait. Still, even if we hardcore fans feel the game is lacking for a game that was in development for 5 years, most of the people will just see it on the shelf, buy it and have fun. They won't even know it took that long to get done.

Bottom line, from a profit standpoint, PD won't be hurt in any way other than delaying the winnings a little bit. From a hardcore fan standpoint, we're waiting for an epic game. From a casual gamer standpoint, it doesn't matter lol.
I'll say it again: why don't PD put out a smaller, "Shift-sized" game sooner & then add DLC over time? It seems to make sense from both a business & a creative point of view. I would happily have forked over $60 for that a year ago, & another $30 for the updated DLC this summer, another $30 for the update in spring 2010 etc. etc. Instead of that, I've spent the same amount for FC & Shift, & will probably spend another $60 for SCC long before GT5 appears.

You speak wisdom, my friend. We may end up spending more or less the same buying a "holdover" game than if PD had released the game and added DLC later.

I would like to think that its been set out to March because of the competition. Not just with Forza 3 but other games that while not as sim like still provide better racing experiences. As much as I love the series there has been little advancement since GT1 and mostly just refinement to the core game. While in the past this wasnt a big issue today its really making the series as a whole feel dated.

The competition's good alright, but you're giving it too much credit for the delay. I mean, none of the other racers have added anything new that hasn't been made up within the last 5 years, so I don't think you can pinpoint to any new feature in the competition that would MAKE PD go back to the drawing board as you claim.

In other words, the features PD is working on right now weren't conceived as a result from anything we've seen in Shift or Forza 3.
Indeed, word on the street is EA is in for a takeover by MS after Shift failed, that's what they get for pumping out (game after game), she gets worn out.
Dangerous ground your treading on there considering we are at GT5 here ;)
So do you think this should be the last Forza? ;)

To segue into SUPER N's post, as other have remarked, I think Kaz is under pressure from SONY to let GTPSP shine for a few months. Because of criticism from many sides of the GamesCom damage build, I believe he decided to keep working on GT5 to add in the features and damage build he really wanted all along. And I think he resented SONY forcing him to release GTPSP first, which caused a huge crater in his work on GT5 this year.

There are two game designers I'm aware of who seem to really care for their games, as if they were sons or daughters, and they are Hideo Kojima-dono of Metal Gear Solid fame, and Kazunori Yamauchi-dono. While Dan Greenawalt and his Turn 10 team seem to want to make a cool kick-you-in-the-butt racing game with Forza, it has always seemed that Gran Turismo was so much more. It was almost like a romance with cars, and when I read interviews with the man, I began to see that this was so. This is a guy who loves cars and motorsports, and wants to create an arena where you experience this same thrill and love that he does. Meanwhile, I get the sense that Dan G just wants to roll around in a pile of money, and if Forza gets him there, awesome.

This is what sets games like Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo apart from a pack of just video games. When I sit down and open up GT5, I have no doubt that I'll be glad I waited.
I think GT and Forza are made by 2 different types of car enthusiasts. You know, you have the guy who's into automotive history and considers them works of art, Car and Driver type of guy; that's GT right there.

Then there's the car enthusiast who has a utilitarian view of cars: A to B as fast as possible, a tuner for the thrills; that's Forza.

They both care about cars, but the first is more, shall I say, refined.
I need to quit news hunting and board browsing and go to bed. I make everyone at Turn 10 sound like a crack head, and like I want to sleep with Kaz. :lol: You have it about right, SN.
i think it has something to do with it, because in his interview he is so confident that he can launch the game anytime, but after showing the game in Germany and massive criticism about the damage feaured they showed I think they went back to the drawing board and also seeing how great the damage feature of all the cars in Forza.

competition and criticism always affects gaming development stage. i think this time they will consult FIA or national automotive safety inn USA to see what a real crash and damage looks like.
I think that they may have hit a performance wall and need to find a way to get around it. Look at the E3 video. The damage modeling for that was excellent. I believe it was probably in engine. There was only one car so there were a lot of extra resources available that wouldn't be there with 16 cars. Fast forward to the gamescon demo. Only 11 cars(?), only damage to one car, and that damage consisted of only loose parts and scratches no deformation. I think if the gamescon damage was well received we would have gotten a Dec release. It wasn't so they decided to delay the release. They need to find a way to get E3 trailer level damage into a 16 car grid. If they can't do it something will take a hit (number of cars, resolution, quality of lighting). It doesn't bode well for other features such as rain.
The gamescon trailer was not well receive so this is what we deserve a Fall Release 2010 for USA and Europe. Because we whine to much this is what we get

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