There's so much storyline in this trailer, it boarder's on, no longer needing to see the film
Yeah, it gives away a lot, including who the bad guy is. That or I can see it easily because I know the story.
Also the Squid has been cut from the film version
I also think we catch a glimpse of what is done instead. This bothers me though, because it eliminates any necessity for, thus any chances of likely seeing, The Black Freighter.
Also, the entire story begins with The Comedian dying for seeing and investigating Squid Island. So, that means that an entire plot point has to be rewritten without creating plot holes or continuity issues.
And, if it is what I have heard it is, it will require it to be a worldwide event for it to have the appropriate effect. As hard to believe as the Squid is, I think making that change leaves a lot of room for mistakes.
That is all just assumptions based on rumor, and not affecting my judgment. I will still see the movie.
Now, a few things we see in this new trailer that bothers me, but may just be on a fanboy scale.
Multiple times I hear them call themselves the Watchmen, in fact Rorschach even says, "The Watchmen, one of us died tonight." WHAT!? (The original quote is, "A Comedian died tonight") I get it, you give them an official group name to appeal to the masses. One problem: THEY WERE NEVER AN ORGANIZED GROUP!!!! The closest they came was when Captain Metropolis (whose under-the-radar importance better not be missed) attempted to create Crimebusters. And even then it was not The Watchmen. The term The Watchmen was created by rioters during the police strike riots. It was not a term given by an adoring public, but a term to cast them in a negative light, to accuse them of playing a bigger Big Brother role than the government itself was doing. No, Rorschach would not embrace the term as his own. The only time one of the characters used the term to refer to themselves was Ozymandias in the end, and there it was fitting.
And on a side note little annoyance: Really? That is Dr. Manhattan's voice? The voice of Jon Osterman? Yes. The voice of Dr. Manhattan? That's not at all how I imagined it in my mind. Or even how it comes across in the motion comics.
Yeah, I have been buying the motion comics off the PlayStation Store. And I will likely get them on Blu-Ray in a collected set when/if that comes out.