Watchmen - Who Watches the Watchmen?

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
I'm all for the three hour run time, but certainly, I can understand Warner's issue with showings that become too infrequent, or possibly, people who are turned away by the length. At least for me, on a personal level, I'm under the impression that The Watchmen will do well in the theater, but not anywhere close to TDK or Iron Man. If they keep it long and keep it true to the novel, I think they're going to see die-hard fans filling the seats, and they're going to have to count on word-of-mouth to get other people in.

I'm slightly disappointed that Tales of the Black Freighter will be a DVD extra, not a part of the movie. But I think Snyder has to draw a line at which there may be too much going on at once.
I'm slightly disappointed that Tales of the Black Freighter will be a DVD extra, not a part of the movie. But I think Snyder has to draw a line at which there may be too much going on at once.
Plus, it runs the risk of confusing people new to the story. That and the predicted added hour and a half.

But jumping between two stories, no matter the symbolic connection, risks a Muholland Drive affect, can be confusing. I know Muholland Drive took me a couple of watches and some online reading to figure out what the heck was going on. And I'm still not completely sure.

I just know that some people get thrown off by movies that are taken out of chronological order, like Pulp Fiction and Memento, and giving a straight forward story just appeals to a wider audience much better. Switching between stories would only make it worse. Even reading the book, The Black Freighter does not make sense until the end. But a theatrical presentation does no allow for flipping back to make connections the way a book does.
Does anybody know the artist and title of the music that's used in the trailer thanks

i know there's a music thread for this sort of thing, but i thought i give the movie buff's a try first:tup:
I thought The Comedian was Robert Downey Jr at first, I had to double check. I have no idea what this movie is really about. It'll probably be too osbcure for me to get the most of since I know next to nothing about the story and the trailer didn't really tell me much other than it probably told fans a lot.
I thought The Comedian was Robert Downey Jr at first, I had to double check. I have no idea what this movie is really about. It'll probably be too osbcure for me to get the most of since I know next to nothing about the story and the trailer didn't really tell me much other than it probably told fans a lot.
It is an alternate 1985. Cold War tensions are extremely high. Masked heroes were outlawed in the 70s. The only heroes allowed to work within the law are those contracted by the government. In the 50s and 60s masked heroes began to appear, but none of them actually had super powers. Eventually one true superhero emerges (the blue guy in the trailer) and changes the world forever. His abilities allow new technology and his efforts in Vietnam led America to win the war, and placed Nixon as an all-time favorite president, who in 1985 is still in office.

Then in 1985 a retired hero is killed. A vigilante hero, who is slightly psychotic, investigates and decides that someone is trying to kill off all the old masked heroes. Tensions build as Russia invades Afghanistan and the world is on the brink of nuclear war.

In a world where masked heroes are outlawed and nuclear war appears inevitable, who watches the Watchmen?

If you are looking for an action packed hero film this is not it. If you want a story driven social drama this is an epic tale.

If the movie is done properly I feel that anyone can enjoy it. Just go in accepting that you know nothing of the characters or world they live in and the story will give you everything you need.

And if it helps at all, the story was written by the same guy who wrote V for Vendetta. If you could get into the alternate reality and a hero driven simply by his ideals, with no super powers, just skills then you would like this.
Well I really enjoyed V For Vendetta, thanks for the insight it does sound interesting..
I thought The Comedian was Robert Downey Jr at first, I had to double check. I have no idea what this movie is really about. It'll probably be too osbcure for me to get the most of since I know next to nothing about the story and the trailer didn't really tell me much other than it probably told fans a lot.

Click on the link below it's a very good site containing loads of info both on the movie (cast and crew interviews) and the book.

If you've never read a graphic novel before this is definitely the one to start with, i bought my copy from waterstones for £16 so it's not expensive:tup:
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Kevin Smith has seen The Watchmen...

Kevin Smith
"I saw Watchmen. It's [effing] astounding. The Non-Disclosure Agreement I signed prevents me from saying much, but I can spout the following with complete joygasmic enthusiasm: Snyder and Co. have pulled it off. Remember that feeling of watching Sin City on the big screen and being blown away by what a faithful translation of the source material it was, in terms of both content and visuals? Triple that, and you'll come close to watching Watchmen. Even Alan Moore might be surprised at how close the movie is to the book. March can't come soon enough."

If Smith gives it the go-ahead, you know its going to be one helluva ride!
The films finished but we have to wait 7 months WTF.
You know when you get those special features and some of the bonus scenes have the numbers on the top and bottom, and it sometimes even cuts to crappy dailies or the screen test? That is likely what Kevin Smith saw at this point. It is still in post-production, which means editing and CGI, etc. Filming only ended a couple of months ago, so Kevin Smith could have seen the movie minus any effects. The studios have these things in these forms available for showing in case the guys with the money decided they want to see how it is coming along.

In all likelihood it will be completed around this fall or Christmas, but then WB also want sit to come out when it won't compete with more popular films, like Harry Potter.

Just be glad Warner moved Harry Potter back from Christmas to July instead of Watchmen.
Just be glad Warner moved Harry Potter back from Christmas to July instead of Watchmen.

Depends on how you look at it... I was without words for an entire afternoon with how upset I was over that. Then again, I don't know many people who are as hardcore of a fan as I am.

That also being said, I don't think The Watchmen will have to open up against any "huge" movies that are being anticipated for 2009, as I recall, most of them aren't around until 2010.
Hopefully they won't futz around too long with these extended cuts. I'd like to buy the film only once, and on Blu-ray.
After Lord of the Rings I have learned to wait about six months beyond the initial release for any movie that would be made better by an extended or special edition. By that point it will be out or announced.

Sounds like Snyder pulled it off for the most part... That certainly lets me sleep a little bit better.
Yeah, but the real test will be if Alan Moore is pleased. Remember, this is the guy who said he'd rather die than have the movie made.
Alan Moore cannot be pleased. It's pointless for them to even try.
Watchmen received the award for Most Anticipated Movie at Spike TV's Scream Awards last night.

Here is some of the cast with Zack Snyder accepting and then thanking the fans with some new footage.

Most of it is in the trailer, but we get to see Rorschach's jump, The Comedian's fall, and a giant Dr. Manhattan.

Me likey!
It looks great, and it sounds as though Kevin Smith has otherwise been correct on his assessment that it will live up to the GN. I've heard about the story changes, but they're otherwise minor overall. If Kevin wasn't disappointed, I doubt I will be either.
Spoilers if you haven't read the graphic novel be in this post.

Regarding the ending change: An artificially created fourth dimension monster was somewhat crazy for a comic and would be even more crazy on film. In fact, I could see your average filmgoer saying, "WHUT?"

Now, Zack Snyder has in the past said that there are multiple possible endings that they filmed. In response to the newest rumors he said that whatever they choose the end result of a morally ambiguous ending remains. As long as it is an event that brings all the nations of the world together then it will be fine.

I am not about to make a judgment on the film based on rumors. And from what this newest video shows I will be there opening weekend.
Watchmen received the award for Most Anticipated Movie at Spike TV's Scream Awards last night.

Here is some of the cast with Zack Snyder accepting and then thanking the fans with some new footage.

Most of it is in the trailer, but we get to see Rorschach's jump, The Comedian's fall, and a giant Dr. Manhattan.

Me likey!

20 bucks says that 90% of the audience doesn't even know what the Watchmen is.
20 bucks says that 90% of the audience doesn't even know what the Watchmen is.
Most likely, but that was an award decided by fan vote online, so the television audience had a large number of very happy people.

There's so much storyline in this trailer, it boarder's on, no longer needing to see the film
Yeah, it gives away a lot, including who the bad guy is. That or I can see it easily because I know the story.

Also the Squid has been cut from the film version
I also think we catch a glimpse of what is done instead. This bothers me though, because it eliminates any necessity for, thus any chances of likely seeing, The Black Freighter.

Also, the entire story begins with The Comedian dying for seeing and investigating Squid Island. So, that means that an entire plot point has to be rewritten without creating plot holes or continuity issues.

And, if it is what I have heard it is, it will require it to be a worldwide event for it to have the appropriate effect. As hard to believe as the Squid is, I think making that change leaves a lot of room for mistakes.

That is all just assumptions based on rumor, and not affecting my judgment. I will still see the movie.

Now, a few things we see in this new trailer that bothers me, but may just be on a fanboy scale.

Multiple times I hear them call themselves the Watchmen, in fact Rorschach even says, "The Watchmen, one of us died tonight." WHAT!? (The original quote is, "A Comedian died tonight") I get it, you give them an official group name to appeal to the masses. One problem: THEY WERE NEVER AN ORGANIZED GROUP!!!! The closest they came was when Captain Metropolis (whose under-the-radar importance better not be missed) attempted to create Crimebusters. And even then it was not The Watchmen. The term The Watchmen was created by rioters during the police strike riots. It was not a term given by an adoring public, but a term to cast them in a negative light, to accuse them of playing a bigger Big Brother role than the government itself was doing. No, Rorschach would not embrace the term as his own. The only time one of the characters used the term to refer to themselves was Ozymandias in the end, and there it was fitting.

And on a side note little annoyance: Really? That is Dr. Manhattan's voice? The voice of Jon Osterman? Yes. The voice of Dr. Manhattan? That's not at all how I imagined it in my mind. Or even how it comes across in the motion comics.

Yeah, I have been buying the motion comics off the PlayStation Store. And I will likely get them on Blu-Ray in a collected set when/if that comes out.

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