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jamaicanlook dude... if you think it's not cool then keep it to yourself, i have 3 furr coats in my closet now and my mom has 5.
naaah i'm just kidding, i'm with you all the way on this one. personally i hate people that wear furr coats, well not really... but i think it's the most cruel thing that they could do, because they're basically promoting the killing and skinning of the animals. have you seen the people that kill the baby seals up at the north pole or wherever? thats just evil. and it's not just seals, there are like 20 other different kinds of animals that are used for their furr. and thousands of animals die a year, just that you don't really see much of it on the media.
sometimes i wish someone could just put me up in the northpole with a sniper rifle so i can snipe out their a**es, i would have NO mercy. killing them wouldn't be a problem, i'd love to do it. and even the people that kill elephants for their tusks and the orange tiger with black stripes for it's furr, i wouldn't mind putting a couple rounds in them.
i hate to sound like a green peace/tree hugger kinda person, but humans are just messed up.
jamaicani wish someone could just put me up in the northpole with a sniper rifle so i can snipe out their a**es, i would have NO mercy. killing them wouldn't be a problem, i'd love to do it.
anthrofoxdujiThere. If you want more info please visit
FamineSeriously? ""? Like that comes as news?
Flame-returnsOh and I have a very comfortable Armani jacket with a real fur bit on the hood. The animal was killed for meat not fur...
I dont have a problem with that, do you?
Flame-returnsBut killing endangered species is illegal anyway, Armani do not make hoods out of tiger skin, no designer does that.
Flame-returnsSo why has somone registerd on GTP to tell us news thats 20 years old?
FamineWhy can't I use animals for my own needs?
Flame-returnsSo why is leather any different from say rabbit fur. Both are by-products of the food industry.
Flame-returnsWhy not have a coat made out of squirril fur? They are vermin which anyone, anywhere can kill.