Wearing fur is not cool.

You already lost five million karma points!? Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. :D
look dude... if you think it's not cool then keep it to yourself, i have 3 furr coats in my closet now and my mom has 5.

naaah i'm just kidding, i'm with you all the way on this one. personally i hate people that wear furr coats, well not really... but i think it's the most cruel thing that they could do, because they're basically promoting the killing and skinning of the animals. have you seen the people that kill the baby seals up at the north pole or wherever? thats just evil. and it's not just seals, there are like 20 other different kinds of animals that are used for their furr. and thousands of animals die a year, just that you don't really see much of it on the media.

sometimes i wish someone could just put me up in the northpole with a sniper rifle so i can snipe out their a**es, i would have NO mercy. killing them wouldn't be a problem, i'd love to do it. and even the people that kill elephants for their tusks and the orange tiger with black stripes for it's furr, i wouldn't mind putting a couple rounds in them.

i hate to sound like a green peace/tree hugger kinda person, but humans are just messed up.
Or behind.

Let me put it this way:

1. Propose a question up for debate
2. Put an argument to support your claim/belief so you don't get flamed
3. No blatant statements, generalizations or other things I and the mods deem to be "stupid crap"

So, I see no question, argument or opinion presented. Bad start. But I'll let you have another try.

Just out of curiosity...

Are you anti-abortion as well?
I agree that we shouldn't be killing animals, unless there's a real need for it. But killing humans are even worse!
look dude... if you think it's not cool then keep it to yourself, i have 3 furr coats in my closet now and my mom has 5.

naaah i'm just kidding, i'm with you all the way on this one. personally i hate people that wear furr coats, well not really... but i think it's the most cruel thing that they could do, because they're basically promoting the killing and skinning of the animals. have you seen the people that kill the baby seals up at the north pole or wherever? thats just evil. and it's not just seals, there are like 20 other different kinds of animals that are used for their furr. and thousands of animals die a year, just that you don't really see much of it on the media.

sometimes i wish someone could just put me up in the northpole with a sniper rifle so i can snipe out their a**es, i would have NO mercy. killing them wouldn't be a problem, i'd love to do it. and even the people that kill elephants for their tusks and the orange tiger with black stripes for it's furr, i wouldn't mind putting a couple rounds in them.

i hate to sound like a green peace/tree hugger kinda person, but humans are just messed up.

WTF?! You're aware they do that for their own survival, right!? Have you ever actually seen a seal hunt?! They spend ALL DAY over a little hole before they spear it. They skin it on the ice, then wrap it tightly and take it home where they eat it. That fur is essential to their survival, as is the seal's meat. If bears can eat them for their survival, why can't we? The Inuit don't waste ANYTHING they kill. Fur becomes clothing. Bones become tools and sculptures. Meat, eyes and brain becomes food and fat becomes stewing broth. That post alone is quite possibly one of the most ignorant generalizations I've ever heard.

If there's anything I didn't clear up, let me know.
no no... i don't mean that live at the north pole people. yea i can see with that; it's a part of their life, just like how we eat beef :D

i mean... i was watching Max X, and there were were people killing baby seals. then when the cameras came, they started to try and beat up the camera guy and hide whatever they were doing.
i wish someone could just put me up in the northpole with a sniper rifle so i can snipe out their a**es, i would have NO mercy. killing them wouldn't be a problem, i'd love to do it.

Speaks for itself, really.
Yeah ... however... this thread is still spam... anthrofoxduji ... you'll be banned soon...
I mean, this is a videogame forum and I honestly don't think that you even know what a Playstation is.... I mean I respect your opinion, maybe even share it, but that's not the point....

Here, I have an avatar for your (probably short) time on GTP :


First "Karma" or more accuratly "Kamma" is not measured in points as anyone who has just completed an 8 month project on Buddhism for RE would know.

To learn about hom we define kamma read both the "Pali Canon" (the basis for most forms of Buddhism) and "The Buddha and his Teachings" (it has 18 pages devoted to Kamma)

The basis for Buddhism is that it doesnt ban anything and we are not judged by a supernatural being. Some Buddhists are vegitarian some are not, it depends on wether you could live with yourself if you did, exceptional feats or multiple "good incarnations" will take you to Nibanna, essentialy breaking the rebirth cycle...

Oh and I have a very comfortable Armani jacket with a real fur bit on the hood. The animal was killed for meat not fur...

I dont have a problem with that, do you?
Wearing fur is not cool... especially in this heat :embarrassed:

I think that I can live without ever wearing fur, but what about the Eskimos?

Seriously? "Furisdead.com"? Like that comes as news?

Oh and I have a very comfortable Armani jacket with a real fur bit on the hood. The animal was killed for meat not fur...

I dont have a problem with that, do you?

Yes, actually.

It should have been killed for fun - maybe with a little torture thrown in - and only then used for meat/fur/anything else...
I'm currently killing pidgeons with my cat...

I shoot them out of the tree with a BB gun, my cat rips them apart before they get off the floor and fly off...

No more pidgeon s*** on my garden furniture...

The best thing is that they are classified as vermin, THE GOVERNMENT WANTS ME TO KILL THE FLYING RATS!!!!
This is great - anthrofoxduji has made 2 posts on GTP, both starting threads about how the wearing of fur is bad, and they both change into the killing of animals for comedy purposes within half a dozen posts...

I don't think you're going to win any converts here, anthrofoxduji. And on that note, I'm going to defrost the rabbit that's in my freezer.

No, really.
For people that go with the fur is dead thing. You better not EVER eat any meat or eggs. Where leather of any type or have it in your house/car.

That's just so out there. I'm not a fan of fur. And yeah, it's dead. But so is EVERTHING else we use. You do realise that pretty much everything we use in our societies comes from something that's dead right? Be it plant or animal.
Is my iRiver evil because it came boxed with a high quality leather case? Is my leather wallet evil? Is my Pentax MZ6's neckstrap evil? Is my bus pass evil? Is my belt evil?

Thats every leather thing I have on my desk, look at your desk....

Tell me that currently you have NO leather to hand.
I think the point is, not to kill wildlife rare animals for a fashion purpose.... And that is my opinion, too.... There is a difference between killing farm animals and killing a species, where only like 5000 of its kind are left on this planet ; Well dead is dead, and a kill is a kill, but do that for 5000 fashion high society ladies in case 2 and the species is gone forever.... for nothing.....
But killing endangered species is illegal anyway, Armani do not make hoods out of tiger skin, no designer does that.

Yeah, but that was different 20 years ago.... well perhaps it was illegal, but you could
see people wear that kind of stuff... and that was the reason for many campaigns against it....
Also I'm pretty sure the hide that's used for leather comes off cows that are already being slaughtered for food. Unless you're going to tell me people are eating mink meat as they sip their red wine.

The same goes for elephants and the poachers who kill them simply for their ivory. The simple fact is that animals that are raised in captivity by humans for food, such as chickens, pigs, and cows, matter less than those animals living in the wild, especially those that are endangered. I'm not a tree-hugger but I do realize that this mentality cannot and will not ever be changed, and that anyone who puts someone who wears a watch with a leather strap in the same boat as someone wearing a full-length sable coat is a submoron.
So why has somone registerd on GTP to tell us news thats 20 years old?

Well, quite simple : spam; some want to sell us stuff, others want to "share" their opinion.... I mean, it could be worse.... but it nevertheless has a tendence to annoy me....
I think the whole fur industry is sickening as well. It's unnecessary because they can make fake fur which feels exactly like fur, yet people still want real fur. And then when you watch a movie like Silence of the Lambs where someone makes a suit out of human skin it's supposedly to be so sick.... which isn't any different.

A leather coat and leather shoes are different to me, leather is a by-product of the food industry. Those hides would be thrown away if there wouldn't be a use for them.
So why is leather any different from say rabbit fur. Both are by-products of the food industry.

Killing endangered animals for fur is illegal, killing grey squirrils is legal, they are vermin.

Why not have a coat made out of squirril fur? They are vermin which anyone, anywhere can kill.

While I agree that killing endangered animals is evil there is a law to stop this and no one is allowed to import these furs into the UK. So why make a post on it???

And crocodile meat is excellent, you should all try it sometime.
Why can't I use animals for my own needs?

Why WOULD you use animals to fulfill your own needs when you can fulfill those same needs with artificial fur, of which you don't know that it is artificial until someone tells you?

So why is leather any different from say rabbit fur. Both are by-products of the food industry.

Rabbit fur is the same as leather in my opinion, except if they were bred only to get the fur.

Why not have a coat made out of squirril fur? They are vermin which anyone, anywhere can kill.

Making a coat of squirrels is disgusting in my opinion. They're not vermin, they have a place in nature. I can say the same thing about a person's cat walking outside. Anyone can make a fur coat out of it. Just lure the cat inside with a tin of Sheeba and skin her alive. Pookie would make a nice coat along with the other cats in the neighborhood. Why would that be wrong, and killing a squirrel isn't?
Grey squirills are kegally classified as vermin, they attack small dogs and birds, and have forced the Red squirril to paranoia and near extinction.

It is no longer the case that a red squirril will approach you for food, they now avoid all living things and their population is seriously decreased, at the rate of their extinction there will soon be no more red squirils left.

That is why the aggresor, the grey squirril has the same rights as a rat.

My cat kills about 1 a week.