Wearing fur is not cool.

If you want to argue the existance of souls, I would suggest going to the religion or latin thread.

Man how I'd love to tear this up.

Haha I felt the same way about many of your earlier posts here as well, but I just counted to 10 and clicked the topic away to not go off topic.
Haha I felt the same way about many of your earlier posts here as well, but I just counted to 10 and clicked the topic away to not go off topic.

Go for it bud. I'm not going to stop you as long as you're not blatently rude...then it's(as DA used to say) the BAN STICK! :sly:
If you want to argue the existance of souls, I would suggest going to the religion or latin thread.

Man how I'd love to tear this up.

I would suggest that you feel free to discuss whether you think animals have souls in this thread.
Go for it bud. I'm not going to stop you as long as you're not blatently rude...then it's(as DA used to say) the BAN STICK! :sly:

Duke already tried to clobber me over the head with it a couple of times, but so far I've been able to dodge it. :D

And danoff, Swift doesn't think animals have souls. Chimpansees can have sex with each other all day, beat each other up and steal from each other and not even go to hell because of it. If I would have been religious I'd have loved to be a chimp.
Chimp's rape each other all day and don't go to hell. They're crazy!

Fun fact: chimpanzee's are the only other mammal other than humans that faces it's partner while mating.
killing animals = ok. Fur coats = warm, Beef = yum.
If you want to argue about commmon sense as a right to live...or lack of ..you may have to kill over half of the human race .
but its not like its never been attempted before ...but who is to judge ?

Wow, that was different.

Since you have no faith or belief outside yourself you would just put words in other people's mouths? Interesting.

The right to live is way beyond obvious. Infact, the only point of discussion is where did this right come from. According to the United States law, it's the "creator" But it really doesn't matter in this case as we all would agree that nobody can take away another's life unless they are threating their's.
Though some would argue the Declaration of Independence isn't law...I'll throw in what it says anyway

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
When my mom and dad Created me they gave me certain unalienable rights but I didnt get a car until I was 18 . That sucks .
When my mom and dad Created me they gave me certain unalienable rights but I didnt get a car until I was 18 . That sucks .

You contradict yourself sir. You were "created" at conception but not independent(entitled with unalianble rights) until birth. According to what you said in the abortion thread. So, as far as your view on abortion, how does that fair?
Well since we are kind of sort talking about animals....

I hunt just about everything that is legal to hunt in Michigan. I never poach and I always buy the proper tags. I also try to use everything I can off the animal when I kill it. When deer hunting I even make use of the organs of the deer, a buddy of mine makes a good dish with some of the parts. I don't ask which ones though. Another buddy takes the pelts and makes leather or clothes from them.

While I don't have any fur coats because that wouldn't really fit me, I do have fur hats from small game animals I've hunted.

I see nothing wrong with fur as long as you go out a ethically hunt for it. Also you must use more off the animal then just the pelt since there is something on every animal one can use.

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