Oh no.Famine
There is nothing further which needs to be said. soptom - you've just sealed your own fate..
soptomHow do you know he's not pretending? My point wasn't a cop out, surely you didn't think I was being serious. I'm logging off now seeing as there is no way to do it without some retort, I'll do it like thi..........
Get it?
soptomWho gave you the right to use the animal for your own needs?
PSI think it's the purpose of the death, not so much what you do with it once it's dead. Although the two are very closely related, there is a difference and the line is there.
e.g. :
Kill, or get killed? When attacked by an animal your only thought is for your own survival, as is the animals'. That moral crap just goes out the window once you're put in a position like this.
But I suppose it's also convenient if you take it's coat after you've killed it though.
///M-SpecIf what you're saying is that it is NEVER moral to kill an animal unless it is threatening your life, I can accept that as a coherant statement. But I have a very tasty meal sitting in my stomach that says otherwise.
Certainly though, it has far more consistancy than the completely wishy-washy, "it's okay to kill an animal as long as I approve of the type of animal, method of killing and what is done with the body." That's just silly.
.PakoOh they do? And I thought it was Rap all this time. Actually kids have more since about guns here then say.....a city. They actually respect guns and are taught how to handle and use them in a controlled environment, but that's for a different thread.
PSI'm saying that, but it's not my personal opinion. Generally, to me, if an animal dies painlessly or very quickly I'm fine with it if you do it for a reason such as food, survival (in which case I don't care, as long as it's no longer a threat), or if there is an over abunance of an animal then I think measures should be taken (open hunting season, increase hunting/farming etc) to help decline or control the growth rate, especially if it's something like rats or alligators anything that can adversly affect the ecosystem, then I'm fine with it.
I have a somewhat complicated moral system, but I usually stick by it and rarely make it hypocritical. My only exception would probably be vermon/pests, but only if they're bothering (not like "you stared at me wrong, die!", but like in my house or eating things) me. Even then, I'll probablly just try to catch it and then leave it in the park. Erm, if it's not like a wolverine or mongoose or something slightly more agressive.
///M-SpecWould it be more okay to rape a woman if the man really, really needed to have sex?
I submit it isn't.
Sage///M-Spec: Would you say though that there's a difference between rights of pets vs. non-pet animals? (And I don't mean the obvious implication of property rights [obvious to you and me anyway], such as people not having the right to harm other's pets What I mean is, for example, does a pet owner have the right to drive a nail in his dog's head because it's annoying him? [True story, BTW]).
smellysocks12We CAN use animals to fulfill our needs, just ask Famine.
p.s. How about a goat?
Sage///M-Spec: Would you say though that there's a difference between rights of pets vs. non-pet animals? (And I don't mean the obvious implication of property rights [obvious to you and me anyway ], such as people not having the right to harm other's pets What I mean is, for example, does a pet owner have the right to drive a nail in his dog's head because it's annoying him? [True story, BTW]).
smellysocks12We CAN use animals to fulfill our needs, just ask Famine.![]()
#17Unless someone can prove to me that animals have souls...
There's far worse things worth arguing over besides animals who have no real common sense
Heh heh, thanks.danoffI've got to say. Nice job on the brackets there and coming back to close your parens. I thought for sure while I was reading that you had left one open - but you came back and tied it up. 👍
Yeah, I'm the same, which is why I decided to pose that question. And, as you and ///M-Spec can understand, I'm still a bit unsure of where I stand on animal torture part of me says that pets are property and so the owner has total discretion in regards to treating their property, including torture if they so wish but then part of me says that pets are the only form of property that can feel in any way, so maybe there should be an exception for them but then another part of me says that if we give this exception for pets, then we have to do it for livestock too and so on and so forth. The real issue there is that pets are the only form of property on the face of this Earth that can register pain, so it kind of screws with the rest of the principles.This is a nasty grey area that I don't really like to think about because I haven't really made up my own mind about where my principles are on this issue. I hate making my own value judgements instead of appealing to principle - but I really don't know where my principles should be on the animal torture issue.
smellysocks12Souls don't exist, except in video games like soul reaver and in that fairy tale book...