Wearing fur is not cool.

Why not have a coat made out of squirril fur? They are vermin which anyone, anywhere can kill.

The hairs aren't soft enough and the oiling/smoking process the coat goes through would make 90% of them fall out. Not mention they're a ***** to catch and you'd need like 40 to make a scarf.

That's why beaver pelts were so popular. During the smoking process many of the nice thick hairs stayed in. That, and beaver pelts look nicer. As does mink.
Why WOULD you use animals to fulfill your own needs when you can fulfill those same needs with artificial fur, of which you don't know that it is artificial until someone tells you?

I wasn't positing whether or not I would, but whether or not I can.

Why can I not use animals for my own needs?
I wasn't positing whether or not I would, but whether or not I can.

Why can I not use animals for my own needs?

Because you don't NEED a coat made out of fur. I suppose now you'll propose a reason why you should be free to determine what you need and don't need, but you're not going to be able to convince me that you need a fur coat no matter how you word it.
Anderton Prime
Because you don't NEED a coat made out of fur. I suppose now you'll propose a reason why you should be free to determine what you need and don't need, but you're not going to be able to convince me that you need a fur coat no matter how you word it.

Nor do I need a fast car. Should I be banned from having a fast car? For that matter, I don't need a car at all. Should we ban all cars? As we know, cars are evil and destroying wildlife anyway - much more so than skinning a stoat.

Now, I didn't involve fur coats at all in my question. The question was:

"Why can I not use animals for my own needs?"

As long as its ok to hit a cow with a mallet to make a hamburger its ok to slice the skin off a bunny to make gloves or skin a mink to make coats etc. Throughout history man has used animals for food and fur as well as shelter weapons clothing and medicine .

You are free to choose not to of course . And I am free to skin as many furry critters (legaly) as I damm well please . To do with as I choose . While I laugh at the pretentious farts that protest about it .
Nor do I need a fast car. Should I be banned from having a fast car? For that matter, I don't need a car at all. Should we ban all cars? As we know, cars are evil and destroying wildlife anyway - much more so than skinning a stoat.

Now, I didn't involve fur coats at all in my question. The question was:

"Why can I not use animals for my own needs?"


You can. Just like I can make a coat of human leather... doesn't mean that it's right to do so though.
Again, not talking about coats. The question is

"Why can I not use animals for my own needs?"

And, if the human has consented (due to legal issues), you CAN make a coat of human leather.
Again, not talking about coats. The question is

"Why can I not use animals for my own needs?"

And, if the human has consented (due to legal issues), you CAN make a coat of human leather.

You can use an animal for your own needs. Just make sure it's something you NEED.

And it's way easier to outlaw the wearing of real fur coats and to ridicule those that wear them than it is to "ban all cars."
Anderton Prime
You can use an animal for your own needs. Just make sure it's something you NEED.

I see.

You absolutely NEED to eat meat, do you? My girlfriend doesn't and she survives.

Anderton Prime
And it's way easier to outlaw the wearing of real fur coats and to ridicule those that wear them than it is to "ban all cars."

So because it's easier to stamp on free choice that way it makes it right, does it?

Cars damage the environment much more than skinning a mink does.
Again, not talking about coats. The question is

"Why can I not use animals for my own needs?"

And, if the human has consented (due to legal issues), you CAN make a coat of human leather.

You can use an animal for your own needs, that's obvious. I'm wondering in which way it's relevant in this discussion, because if it wouldn't be possible this topic wouldn't have existed to begin with.
So, how is wearing fur any worse than eating meat?

As pointed out above, you can substitute fur for artificial fibres. But you can substitute meat for not-having meat.

What, killing a farmed cow is less immoral than killing a farmed mink?
So, how is wearing fur any worse than eating meat?

As pointed out above, you can substitute fur for artificial fibres. But you can substitute meat for not-having meat.

What, killing a farmed cow is less immoral than killing a farmed mink?

It takes dozens of mink to make a mink fur coat that will keep ONE human being warm, and only about 10 oz. of beef to feed a human being (and arguably nourish that person for at least an entire day). The two are almost not comparable.
Anderton Prime
It takes dozens of mink to make a mink fur coat that will keep ONE human being warm, and only about 10 oz. of beef to feed a human being (and arguably nourish that person for at least an entire day). The two are almost not comparable.

Why not?

You need neither.
Meat is a part of the natural diet of people. We are omnivores, you can look at your own teeth to see that. You CAN live without meat, but all vegetarians look like herbs themselves. I know a couple and they're all pale, skinny and don't seem to have much energy at all. I'm sure it's the lack of nutrients in their diet which causes that. Not to mention, if they take supplements of protein and iron and more like that, chances are that these components are all extracted out animal resources.

I thought I made that clear in my last post...

Obviously we don't need to eat meat, nor do we need to wear fur. So let's examine which is better on the basis of how it benefits the human race. That's how I'm reaching my conclusion.
Meat is a part of the natural diet of people. We are omnivores, you can look at your own teeth to see that. You CAN live without meat, but all vegetarians look like herbs themselves. I know a couple and they're all pale, skinny and don't seem to have much energy at all. I'm sure it's the lack of nutrients in their diet which causes that. Not to mention, if they take supplements of protein and iron and more like that, chances are that these components are all extracted out animal resources.

I am fully aware of our biological construction. However, my girlfriend hasn't eaten meat for the last 15 years (more's the pity... :D) and I can assure you that she isn't pale (beyond the normal pallour of redheads), skinny OR lacking in energy, without any dietary supplements.

Mankind does not NEED to eat meat. We do it because we like it and it tastes good. Bacon butties? Mmmmm.

Mankind does not NEED to wear fur. We do it because we like it and it looks/feels good.

To say things like "I think the whole fur industry is sickening as well" is disingenuous if you eat farmed meat. You kill things (or have things killed) to provide you with an un-necessary part of your diet which you simply enjoy. Why can't other people kill things (or have things killed) to provide them with an un-necessary item of clothing which they simply enjoy?

Unless, of course, you place different values on the "lives" of vermin (mink) compared to cattle? Pigs are the ninth most intelligent animal on Earth (including man). Why not object to killing them simply to fill your belly?

For reference, I eat meat and don't tend to wear fur. I'm not THAT in touch with my feminine side, or a Lord of the Realm.
I am fully aware of our biological construction. However, my girlfriend hasn't eaten meat for the last 15 years (more's the pity... :D) and I can assure you that she isn't pale (beyond the normal pallour of redheads), skinny OR lacking in energy, without any dietary supplements.

I don't think you can use your girlfriend as a model on which to base the entire vegetarian community.

In caveman times (sorry, I hate starting a paragraph off like that -- it makes me feel like a 7th grader writing my first essay), it was FAR easier to kill an animal and use its meat for food and its fur for clothing than it was to plant seeds and reap fruits and vegetables from the earth. I suppose modern civilization's infatuation with meat-eating is a possible carry-over from this.
I am fully aware of our biological construction. However, my girlfriend hasn't eaten meat for the last 15 years (more's the pity... :D) and I can assure you that she isn't pale (beyond the normal pallour of redheads), skinny OR lacking in energy, without any dietary supplements.

I'm sure your girlfriend sneakily chews down a nice medium steak once in a while when you're not there. :D

By the way, the current meat industry makes me sick as well, but I value the meat on my plate too much to give up on it. Yeah I know, makes me kind of a hypocrite.... a hypocrite with a steak once in a while. :D

Another thing, if they can artificially create something that tastes and feels like a steak, I'll be willing to give up eating meat.
I wonder if they can create artificial steak with no grissle or fat on the edges...

They've done it with fur, but I don't like it.

*cough polyester cough*
I think it's quite funny how most of you are dodging Famine's question(something I've tried not to do recently)

But he's right. Eating meat. Specifically an exotic non-endangered species is every bit as bad as wearing fur. The numbers shouldn't come into play since it's the life of the animal that's making the "controversy".
Famine... I now understand why you suddenly believe in Jesus... because if this thread can rise from the dead, then anyone can! :sly: (correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't this locked earlier this evening?)...
I requested a split, because I enjoyed the thread and HATEKORE and G_UNIT buggered it up. :D

Re-joice-ah! Re-joic-ah and yew will be saved-ah!
Hallelujah... :dopey: Sorry to hear the missus is off the meat... ironically, my ex used to quite enjoy her meat, but she wasn't into fur, which was cool, because neither was I :sly:
I suppose good can come of chicks not liking fur. Just make sure they like it to keep their heads warm though.
Who gave you the right to use the animal for your own needs?


Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
But if you don't believe in that kind of thing. You can just say that we're smarter.