Wearing fur is not cool.

I didn't pay attention in english class ok....and it's been a while I don't remember if I did or not....:guilty: Jesus make me feel like an immigrant.

What the hell? I'm the exact same age as you, you don't need to pay attention in English to type properly, or at least coherently.

No, that's not why I believe a person's life is worth more then an animals. If you've ever read any of my other posts in the opinions forum you would know that I'm a christian. So, I believe that human life is more important than animal life. And there is nothing you can say to prove otherwise.

If you feel that deer and people are on the same level that's your choose. However illogical it may be. But, as far as value of life...yes, people will always outlaw animals. If given the choose between shooting a person and the last two bengal tigers in existance, I'm going to have a tiger skin rug...

If aliens land on our planet, kill us, and skin us, will we be more important than them? Hmm? Are we still more important than the Carlothians even though they're more genetically advanced and are more powerfull, and capable of greater range of thought?
You call someone a liar in the UK and you BETTER have facts to back it up. Libel law still exists on the internet.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're an educated man, Famine. So tell me this: When going through school, I presume you wrote several essays, and probably more than one of them was scientific in nature. So was it your responsibility to prove your thesis, or the professor's responsibility to disprove it? In fact, when conducting any experiment and publishing your findings, again is it your responsibility to tell the scientific community how you arrived at your conclusion, or are you simply required to state your conclusion with no supporting evidence and wait for your critics to disprove it?

You make a claim and you'd BETTER be able to back it up with facts, not simply make the claim and when someone tells you they think you're wrong (and that's all anyone said, no one called you a liar okay Mr. Legal?) tell them to prove that you're wrong. Please.
I think he was referring to defamatory accusations, meaning you can be charged regardless of where you live. On the 'net anyway.


Or something along those lines.
It's all very well providing departments and laws, show me the relevant parts. Anyone can KNOW things when they hide behind the internet, I'll call you a liar, bring on your court case. Pretentious prat. Grow up.
I'm leaving this thread now to browse some more and maybe surf the net looking for some lucrative libel cases to bring, I'll have a look back in tomorrow if I remember, in the meantime, get some sleep, you're beginning to rant.
No, that's not why I believe a person's life is worth more then an animals. If you've ever read any of my other posts in the opinions forum you would know that I'm a christian. So, I believe that human life is more important than animal life. And there is nothing you can say to prove otherwise.

If you feel that deer and people are on the same level that's your choice. However illogical it may be. But, as far as value of life...yes, people will always outlaw animals. If given the choose between shooting a person and the last two bengal tigers in existance, I'm going to have a tiger skin rug...;)

If that's your beliefs, I respect that. But you could have told me that a while ago and then I would have know I was fighting for a lost cause with you. All life is equal, that's the logical view on life. Religion and logic don't mix most of the time I know that, I'm hindu. So yeah.

Famine is burning up.....:)
I didn't pay attention in english class ok....and it's been a while I don't remember if I did or not....:guilty: Jesus make me feel like an immigrant.

1. The act of contradicting.
2. The state of being contradicted.
2. A denial.
3. Inconsistency; discrepancy.
4. Something that contains contradictory elements.


adj 1: of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false;

There you go.
I think he was referring to defamatory accusations, meaning you can be charged regardless of where you live. On the 'net anyway.


Or something along those lines.

Yes probably, but he's being extremely rude and pompous in the process. Plus it's 35 degrees Celsius here and I'm not keen on letting things slide today.
1. The act of contradicting.
2. The state of being contradicted.
2. A denial.
3. Inconsistency; discrepancy.
4. Something that contains contradictory elements.


adj 1: of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false;

There you go.
I googled it afterwards....
If that's your beliefs, I respect that. But you could have told me that a while ago and then I would have know I was fighting for a lost cause with you. All life is equal, that's the logical view on life. Religion and logic don't mix most of the time I know that, I'm hindu. So yeah.

Famine is burning up.....:)

That is such a sweet post. I think it belongs in the "Religion is contrived" thread, though. :lol:

Oh, and I didn't know you were foreign. I know a kid who makes jokes like that, I just thought you had a similar sense of humour.
Anderton Prime
You make a claim and you'd BETTER be able to back it up with facts, not simply make the claim and when someone tells you they think you're wrong (and that's all anyone said, no one called you a liar okay Mr. Legal?) tell them to prove that you're wrong. Please.

I made no claim. I stated the law as it exists in the United Kingdom. This is easy to find for anyone.

No-one said they "thought" I was wrong. They said:

Rubbish... Don't post "facts" that aren't.

That's not "Oh, I do believe you may be mistaken", but "You are deliberately posting information which is false" - which can be abbreviated to "You are a liar."
Anderton Prime
Yes probably, but he's being extremely rude and pompous in the process. Plus it's 35 degrees Celsius here and I'm not keen on letting things slide today.


Just poured rain like a mofo here, nice and cool. But I'm just going to rub it in a little more: We've turned off all our air conditioners and fans. Nice and cool. MMMM.

I think I'll go have a hot chocolate.
It's all very well providing departments and laws, show me the relevant parts. Anyone can KNOW things when they hide behind the internet, I'll call you a liar, bring on your court case. Pretentious prat. Grow up.
I'm leaving this thread now to browse some more and maybe surf the net looking for some lucrative libel cases to bring, I'll have a look back in tomorrow if I remember, in the meantime, get some sleep, you're beginning to rant.

If anyone can know things when they "hide" behind the internet, how come you apparently don't?

The information is there to your hand. Surely you don't need someone 6 years younger than you who is pretentious to spoon-feed you?

Grow up indeed.

I'm also not keen on being directly insulted - but it does rather show that you've run out of facts a LONG time ago and are just here for the fight. You clearly cannot maintain a logical discussion without having to attack your opponent. I feel sorry for you.

I would encourage you to persist, but the admin here don't like me making people like you make complete arses of themselves. So again I say, go to the DEFRA website (or a library - I hear that the one in Purton now has THREE books) and all the information regarding animal health and welfare is there at your fingertips. You will see that if an animal is not on the protected list, not someone's property and you do not cause it suffering you can indeed kill ANY animal you want.

Or of course you could just whine on and on about how the onus is on me to PROVE the laws you should know as a citizen (despite me giving you the exact resource) and get banned.
I was saying I'm not including insects in my statements, because I'm not sure where I stand with that type of life form.

But if all life is equal, then you're equal to the cockroach. By what you said.
It's all very well providing departments and laws, show me the relevant parts. Anyone can KNOW things when they hide behind the internet, I'll call you a liar, bring on your court case. Pretentious prat. Grow up.
I'm leaving this thread now to browse some more and maybe surf the net looking for some lucrative libel cases to bring, I'll have a look back in tomorrow if I remember, in the meantime, get some sleep, you're beginning to rant.

By leaving the thread in this way you're only showing that you know how to pout.

"I'm taking my toys and going home!"

I know I should have been more specific with that and said mammels and reptiles etc. Otherwise you would be equal to that of bacteria.

Exactly! 💡 So now you see the futility in making that kind of a statement.
I guess, it was just that life comes in such a wide aray of forms, I should have ellaborated more on what creatures I was talking about. But whether you shoot a person or a deer your still taking a life away, and you can't do that without a very very reasonable excuse(not sure if that's the right word) for doing so. Oddly enough I'm for the death penalty being brought back. But only for serial killers, there just isn't anyway to rehabillitate them.
By leaving the thread in this way you're only showing that you know how to pout.

"I'm taking my toys and going home!"
No, I'm showing that is pointless to carry on an argument over the internet with someone unwilling to provide facts, unwilling to back up their claims and unwilling to carry out their own threats. I will go to work in the morning and can't stay on here all nigtht arguing when their is a million other threads/sites that haven't fallen into an endless round of pontless arguments that can't be won. How do you wish me to leave this thread? Just not reply? Or provide a perfectly acceptable reason (in my eyes). I checked back to see if there was a quick response, how is it pouting? I won't stay online all night, however, I still see no proof as to his "law" and he won't provide definitive proof. Is it acceptable to log-off now? Or shall we carry on until I have to leave for work.
DEFRA's website.

It's really not hard for someone as grown up as you. It's not like I've told you three times.

Oh, no, wait.

Also, I've made no threats.
DEFRA's website.

It's really not hard for someone as grown up as you. It's not like I've told you three times.

Oh, no, wait.

Also, I've made no threats.
My lawyer has instructed me not to engage in dialogue with a potential libel opponent.
Oh no, wait.
So again I say, go to the DEFRA website (or a library - I hear that the one in Purton now has THREE books) and all the information regarding animal health and welfare is there at your fingertips.

Sorry Junior, he told you.

Guess what POST 900!!!!!!!!!!
100 away!
My lawyer has instructed me not to engage in dialogue with a potential libel opponent.
Oh no, wait.

You aren't. A dialogue, in legal terms, is spoken.

How DO you get to your age without knowing anything about our legal system?

I'm also not keen on being directly insulted - but it does rather show that you've run out of facts a LONG time ago and are just here for the fight. You clearly cannot maintain a logical discussion without having to attack your opponent. I feel sorry for you.

I would encourage you to persist, but the admin here don't like me making people like you make complete arses of themselves. So again I say, go to the DEFRA website (or a library - I hear that the one in Purton now has THREE books) and all the information regarding animal health and welfare is there at your fingertips. You will see that if an animal is not on the protected list, not someone's property and you do not cause it suffering you can indeed kill ANY animal you want.

Or of course you could just whine on and on about how the onus is on me to PROVE the laws you should know as a citizen (despite me giving you the exact resource) and get banned.
You just don't learn do you. There is a well known internet saying(even though it's written down) "Arguing over the internet is like competing in the special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded."
To anyone who wants to take offence at that, grow up and take it up with the original author as I'm only quoting it.
You aren't. A dialogue, in legal terms, is spoken.

How DO you get to your age without knowing anything about our legal system?

By living under a _ _ _ _

4 letters, 1 syllable.