Pink_the_FloydFeel to make it a challenge between us? 👍
SpeedZoner-TI would if i get time off from that damn Trueno... 👍 👍
Soo-Em_RoiHello, although I've been "Lurking" around a bit I only recently signed up with GTPlanet. I've sent my qualification time to Kent to join in the Weekly Racing Series and have been placed in Division 2. All I can say is: "You Guys are FAST!"
I ran a few laps in "Free Run" and have run the "Race" four times already. Best so far:
T1s = 26.425 / 21.305 / 21.720
T2s = 51.678 / 46.561 / 46.946
I think I need to do some more chassis tuning as it feels like it never "Hooks Up!"
smallfryzSoo-Em_Roi you have some very impressive div 2 times there , some of us div1's better watch out
Small_FryzPink i suggest you run the race, as many times as you can, Free run is only for setting up the car IMO, you should use your luck to get good times in the race not in free run, plus in the race first aim to get clean runs then once you have 1 clean run just keep improving. Try to be consistent as well.
Pink_the_FloydIt was almost like I was to nervous or something.