Week 103: 3 Is the Magic Number

  • Thread starter Kent
Look on the previous page, and there lies the answer :D
For submission, submit the final total race time to Kent, plus the individual lap times for each of the three laps.

Here, only 'T' Times are to be discussed, however.

The Wizard.
L1) 26.425/ 51.621
L2) 21.190/ 46.631
L3) 21.087/ 46.489

Have a couple corner left to figure out. Hugo Boss is just too fast to catch though. Sheesh. Is there a Div 0 we can put him in. :rolleyes: :lol:
Hugo - How do you get gears 1-3 that low? Mine won't go that far.... unless i'm doing something wrong :-/
That took a ton of getting used to with Hugo's setup, but I finally got a decent time together... everyone else will probably do better though, knowing my luck :D
well none of these 3 laps were my fastest, yet they were fast and clean and consistent. Improved overall by .9

26.385 / 21.043 / 21.269
52.092 / 46.576 / 46.552

difference of .2 between 2nd and 3rd lap.
I would if i get time off from that damn Trueno... 👍 👍

I think we better should use a stock car so that we can have more competition in race #2 at the team 👍

* EDIT *: Can somebody please post a link to Boombexus's page explaining the gear tranny trick because I can't find it anywere.thanks

1st time clean, using Hugo's settings:

26.622 / 20.935 / 20.988
51.091 / 45.585 / 45.825

Best T2 so far was a 45.199. :)
Is anyone besides me having trouble getting 3 clean laps together? Maybe I'm too heavy on the gas. Seeing the posted T- times, it seems I'll be stuck in dev. 3 for a while.
well 3 clean laps isnt too hard, but 3 clean, fast and consistent laps are a rare breed. Multiple lap races are fun, but i think this week were gonna see huge gaps between the top and bottom.
Here is my fastest race so far.

T1: 27.370 / 21.977 / 21.673
T2: 54.638 / 48.577 / 48.497

I've seen T2's of 47.8 in free run. Time to try Hugo's settings.


I just got a T2 of 47.8 on my first lap. Nice settings hugo.
Hello, although I've been Lurking around a bit I only recently signed up with GTPlanet. I've sent my qualification time to Kent to join in the Weekly Racing Series and have been placed in Division 2. All I can say is: You Guys are FAST! :eek:
I ran a few laps in Free Run and have run the Race four times already. Best so far:

T1s = 26.425 / 21.305 / 21.720
T2s = 51.678 / 46.561 / 46.946

I think I need to do some more chassis tuning as it feels like it never Hooks Up!
Very scary and yet fascinating. 👍 Best clean one till now:

T1: 27.645 / 22.657 / 22.240
T2: 54.701 / 49.820 / 49.027
Soo-Em_Roi you have some very impressive div 2 times there 👍, some of us div1's better watch out :scared:

Im hopeing to get some good runs in tonight :D see if i can improve my overall time some more
been a busy week, Dont think im gonna get too many more laps in. Hopefully things settle down for next week... bummer cause i think i can go quite a bit faster.. :(


btw: 👍 :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: Incredible times Hugo!!
Hello, although I've been "Lurking" around a bit I only recently signed up with GTPlanet. I've sent my qualification time to Kent to join in the Weekly Racing Series and have been placed in Division 2. All I can say is: "You Guys are FAST!" :eek:
I ran a few laps in "Free Run" and have run the "Race" four times already. Best so far:

T1s = 26.425 / 21.305 / 21.720
T2s = 51.678 / 46.561 / 46.946

I think I need to do some more chassis tuning as it feels like it never "Hooks Up!"

Soo-Em_Roi you have some very impressive div 2 times there , some of us div1's better watch out

yeah, actually, those are div 1 times.
As long as they are clean and legit you are div 1 all the way Soo-em Roi. 👍

Look forward to seeing your final work. :D

As for me...
Time for racing tomorrow, but for now it's sleepy sleep and adult swim. :sly:

interested to see your times kent, goodluck. 3 fast, clean and consistent laps in 1033hp beast around rome leaves very little hair left on your head
Ran 45 laps yesterday at Rome and woah this will be very hard to be consistantly fast in the race 👍

Best T2 now at 0:47.4xx

More laps to come 👍

Pink i suggest you run the race, as many times as you can, Free run is only for setting up the car IMO, you should use your luck to get good times in the race not in free run, plus in the race first aim to get clean runs then once you have 1 clean run just keep improving. Try to be consistent as well.
Pink i suggest you run the race, as many times as you can, Free run is only for setting up the car IMO, you should use your luck to get good times in the race not in free run, plus in the race first aim to get clean runs then once you have 1 clean run just keep improving. Try to be consistent as well.

I'm trying to do that, yesterday I ran the race 6 times with every time a best T2 of 0:48.xxx. It was almost like I was to nervous or something.

It was almost like I was to nervous or something.

i get that feeling when i get a T2 of 51.xxx or low 46's on flying laps, You just have to block it out and concentrate of driving clean and fast.

Hugo do you ever get that Nervouse/wierd feeling when youve just done a 45.2xx on lap 2, or done your best sectors ever and you dont want to muck up the rest of the race by hitting a wall, but you know you have to push hard to keep the best sectors/great time going?
aaaarrrrgh man i hate this!

I get one corner right, the next is approached too quick, the braking zone alters and i overshoot, i practise that and then i get the same problem at the next turn.

Im beginning to wonder which will fail first, my dfp or my patience with this race.

Im nowhere near the top of the pile yet, but i do have the weekend......

I havent saved a replay, but from memory my T1's are 21's and my T2's are high 46's.
Where is that other second?
Where did it go?
Im VEXD man.
Best three laps:


If I could improve that T2 on the third lap a bit, then it's a clean lap and my submitting time 👍


BTW:I got some problems with the second righthander after the T1 line, I brake till in second, then I accelerate in third trough the whole corner but when I come out of the corner the car is almost spinning out 👎 .Thats the reason of the 47.433 T2 on lap 3.

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