Week 103: 3 Is the Magic Number

  • Thread starter Kent
I'm not really sure what you mean Wizard.

Guard rails are "walls."

If you touch anything other than the ground the lap is not clean.

With regard to the odd curb sections and rumblies, those are Ok as long as you don't touch the wall. 👍
(the yellow stripes are also part of the track)
Everything you can drive on is part of the track at Rome. Don't try to cut the corners by going over the pavement and curbs, except for the first 'corner'. The NSX and curbs don't really match :crazy:
With regard to the odd curb sections and rumblies, those are Ok as long as you don't touch the wall. 👍
(the yellow stripes are also part of the track)

Yes, that's what I wanted to know...
As I said in the first part of my post, everything contained by the walls is part of the track - except for the walls themselves, of course 👍

What I really wanted to know is - if I run on everything that the car can possibly run on (without touching the walls) then the lap is clean - and for what you all said, then the answer is yes

I know the car runs better if you stayed off the sidewalks and strips and the like, but I just didn't want to end up throwing away a good race just because I tought I made it dirty by running on some of those spots unintentionally.

So, now I know that all I have to watch out for are the walls, and that makes me more confortable running on this track 👍 :D

Thanks guys.

The Wizard.

T times are




Hopefully that'll see me with at least an 18th finish overall so I can bag some points in the stats board that flat-out has !!!
Finally got a clean save in the NSX. I never have been a big fan of any of the NSXs, in stock or race trim. These times look to put me bringin up the rear in d2 but oh well, maybe I'll get some time to run some more after church and the WRC tonight, or tomorrow after work.

L1 27.567 54.829
L2 21.832 48.832
L3 21.609 48.656

Edit: I noticed on the Leaderboard page that my division wasn't shown. I guess I'll get off my lazy butt now and put it in my sig.

P.S. I would just like to send out a big THANK YOU 👍 👍 to everyone who makes the WRS happen.
my crewchief, CrousEEE (you may have seen him around) and I dreamed up some new settings, I'm still learning how to work with them, hopefully I get enough time to get in some more decent laps.

the best I have (clean) so far..

my crewchief, CrousEEE (you may have seen him around) and I dreamed up some new settings, I'm still learning how to work with them, hopefully I get enough time to get in some more decent laps.

the best I have (clean) so far..


I personally watched a 26.1/20.8 T1 combo and some 50.8/45.8 T2 pop up...now if he could just get it together he might have a run on this thing.

I tried working with Hugo's settings...couldnt work with it...with mine your able to use the curbs to your advantage and turn some crazy sector times consistantly. Now if i could just get better with the dual shock i might be able to put up a fight...oh well.

I can set the stupid cars up but i cant drive the dang things myself...its killing me!!!

(BBQ has seen this first hand many many times...when he destroys me with my own cars)

total miles logged today...around 1000.
This track is a bi@tch 👎

I have never struggled so hard just to try to get a clean race :indiff:
Usually I am struggling to better my times (read that as having fun)

Now I am struggling to have a set of three clean laps (read that as pure frustration)
I have been running around the Colosseum for 300+ miles, only to unintentionally ending up barely grazing a wall, maybe even once during the full race - which makes it even more frustrating...

If I was bouncing off from wall to wall, it would be different, but having the whole race ruined for not even peeling the paint off the car is driving me completely insane :scared:

I don't even care anymore if I submit a decent time - I would just be happy to manage to finish the race :D

I haven't missed a week since I joined the WRS, and I would hate doing it just because I can't make three clean laps in a row :indiff:

I have had it for tonight - I will try some more tomorrow and the first race I manage to finish legally will be the one that will be submitted too.

Trying to make your laps better = having fun :D
Trying to work hard to make a lap = having a job 👎

The Wizard.
I can see from the general consensus here that i am not alone in suffering from frustration at this race.

I too have had the problem of driving so long around this track that i have become the passenger and not the driver.

What i mean by that is, that i find i become so obsessed with getting round certain parts of the course, that when i get them right, im so elated that my concentration goes and i crash/wall ride the next turn.
In the end, im a zombie, sat in my escort seat gripping my DFP just travelling round the circuit, wondering what to have for dinner and not really seeing the crap T2 time that just flashed up.

I got to the stage where i hated the race, and i missed a film i was planning to watch cos i raced all the way through it trying to get a clean set of three.
Then all of a sudden it happened.
Id just re-oiled the car for the third time, and bang! 3 laps of reasonableness. I know i can go faster, but apparently i cant go faster for 3 laps without god intervening.
So im submitting.

My T's arent worth typing, and i didnt write them down exactly, so here's a guess.

L1: T1: 26.3xx/T2: 51.8xx
L2: T1: 21.6xx/T2: 46.8xx
L3: T1: 20.9xx/T2: 46.6xx

Good luck everyone!
I see I'm not alone in being frustrated about this combination. I too had a really hard time getting clean laps that I at least could be satified with. I eventually ended up getting a clean race that improved a fair bit on my first session I had on this race and I'm submitting it rather than losing all interest in WRS because it's frustrating/hard. Stop while it's still fun I guess.. 👍

26.8 / 21.3 / 21.5
52.7 / 48.0 / 48.0

That's roughly my times (from memory) I'll submit. Hoping for a combination I can be more competitive in next week! :)

i think my Top 5 is far fetched, top 10 is what im aiming for now.
Chin up chips...... you'll be higher than you think with all these drivers quittin under the strain of an extremely good test of skill A.K.A. race 103.

Well done KENT!

I hope im in there somewhere.
Hello again. Very sorry I have not been able to contribute to the thread but I have been out of town for a few days. Ran the race a few more times this morning and was able to make a small improvement. Like everyone else, putting three good laps together seems to be the greatest challenge. Avoiding the walls is not such a problem as I think I drive a more a conservative line than most and Rome is one of my Favorite Courses.
I cannot belive it has been omitted in GT4! :grumpy:

Even if I was able to put all my best laps together I could not approach the times posted by Hugo Boss and Tannis. You Guys are FAST!

T1s = 26.579 / 21.256 / 21.106
T2s = 51.625 / 46.456 / 46.236

I will attempt to have one more session before the deadline. Good Luck to you all. 👍
Time submitted.

I'm curious to find out if anyone managed it to actually go slower than me :P

T1 28.156 / 23.366 / 23.630
T2 55.222 / 50.806 / 50.960
Time in. Hopefully I'll be top 3 in Div 2 ? From what I can see the other guys in my div who came top of me last week are putting slower splits up. Im gonna go out on a limb and say top 3 in div 2 !!! Watch me eat my words !!!
Time Submitted...looks like im headin to Division 2!!!


its been fun yet agravating, gotta love rome.
I'm 98% done with the game. My question to anyone is how do you become 100% with GT3: A-Spec? Thanks --- Randy :)
I'm 98% done with the game. My question to anyone is how do you become 100% with GT3: A-Spec? Thanks --- Randy :)
Times submitted, good luck everybody! 👍
Im stressed out this week, I hope next week is a *slightly* more open track..
Still probably on the podium though, maybe...


ranhammer, did you finish the arcade races as well? I believe you have to finish EVERYTHING in the game to get 100%.
I have restarted the race within the first lap... uhm... I don't know - 20, 40, 100 times? Who knows... I wasn't keeping track...

I finally managed to get a clean lap and that is going to be the one that I will submit to Kent, no matter how bad it is :indiff:

I am even ashamed to post the splits...
But for the sake of records/databases - here they are:

Lap 1 / Lap 2 / Lap 3
T1: 0'26.739 / 0'21.437 / 0'21.308
T2: 0'52.862 / 0'47.893 / 0'47.813

I am not even going to try to make that better, as it would take me another couple of thousands tries to make another set of three consecutive clean laps ;)

I have seen way better times than those - at least half a second faster on T2 than they are ^ - but I am fed up with Rome for this week 👎

Hopefully next week will be *slightly* more open - like bbq0801 said :D

I have put off studying for an exam that I have tomorrow for the last 2 hours just to make a clean race to submit - talking about commitment :sly:

If I fail, I am going to hold Kent responsible :D j/k

The Wizard.