Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
cool combo, i'll b giving this ago but i must say to everyone, i dont have a replay device at present as i broke my xport yesterday, so i probably wont b able to provide replays 4 a while untill i get a max drive (currently the website that small fryz got his from is out of stock, damn)

anyways, cya
Time to bring out the Asparadrink!!! Just kidding :) Can't wait to have a crack at this one, I love trial mountain, but my reverse tactic has always been to cut that first chicane, guess that won't be happening this week.

Oh stop teasing me! I love that car.

Some initial splits - after 5 laps. Still learning the track. I am running the Spirit R and I love it's driving dynamics. It feels kinda like the rally car physics should be.

T1: 18.019
T2: 48.779
T3: 1:13.341

I figure there's at least 4 seconds off T3 for me to find by next week.

Great combo Kent. Love it! 👍👍👍

Oh and because you've been listening to us in the Suggestions Box...I want to recommend another idea...although it's hardly a new one...

C5R vs. GTS-R at Laguna Seca!!!

Sorry if I'm not subtle enough. :mischievous:
cool combo, i'll b giving this ago but i must say to everyone, i dont have a replay device at present as i broke my xport yesterday, so i probably wont b able to provide replays 4 a while untill i get a max drive (currently the website that small fryz got his from is out of stock, damn)

anyways, cya

Hey holl01, good to see you back this week. I got my max drive from http://www.dvdcrave.com and I just checked they still have some in stock, they're $60 but they delivered mine within a day or two and it's working fine (now that I know how to use it :) )
Love the cars (always have),love the track (always have), sciatica's getting better.

At least i can do 5-7 laps without a break now!

Sprint type R '02


Back in my usual place, about 3.5-4 seconds behind Hot and alpine at the start of the week.

Sweet combo Kent. Can't wait to test out the trusty RX-7. Now if only Mazda hadn't been mean and made the RX-8 instead of having more RX-7s in the U.S.

I should finally have a good week. spent enough time driving the License test section of the track for hours and hours trying to find perfect points to better my time and pass the evil tests.

Good luck this week!
Sweet combo Kent. Can't wait to test out the trusty RX-7. Now if only Mazda hadn't been mean and made the RX-8 instead of having more RX-7s in the U.S.

Don't think the RX8 is any slouch around a track!

In this country we have a program called Top-gear, on it is a 'mystery' pro-driver called the 'Stig'

(apparently his breath smells of titanium, and he listens to prog-rock )

And he does a power-lap in all of the fast cars.
Here is the track....

BTW the track is done in an anti-clockwise starting figure 8 ( actually an infinity symbol)

And here is a chunk of the results table...

Honda NSX Type R - 1.31.6

BMW M3 - 1.31.8

Nissan 350Z - 1.31.8

Mazda RX8 - 1.31.8

BMW 535d - 1.31.8

Ford Focus RS - 1.32.2

Lotus Esprit V8 - 1.32.5

And no-where is there a lap from an RX7.

Also the main presentor, Jeremy Clarkson drove the '8' and loved it so much, he bought one!
Mind you he also bought a new Ford GT, and i think it's still at the dealer's getting the alarm/low-jack system sorted out! (One morning he recieved 6 txt messages from the alarm company telling him his car had been stolen, whilst HE was driving it to work! lol) So maybe not such a good recomendation!



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Well here's my splits, I always seem to have a fast learning curve, but then have trouble improving past my first 2 days of work....gonna have to work on that.

T1 - :17.482
T2 - :48.062
T3 - 1:11.366

in the spirit RX-7

Is this just one of those cars that is classified as a race car, but doesn't use race tires or have an adjustable top speed?

Yeah i think that's classified as a race car although it doesn't have both of those features race cars in gt4 normally have... Just be safe and choose a regular RX-7/8 :)
I edited the first post to more properly address car selection.

Or as the fella above me put, "play it safe, pick a normal RX7/8."

Always trying to get that secret advantage. :lol: :rolleyes: ;)

Catch you all later. :D
Updated splits in the RX-7 Spirit:

T1 - :17.449
T2 - :47.811 (Got 47.7 once and blew the next corner as at the time I was .8 ahead of my ghost at the time...*GASP!*)
T3 - 1:10.961


I know its only 7pm here but I think I'm done for day 1, from the first few laps til now I have trimmed 3.7 sec. tomorrow I'm hoping for another .75 or so.
why are you guys calling the bathurst the bratwurst?

Oh and Kent, you spelt Trial Mountain wrong hehe, i only know because ive just updated th leaderboard :dunce:.

Ive had a quick fang and i was able to hit 17.0 T1's, hoping to do well this week :D
Quick ran twenty laps in each and heres what I was able to do:

T1- 17.597
T2- 48.386
T3- 1:11.347

T1- 17.303
T2- 47.786 (had a 47.2xx)
T3- 1:10.715 (had a 1:10.3xx)

The Bathurst holds the road a little better IMO, the Spirit gets a little looser and slides. Unfortunately it isn't able to hold the speed through the turns like the Spirit can. I know that sounds weird, but thats what it seems like. Anyway, probably definitely gonna have to stick with the Spirit this week. I think we're (or I guess I'm) finding out that no matter the weight difference (like last week), HP is always gonna rule out.

Oh, and how is everyone coming out of that first left-right combo?? About 110-115ish?? I think I might have seen a little faster on one lap but I hit the curb on the left just right, havent been able to do it again and make it stick, although it was just 20 laps or so...
This is what i came up with just today.
T1- 19.405
T2- 42.168
T3- 1'12.953
This was after bout 30 or so laps, i know i can drop the T1 and T3 times down a whole bunch. I'm done for then night, i will work on getting T1's to about 17.5 and T3's 1'10.xxx, my thumbs are killing me.
This is what i came up with just today.
T1- 19.405
T2- 42.168
T3- 1'12.953
This was after bout 30 or so laps, i know i can drop the T1 and T3 times down a whole bunch. I'm done for then night, i will work on getting T1's to about 17.5 and T3's 1'10.xxx, my thumbs are killing me.

Just for clarification purposes, but your T splits look weird compared to all of the previous posted splits. Maybe your not doing the track in reverse? Or just a major typo for T2?
As soon as my wife heads to bed i will go back and check my T2 times again just to make sure i didnt type it in wrong. Well i went and checked it,i was doing it forward, i feel like such a goof. Well tomorrow i will start all over again in reverse. Thx again for pointing that out man. 👍
Also is the concrete/cobblestone extensions of the rumbles counted?
Loving it!!! I started with my T3 in the 1:14's then within the hour I have these splits:

Car: RX-7 Spirit R
T1: 0'17.910
T2: 0'48.310
T3: 1'11.406

I'm confident of getting T3 into the low 1'10's maybe 1'09's by the end of the week, this RX7 is quite a nice drive I must say. Gonna go for a spin in an RX-8 now :)

Just slapped my old times!!!

Car: RX-7 Spirit R
T1: 0'17.629
T2: 0'47.661
T3: 1'10.602

Oh and the RX-8 just can't keep up, revs nice and high though

Just love this combo 👍
yah, for the first chicane at the start, is it rumbles or coblestones that 2 tires need to be touching
Time to join in on the questioning of certain parts of the track :)
Is the inside of the corner in the tunnel after T3 fair game?
Oh and Kent, you spelt Trial Mountain wrong hehe, i only know because ive just updated th leaderboard

Just like you spelt "the" wrong. ;)

The "N" in mountain is pretty hard to leave out without a typo...
Spelling errors are because you don't know how... Typos are cause you just messed up. :sly:

:guilty: :lol:

But thanks for the heads up.

btw, Small,
Glad to see you get back into the racing. 👍
Well I'm only a Div 3 racer so I'm not TOO emberassed to post these splits - only got about 20 laps total in so far (10 in the RX8 Concept, 10 in the RX7 Bratwurst, I love that nickname ;) ) - haven't tried the spirit yet, might have to do that...

I don't think the HP of the RX8 can compete even though the power to weight ratio is better (but only by --> <-- that much) after upgrades(+20%hp/-10%wt):

P/W RX8 Concept: 3.224 (335/1080)
P/W RX7 Bratwurst: 3.268 (347/1134)

The difference only being .044, almost negligable I would think. I think the RX8 handled better, but without the HP it can't keep up or climb out of the corners nearly as effectivly, IMHO

So in the Bratwurst,

T1 18.601
T2 49.769
T3 1:14.778

Obviously not up there with you Div 1 racers but not so far off I feel like I'm dragging an anchor behind me this time ;)

I'm sure one of the biggest differences is Automatic vs. Manual - I'll admit I've been an Auto driver for most of my racing career, though I was always able to do better in the lisence tests (to the tune of gold a good deal of the time) with a manual. Guess I'm just lazy and feel I've got enough going on to keep track of as it is to drive properly. (*especially* since I can't actually feel the G-forces of the car) - my RL car is a manual and I won't own or drive anything BUT a manual, maybe I'll have to buckle down and switch.

I'm an ok drifter as the last three corners before the finish line I don't use my brakes at all, just ease up on the gas and whip it through the corners. (same for the 1st chicane, sort of, gotta tap the brakes a bit to keep from hitting the wall) I use the R2 (Right paddle) trick to delay my upshifts when I remember to think about it and maybe thats why I'm only a second (then 2 then 3 behind those faster T times...)

Anyway, having a blast, and I hope those P/W stats help somebody if they read this...

AND, I know I'm a noob to WRS, but I would assume (I know I know...) that on the 2 corner questions (Cobblestones in Chicane1 and anything past the rumble strip in the tunnel after T3) are off limits, I'm currently driving with that mindset, but I could be wrong...

5 laps worth in the Spirit:


Very slow...seconds yet to come (hopefully)
cheers, ill go check. Prob just me being a dumbass, lol 👍 thx

If not, you might need a few more racing days under your game belt as I know that there are some tracks that are unlocked after X # of days in the game...but I don't know how many days you spent doing all your lisences and missions...as for unlocking cars, that's still not something I'm clear on.

I couldn't find the right car for week 14 - I asked Famine about it in a PM but he hasn't gotten back to me (all I could find was an '01 and an '05, no '03's anywhere on my list and I'm on day 1274 or something like that).

Can anybody help us BOTH out?

