Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
You should probably put that in the "suggestion box" thread where it will be more likely to be seen and/or discussed.

Just being helpfull, not trying to be an a$$ :)
Wow. I'm seeing so many T1's pretty deep into the 17's. I must be taking the chicane wrong. If I can take it right, that's 1+ second(s) off my time.
here are some of the fast sectors ive SEEN not DONE

0'46.884 ( seen it 3 timeS!!! )
New splits:

T1: 17.941 (Seen 17.6 a bunch of times)
T2: 48.500 (Seen 48.1 a few times)
T3: 1:11:728

Still lots of time to be had out there, and I'm still (slowly) learning this track.
U andme both Androos, although u seem to learn it better than I do...lol. But atleast my current replay is valid, no question about it I kept atleast 2 tires on the pavement even ;).

I got the Spirit, yes I do! I got the Spirit, how bout you! :crazy: :)

Just getting started here:

T1 0'18.022
T2 0'48.993
T3 1'12.636

I'm getting T1 OK but the rest is still sloppy. (nice car!)
RX-7 Spirit at Trial Mountain Reverse

T1 - :17.353 (I actually got :17.136, then blew the next corner, but I have the replay of it.....fyi.....)
T2 - :47.507
T3 - 1:10.463

Oh, and just in case u wanted to know, its blue ;)

I knew you'd get me :) Not sure how much time I'll get to race in the next couple of days but I'm hoping to challenge you, androos and bhawk this week...we'll see...
NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo just wasted a 1'09.382.....

Did get my T3 down to 1'09.6 but only beat my overall time by .01s :mad:
OMG, Kent. I'd hug you and kiss you and so on but I'd have one mighty jealous girlfriend! lol....

Last week made me feel like a right n00b and I really felt like quitting for the autumn school season. But now that we have THIS--my favorite car AND my favorite track!!!--I'm going to find time to race just one more week!

You're a saviour, man! ...Oh...and ignore that whole hugging and kissing thing.... Heh heh. :crazy: :yuck: :dopey:
Lots of progress made tonight, but damn ... just damn.
Had one hell of a flying lap, would be considered to be perfect by my standards only to misjudge the blind uphill left corner, the second last corner before the line. That lap was .3 seconds faster than the clean lap below.
I guess i'll have to settle with these updated t-splits for now:

T1: 0'17.105 (Saw 0'16.9xx twice in about 4 hours of total time for this week, 17.0xx-17.1xx my usual time)
T2: 0'46.968 (Saw a few 46.9's, but usually i'm at 47.0xx)
T3: 1'09.564 (Seen as low as a 1'09.310.. my "perfect" lap that went sour :ouch: :ouch: :ouch:, otherwise seen 2 other .3's and some odd .4's -- usually at 1'09.5xx in a clean lap now)
hello, i had my first seesion of this week this morning and it looks like its gonna b a great battle this week, its an enjoyable combo thats 4 sure 👍


heres some of the splits i've seen and done in a lap that i f ucked up :indiff:

16.876 (FLUKE) then.....
46.705 holly s hit!!....
1'09.141 yikes :nervous: .....

then 👎 👎 👎 :crazy: :ouch: crash bang boom, goodnight spirit!

i dont think i'll repeat that lap anytime soon, but on my current best lap, my T3 was flawless and really reckless, i hit the line at 220km/h, i dont think i can repeat such a t3 again, i think this is the section of the course were the ds2 has the upper hand on.

want a lap description anyone?, its pretty obvious what has to be done in the lap, the one corner that i'm really not sure how to take is the long right b4 t2, and after t2, the double right is really hard to take fast, i usually stay in 4th approaching that corner (dont change to fifth) and induce a slight drift as u approac the first apex.

anyways, enough of me 4 now (btw, still no replay device yet, but i ordered one from dvd website that mister weary suggested (thanx mate!) and i should get it fairly soon
Alright, I finally managed to post a:


Then, just after the tunnel after the long straight headed into that 1st left my cat decided to 'assist' me by chasing a bug that was fascinated by the bright TV in the room and I didn't make the turn quite right and hit the far set of rocks - ARGH!...so, I think I was headed for a T3 of somwhere in the neighborhood of:

1:12.xxx (maybe 1:11.xxx) - but now I'll never know - didn't save the replay so sorry about x's (even though it's still way slower than the Div 1 drivers, I'm still gonna post as a Div 3 rep ;) )

Got about 150 laps in so far but I've done it once, I know I can do it again.

Tomorrow though, got called into work on my day off and didn't get enough sleep 'cause I was up racing/posting all night...so tired...

Glad you got the max drive holl01, once again you've put down some pretty damn fast splits :crazy:

As for me, I'm getting faster...really love this car and track...my new splits:

T1: 0'17.411
T2: 0'47.449
T3: 1'10.383

And just for your info UMP you shouldn't ever feel bad about submitting splits that don't match up with Div 1, no one here would ever put you down, everyone here is helpful and nice 👍

That's enough racing for tonight, just had to tip in front of jump_ace ;) (albeit temporary I'm sure...)
I'm leaving for Mozambique today and therefore won't be doing any posting until Monday. I sure hope the break won't affect my driving, as I will not be able to practice for a few days. :indiff:

Have a good one all!
Got about 150 laps in so far

Man, that's impressive!

I did a grand total of 11 laps today and got these splits.

T1 17.654
T2 48.081 (I stuffed up that long right hander before T2)
T3 1'11.201 (By now I'd stuffed pretty much everything up)

But I did get a great finish, so if I can get the rest of the lap clean, and replicate that finish, I'll be more than happy 👍

I'm using the bathurst, as it's the only one I have... :guilty:
Well... spend a good time last night racing, and now I used the Spirit everybody was talking about... WOW... what a (much more) stable car... I lowered my time in almost 7 seconds by the time I stopped... anyway, there is still some work to do, and that would be:

- first chicane (I think it can be done better than I am already doing it)
- uphill left after T1 (too much understeering, must find the best line and tangent)
- tunnel right turn after T3 (too fast or too slow)
- the final left right turns before the finish line

I've spoiled a LOT of good laps by going offtrack in this last turns... do you guys do it flat?

Anyway... here are my splits so far:

T1 - 0'17,292
T2 - 0'48,165
T3 - 1'11,650 (seen a 1'10 low, but screwed it up)

Well, will have more time tonight and hopefully some more over the weekend...
- first chicane (I think it can be done better than I am already doing it)
- uphill left after T1 (too much understeering, must find the best line and tangent)
- tunnel right turn after T3 (too fast or too slow)
- the final left right turns before the finish line

I've spoiled a LOT of good laps by going offtrack in this last turns... do you guys do it flat?

first chicane: I'm braking ever so slightly on turn-in, smashing the first apex, then turning back sharply, sometimes putting both front wheels on the grass and sliding the back end on the road.

uphill left: I'm braking early from as far as possible to the right, then getting some slight drift on turn in, then understeering out of that, hitting a late apex, and (hopefully) not having to turn way from the wall on the right.

tunnel turn: No idea....I think you have to take the late apex again and use as much of the concrete stuff that is allowed.

And yes, I just did some laps, and if you get the line right, from out of the tunnel is it completely flat, the hardest apart is hitting that apex on the second last corner that is blind behind the crest, I myself put two wheel on the grass on that bit.

Note: I'm using the bathurst
first chicane: I'm braking ever so slightly on turn-in, smashing the first apex, then turning back sharply, sometimes putting both front wheels on the grass and sliding the back end on the road.

uphill left: I'm braking early from as far as possible to the right, then getting some slight drift on turn in, then understeering out of that, hitting a late apex, and (hopefully) not having to turn way from the wall on the right.

tunnel turn: No idea....I think you have to take the late apex again and use as much of the concrete stuff that is allowed.

And yes, I just did some laps, and if you get the line right, from out of the tunnel is it completely flat, the hardest apart is hitting that apex on the second last corner that is blind behind the crest, I myself put two wheel on the grass on that bit.

Note: I'm using the bathurst

good, wich means that the bathurst can be competitive... i´ll try it later tonight when i get home... last night on a still very rough lap i did a 1´10´643 T3, but i think that was a dirty lap... :nervous:

not very happy with this week, because i´m going to travel saturday, 👎 👎 👎 so i had to do my time tonight or tomorrow.... i´ll be very far off the pace i guess. if i hit 1´09´9 it already be good for me... let´s see if i can get a quality run tonight...

still have no idea of what´s best for the tunnel turn too... that, and the first turn, that´s causing a lot of trouble... first with run-offs, and then with the car exiting sideways when i turn right on the second part of the chicane...

if only i didn´t have to work... :nervous: i would be already racing! (even if its still early in the morning here) :)
I can get 17.1 at t1 but only 48.4 at t2!!! Then mid 1.11 at t3!! How am i loosing so much time????
Tips please!!
As far as i can see i cant improve much more than .3 between t1 and 2
Have been giving this one a few laps, but I seem way off pace according to the times you guys are posting ... looks like I'm losing my touch as I'm dropping every week, or maybe all you guys are just getting faster !

Been driving the Spirit, but I would like to know, how do you guys figure out that it's faster than all the others with the same power and weight ? Or has someone tested every single one ?

T3's of 1:12 or somethin' ... really sucks :yuck:
I've read through this thread and saw something about CFM rules regarding parts beyond rumble strips (of which I can't find any at TM)....
Where eggzactly am I not supposed to drive?
Also, are the yellow-lined parts of the track still ok to drive through?
I finally managed to hit a 17.3xx @ T1 and a 47.5xx @ T2 and I thought I was doing good...

...up until now, when I saw people with T1's below 16.9xx and T2's into the 46.8xx :indiff: :nervous:

I guess I will have to find a way of hitting that first chicane nice and hard and cut down the time by a whole lot.

Guess Sunday will be my day.


The Wizard.
As far as I figured out, the same rules for this week applies as for week 4 (on Deep Forest). Thus, any concrete parts are off-limits, so normal ORL rules apply ... I hope I'm right, please can someone confirm ? So basically 2 tyres parts must always be on the rumble strips ...
As far as I figured out, the same rules for this week applies as for week 4 (on Deep Forest). Thus, any concrete parts are off-limits, so normal ORL rules apply ... I hope I'm right, please can someone confirm ? So basically 2 tyres parts must always be on the rumble strips ...

Correct matie!

If there is concrete OUTSIDE of a rumble strip, it's not part of the track.

Correct matie!

Thanks buddy, I'm still having a crap time lately with the WRS ... wish the grass was also part of the track ... my times suck bigtime ... all these fast buggers !

Good luck to you man 👍
Know exactly where you are coming from bud!

Good luck to you too!

Know exactly where you are coming from bud!

Good luck to you too!


To you too man, once your back is sorted out you'll be flying again dude !

See you're quite a Rossi fan ... too bad he does not ride for Honda anymore, my poor Honda's are falling over each other trying to catch up ... I'm a Honda supporter, not a rider supporter haha.