Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
So the concrete curbs where there's no rumble strip are out too?

As long as 2 wheels are on the tarmac it's fine ...

So basically :

2 wheels (or any part of 2 wheels, even just an inch/mm) MUST always be in contact with the track or the rumble strips ... does not matter where the other 2 wheels are ... hope that makes sense ...

CFM said this yesterday :

And I quote : "Yes, you can put 2 wheels completly in the dirt, and even get your 3rd and 4th tires in the dirt a little bit, as long as any part of your 3rd and 4th wheels are in contact with the track (rumble strips) at all times."

So the rules are very simple, 2 tyres (or part of them) always on the tarmac or rumbles ...
Finally got to have a 5 lap go at it... Spirit R, I REALLY want to use an RX8, but with it's major lack of torque(why do you guys always only look at horsepower?) It's not going to cut it...

Yes, these suck I can see, but I felt I needed to get something up there. Time will come later tonight for me to put on some pressure I hope...
T1: 17.914
T2: 48.507
T3: 1'12.613
As long as 2 wheels are on the tarmac it's fine ...

So basically :

2 wheels (or any part of 2 wheels, even just an inch/mm) MUST always be in contact with the track or the rumble strips ... does not matter where the other 2 wheels are ... hope that makes sense ...

CFM said this yesterday :

And I quote : "Yes, you can put 2 wheels completly in the dirt, and even get your 3rd and 4th tires in the dirt a little bit, as long as any part of your 3rd and 4th wheels are in contact with the track (rumble strips) at all times."

So the rules are very simple, 2 tyres (or part of them) always on the tarmac or rumbles ...

But of course jumps are legal, right? ;)
De Bolle
But of course jumps are legal, right? ;)

yes they are legal . BUT.. if you had a vertical line down to the ground, you would have to be within the rules of OLR.
So you can not jump over a chicane, fly over grass (with the entire car) and land on the track again.
Finally got some time to run last night.

T1 17.984
T2 48.544
T3 1'11.796.

LOTS of time to gain.

RX-7, Spirit.

I can get 17.1 at t1 but only 48.4 at t2!!! Then mid 1.11 at t3!! How am i loosing so much time????
Tips please!!
As far as i can see i cant improve much more than .3 between t1 and 2

I'll give you a disclaimer that I'm still learning this track, but I ran about 20 laps last night and I improved my time significantly from the previous day's run.

The biggest difference I found is the long right-hander that leads into the back straightaway. You have to brake kinda hard, down to 3rd gear, and hug the inside of that corner. I mean, way down, in the yellow striped area. If you stay down there, you can get a better exit from the corner and thus a better T2. 👍 👍

I improved my T2 by leaps and bounds once I accepted the fact that I had to brake in order to go faster :crazy:

Hope this helps a little.
Ahhh shucks....MisterWeary way to go man, u r just ahead of me and if only u knew how much my last section SUCKED. I was .4 ahead of my previous ghost as of T3, then when I crossed the finish line I was only ahead by MAYBE .1. But there is still time to get it all right.

@Randychicken, I found that I really started to trim some time here after I found the correct driving line. For example, at first when I came out of the second tunnel, getting ready for the blind left, I stayed to the left the whole time. Then once I was told by a 'GOD' (aka bOi) to go right and hit good exit speed, BAM! .5 improvement at the T3 right away. As for the last section, well I'm still pulling that one together...lol. Hope maybe it helps ya out.

@Randychicken, I found that I really started to trim some time here after I found the correct driving line. For example, at first when I came out of the first tunnel, getting ready for the blind left, I stayed to the left the whole time. Then once I was told by a 'GOD' (aka bOi) to go right and hit good exit speed, BAM! .5 improvement at the T3 right away. As for the last section, well I'm still pulling that one together...lol. Hope maybe it helps ya out.

Just my toughts about this one... When I am in the long tunnel, I stand to the far left. The T2 time will show, and right after it dissapear, I will hit the brakes and start to steer to the right and downshift to 3rd. Hit the gas again when you exit the tunnel and keep swerving to the right. This way I can do this turn in high speed. You will enter the second short tunnel (be carefull not to hit the inside wall in the entrance! :crazy: ) and will be already in position to take the blind left right after it and stick the 4th. At least for me, this way showed to be very fast and with a good driving line. 👍
That sounds like it would work too. I'll try that one too.

god I love the RX-7! the way this car handles just makes it so fun to drive.

T1- '17.647
T2- '47.799
T3- 1'11.493

not to bad for D3 huh?
Been driving the Spirit, but I would like to know, how do you guys figure out that it's faster than all the others with the same power and weight ? Or has someone tested every single one ?

Well I've only bothered to test out the ones that had decent HP to begin with, so I tested the Bathurst, the RX8 concept and the Spirit and just found the Spirit pulled the better times every time (I went back and forth between the cars every 10 laps or so to make sure it just wasn't my improving knowledge of the track) - after upgrades the Spirit has the highest HP BTW. It's too bad the RX8 doesn't weigh less (significantly less) - I'd like to see the Power/Weight ratio make a difference over raw HP.

Additionally, I did the math on all the P/W ratios:

335/1080=3.224 for the RX8
351/1143=3.256 for the Spirit
347/1134=3.268 for the Bathurst

Can some math genius tell me why it's written P/W when you actualy divide the weight by the power?

god I love the RX-7! the way this car handles just makes it so fun to drive.

T1- '17.647
T2- '47.799
T3- 1'11.493

not to bad for D3 huh?

Looks like I'm going to have to improve even more if I want to win Div 3 this week - hopefully I'll at least see the podium but this is a quick time....s'alright, I've got enough time on my hands to put in another 150-300 laps easily ;) (and you better believe I will!)

god I love the RX-7! the way this car handles just makes it so fun to drive.

T1- '17.647
T2- '47.799
T3- 1'11.493

not to bad for D3 huh?

From someone who's always at the top, no BIG surprise. Very nice splits.
Sure thing Ursa. In order to achieve the power to weight ratio you divide them to get your 3.2xx. Then the ratio part comes in when you add the :1. I.E. 3.228:1 is your ratio, if memory serves me correct. So your power is 3.228HP per Pound (Weight) of the vehicle, so for every lb. on the car it has 3.2 'ponies' to push it.

Just my toughts about this one... When I am in the long tunnel, I stand to the far left. The T2 time will show, and right after it dissapear, I will hit the brakes and start to steer to the right and downshift to 3rd. Hit the gas again when you exit the tunnel and keep swerving to the right. This way I can do this turn in high speed. You will enter the second short tunnel (be carefull not to hit the inside wall in the entrance! :crazy: ) and will be already in position to take the blind left right after it and stick the 4th. At least for me, this way showed to be very fast and with a good driving line. 👍

Thanks for the advice, ppucci!

t1: 17.648
t2: 48.048
t3: 1:11,612
Sure thing Ursa. In order to achieve the power to weight ratio you divide them to get your 3.2xx. Then the ratio part comes in when you add the :1. I.E. 3.228:1 is your ratio, if memory serves me correct. So your power is 3.228HP per Pound (Weight) of the vehicle, so for every lb. on the car it has 3.2 'ponies' to push it.


:slapping forehead:

The :1 - I totally spaced that part - thanks!
No sweat, we love questions here because between all of us SOMEONE'S GOTTA know the answer...lol

Ooooo, by the looks of it the D3 battle is heating up. I don't know if I will beat UrsaMajorPrime after his 150-300 laps he is going to do! (What happened to the gentlemens testing argeement?)

Those are some nice splits circa86.

Although, I'm sorry both of you, I can't let you win. I'm determined as ever to win in the Bathurst.

So far I'm ahead 👍 ........just 👎
Ooooo, by the looks of it the D3 battle is heating up. I don't know if I will beat UrsaMajorPrime after his 150-300 laps he is going to do! (What happened to the gentlemens testing argeement?)

Those are some nice splits circa86.

Although, I'm sorry both of you, I can't let you win. I'm determined as ever to win in the Bathurst.

So far I'm ahead 👍 ........just 👎

Gentlemens testing agreement? I'm new to WRS, do I need to read back on something?

And I just put in about 10 laps was a DS2 'cause some folks were saying it might have the upper hand on some of the corners - Bah! I switched to a wheel, and I'm sticking with the wheel! ;)
Then the ratio part comes in when you add the :1. I.E. 3.228:1 is your ratio, if memory serves me correct. So your power is 3.228HP per Pound (Weight) of the vehicle, so for every lb. on the car it has 3.2 'ponies' to push it.


I don't mean to be a smartass know-it-all, jump_ace, but if that was correct it would mean that, if the vehicle weighed 1000 pounds, then it would have 3228 horses :D

Now that would be a vehicle I would like to see more often in the WRS ;)

The 1: goes in front: 1:3.228 meaning that for every one horsepower, the vehicle weighs 3.228 pounds.

Also, Power to Weight ratio means that you take the power and you divide it by the weight (P/W), while Weight to Power ratio means that you take the weight and you divide it by the power (W/P).

In the first case (P/W), the bigger the number the better (meaning you will have more horsepower for one pound).

In the second case (W/P), the smaller the number the better (meaning you will have less weight for one horsepower).

Hope this explains the matter 👍


The Wizard.
I don't mean to be a smartass know-it-all, jump_ace, but if that was correct it would mean that, if the vehicle weighed 1000 pounds, then it would have 3228 horses :D

Now that would be a vehicle I would like to see more often in the WRS ;)

The 1: goes in front: 1:3.228 meaning that for every one horsepower, the vehicle weighs 3.228 pounds.

Also, Power to Weight ratio means that you take the power and you divide it by the weight (P/W), while Weight to Power ratio means that you take the weight and you divide it by the power (W/P).

In the first case (P/W), the bigger the number the better (meaning you will have more horsepower for one pound).

In the second case (W/P), the smaller the number the better (meaning you will have less weight for one horsepower).

Hope this explains the matter 👍


The Wizard.

Which is why I'm wondering why we call it Power to Weight - but use the W/P formula! (I didn't mean to start a whole discussion on this in the wrong thread, but thanks for answering my questions)

Unfortunately I won't have anymore time to run the WRS this week so I'll submit my times with the following:

RX7 Bathurst

T1 - 17.752
T2 - 48.478
T3 - 1'11.845

Div 3 - DS2

That damn tunnel turn kept catching me out so in the end I just drifted it and settled for an ugly looking final sector.
I guess I did have it backwards, eh? Thats what were here for tho. Thx Wizard.

Well I have a tad faster 'post T3' section and my other splits are fairly close to my other 'botched' lap so Small_Fry's/Luxy, here is my new splits.

T1 - :17.342
T2 - :47.414
T3 - 1:10.748

And I"m still losing about .2 between T2 and T3, will work on it. But its an improvement from yesterday so :)


EDIT: HOLY SH#$&#*$&TTTTTTT!!! Man, I can't find my replay from last week, well it looks like I'm gonna have an MIA on my website and THANK GOD I wasn't required to prove it (although if I did have to I would have backed it up by now) :ouch: I'm sorry guys. :nervous:

Well I've only bothered to test out the ones that had decent HP to begin with, so I tested the Bathurst, the RX8 concept and the Spirit and just found the Spirit pulled the better times every time (I went back and forth between the cars every 10 laps or so to make sure it just wasn't my improving knowledge of the track) - after upgrades the Spirit has the highest HP BTW. It's too bad the RX8 doesn't weigh less (significantly less) - I'd like to see the Power/Weight ratio make a difference over raw HP.

Additionally, I did the math on all the P/W ratios:

335/1080=3.224 for the RX8
351/1143=3.256 for the Spirit
347/1134=3.268 for the Bathurst

Can some math genius tell me why it's written P/W when you actualy divide the weight by the power?

Looks like I'm going to have to improve even more if I want to win Div 3 this week - hopefully I'll at least see the podium but this is a quick time....s'alright, I've got enough time on my hands to put in another 150-300 laps easily ;) (and you better believe I will!)

About the power to weight ratio question... I don't understand why you guys do, but I haven't seen anyone even mention TORQUE! Torque to power ratios could very easily be the reason why similar p/w ratios don't mean equal speed cars. In the RX8's case, it has NO torque compared to the turbo RX7s.

And wow UMP! Second week in the WRS and going for first! Actually, that's not so weird in D3 I guess... Seeing as I did it, TeamLosiRacer did it... Welcome and good luck!
hello, i'm back to post some split times that i did in a 3 hour session lastnight, its most likely gonna b the final time i submit

17.097 (not the best i've had)

and the finish was just ok, almost broke a second barrier that would have been nice, not to be.

i've noticed that driving recklessly actually pays off, particularly for the long sweeping right b4 t2, just throw the car in and make sure u get good exit speed coming out.
Damn I've had to throw out quite a few good laps because of that freakin concrete. Losing alot of attempts trying to be quick through there. It's driving me nuts :crazy:!! Finally recorded a lap that beats my old one and is CLEAN :ill::

T1- 17.331
T2- 47.557
T3- 1:10.575

I'm really hating the banked turn that you have to get low on, and the one out of the tunnel and...basically everything in between T1 and T3 :yuck:. Hopefully I can pick up the pace this weekend....
Well I'm determined to be different, even if it costs me.

Driving the RX-8 Concept (Type I) '01

T1: 0'18.017
T2: 0'48.934
T3: 1'12.436

Div 2 DFP

I think one of the biggest problems with the RX-8 is the gearbox. I've done a few laps in the RX-7s and the shift is better and closer. I just don't like the porpoising of the suspension on the 7s. Feels like they need more rebound... :odd:

The other thing I am doing is staying between the white lines on the track ie. not going on to the yellow striped areas. I don't really know why, I just feel kinda dirty travelling on those areas where you'd get a black flag if you were racing in real life :indiff:

Ditto the area beyond the white lines after the first chicane. I don't know if Kent has made a ruling on this area in particular or the yellow areas in general but I don't want to use them at the moment. :yuck:

I'm sure as the deadline approaches I'll be looking for any way to make up some time :sly:
VTR, I MIGHT join you in that car. I'd rather drive a RX8 as well, even though I love RX7's and the way the Spirit drives. But, last time I drove it, I couldn't get over the fact that the stock gearing on the RX8 concept is a total fluke. It's like someone accidentally put in a 3.xx:1 rear end when there should be at least a 4.xx in there. Kind of REALLY annoying, and makes it that much slower, definitely not a torque monster that the gearing would hint towards... I'll have a go later this night, try out the concept for a few laps, probably get mad at the gearing and pop back into the Spirit. Maybe I'll try the production RX8, even worse power/weight ratio, but better gearing may make up for it(compared with the concept that is). Who knows...

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