Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
KLR, I find the production RX-8 just too heavy. The only thing the concept has going for it is that it is lighter and handles better than the RX-7.

I agree about the diff ratio, if any car needed a close ratio box it's this one. And while they're changing the ratio could they pop a locker in there too 💡
im kicking myself sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly

freakin run was dirty, but just barely!!!! :crazy:


hoping to duplicate these soon~~~
Argh I am a bit pissed about these splits. They look like i put in a decent lap, but in reality I only gained about .1 over my old lap final time. I saw that I was onto some decent sectors so I put into dont mess up mode.

T1: 0'17.190
T2: 0'47.292
T3: 1'10.127
Puck u and I are runnign about the same times for each section, except if I'm off a lap it usually shows with a 1:10.7 or so.... :yuck: lol

Well after counting up to 115 laps and really no significant improvement, I really doubt I have anything left, I wish that 1:10.4 lap was better at the end, but thats life. I'm gonna do the DTM the next few days. Hasta!

The other thing I am doing is staying between the white lines on the track ie. not going on to the yellow striped areas. I don't really know why, I just feel kinda dirty travelling on those areas where you'd get a black flag if you were racing in real life :indiff:

Ditto the area beyond the white lines after the first chicane. I don't know if Kent has made a ruling on this area in particular or the yellow areas in general but I don't want to use them at the moment. :yuck:

Unless specified that a certain area of the track is off limits by the race mod, lines on the pavement are meaningless. Feel free to go beyond them as you like.
nice splits there hotboi, pity u didnt nail that 1'09.007 lap, thats really quick!!!!

i thought i was safe when i finished my lap and almost reached my goal second barrier, i can always count on u though to beat me though, lol. its really a matter of 50%luck and 50%skill as to who wins these wrs weeks. this is one of those weeks were u need to get lucky, particularly near the end of the circuit and those fast right/left/right corners, u can take them fast if u nail it, but to do that u need alot of luck, particularly the blind uphill left, thats the one corner were u need the most luck to turn in at the correct time to set urself up for the next right. in my lap, i took it fast, but i got a little out of shape for the next right and i barely hung on to it at the finish line, i only hit the line at 217 km/h and on a fluky run, i usually hit it at 220/221 km/h. so my lap is no where near perfect, as in, every corner taking near enough to its physical limit, but t1-t3 was absolutely perfect, start to t1 was not that good (i've had 16.902 as a personal best t1 split) and t3 to finish i lost .17 secs from the ultimate t3-finish that i did earlier from a 1'09.505 split
Unless specified that a certain area of the track is off limits by the race mod, lines on the pavement are meaningless. Feel free to go beyond them as you like.

Cheers CFM, that should take some time off my lap.

I do find it an interesting challenge though, to keep within the lines. :dopey:
About the power to weight ratio question... I don't understand why you guys do, but I haven't seen anyone even mention TORQUE! Torque to power ratios could very easily be the reason why similar p/w ratios don't mean equal speed cars. In the RX8's case, it has NO torque compared to the turbo RX7s.

And wow UMP! Second week in the WRS and going for first! Actually, that's not so weird in D3 I guess... Seeing as I did it, TeamLosiRacer did it... Welcome and good luck!

Alright then:

152.6@7500 RX8 Concept
231.4@5000 RX7 Bathurst and Spirit

a difference of 78.8 ft/lbs and 2500 rpm's (I've never been a huge gear head in this regard, but I'm starting to learn, so I'm not sure if it's better to have the torque at lower or higher rpm's, I figure it would be the lower since that would mean you're getting your power faster? Meaning, would 231.4@7500 be better than 231.4@5000?)

But I can see why similar P/W cars would have such a massive difference if their torques are that far apart.

As for going for 1st - why not? That's kind of the point of racing isn't it? ;) I prolly won't get it, but I'm sure going to try - and I'm only a couple seconds behind right now with 4+ days left to get better.

Besides if ya'll keep winning, you'll get promoted and eventually I'll get on the podium 👍

Alright then:

152.6@7500 RX8 Concept
231.4@5000 RX7 Bathurst and Spirit

a difference of 78.8 ft/lbs and 2500 rpm's (I've never been a huge gear head in this regard, but I'm starting to learn, so I'm not sure if it's better to have the torque at lower or higher rpm's, I figure it would be the lower since that would mean you're getting your power faster? Meaning, would 231.4@7500 be better than 231.4@5000?)


Generally the lower down the rev range the torque peak is, the better. I have heard torque described as "how hard an engine can punch" ie apply its force to the road. This is much more useful than simple horsepower.

There's also a quote, I believe from Carroll Smith: "Horsepower sells cars, but torque wins races"

Or words to that effect. :)
I LOVE this combo, new splits for me:

CAR: Spirit R
T1: 0'17.062
T2: 0'47.042
T3: 1'10.194 (Was hoping to tip in front of TeamLosi :) )

I'm pretty sure I can break the 1'10 at T3 but I'm starting to get to my limits here, might put a few more laps in now...
good update for yours truly.

T1: 17.560
T2: 48.318
T3: 1'12.198

still got at least a second to make up to catch the front runners in D3
well, going to be out of town this weekend... this week is going to be really bad... anyway, new splits, i think i need another 50 laps to shave that extra second that i hope to do... i might be able to play monday i think.... until then :nervous:

T1: 17´313 :indiff:
T2: 47´724 (don´t know why i´m so slow here) :yuck:
T3: 1´10´440 :ouch:

lost about 0.3 in the end, so i hope that´s not the time i have to submit...
had a small session last night, and maybe because I was just tired of my working day, but I was not able to even have a decent start, so the closest I got to my best time from the other session was 1 sec. I think my times are already ok, though. May try it again on saturday, but I think it will be the same.

Just a note, since I joined WRS I did not play GT4 in simulation mode (only for the NSX). Gotta find time to do it!
Well after a good session I have new splits but my old lap took some serious work to beat :crazy: In this lap I drove like a maniac in a couple of sections, the first chicane and the last set of corners...despite my maniacal behaviour...it's clean 👍

CAR: Spirit R
T1: 0'17.207
T2: 0'47.182
T3: 1'10.094

I'd still like to get under 1'10 at T3 but I don't really want to put much more time into this one, I beat my old lap by 0.2 while only being 0.1 better at T3 so even the end was an improvement. We'll see.

I have a question though in regard to the very first slight left after the start/finish line...it has a bank...if you move onto the bank but keep two wheels on the track is it still clean? My old lap doesn't ride this bank if it's not okay but I'd prefer this lap.
I seem to have found my mojo with this combo.

T1 0:18.570
T2 0:48.949
T3 1:12.401

T1 0:17.532
T2 0:47.882
T3 1:11.163

I figured out the chicane and a couple other parts of the track. This is a HUGE leap for me.
Well after a good session I have new splits but my old lap took some serious work to beat :crazy: In this lap I drove like a maniac in a couple of sections, the first chicane and the last set of corners...despite my maniacal behaviour...it's clean 👍

CAR: Spirit R
T1: 0'17.207
T2: 0'47.182
T3: 1'10.094

I'd still like to get under 1'10 at T3 but I don't really want to put much more time into this one, I beat my old lap by 0.2 while only being 0.1 better at T3 so even the end was an improvement. We'll see.

I have a question though in regard to the very first slight left after the start/finish line...it has a bank...if you move onto the bank but keep two wheels on the track is it still clean? My old lap doesn't ride this bank if it's not okay but I'd prefer this lap.

Heh, you're talking about serious work?! That's what I've got in front of me now. JEEZ. Fast lap, dude.
For those of you using RX-7s, I'd recommend the RZ. It may not have quite as much power (about 4HP less I think), but its handling is far superior to the Spirit R. I don't have my times on hand, but I can tell you I had a considerably easier time navigating and finding better lines.

I recommend it also because it has the cool red interior and the red exterior logo! :cool:
Thanks for the tip, I'll try the RZ tonight for a few laps. Did a few arcade races today with the Spirit R, just for a change.
Without quick tune it gives you 199 a-spec points. With the quick-tune still 123 points, and it absolutely smokes the BMW M5....
Interesting week. I have avoided this track until now, not one of my favorites. But the track and the car(s) together make a teriffic couple! Good work Kent! 👍

Starting late this week. It's friday today. Hope it will not be a disadvantage... Don't wanna be beaten by Androos again! :sly:
Wow, way do get it done Weary, those are some great splits. It seems to me that for some reason I'm losing a TON of time now on the main hairpin after T1. I see that 'bOi is about .3 faster than me as of T1, but then is about a whole sec faster than me by T2. How to take that fter is the question. Maybe I'll try braking later and trying to drift the turn? I usually hit the apex at about 64mph and accel out...hhmmm.......this is gonna be tough.

I may only be hitting split times like this

0:18:562 :)
0:49:143 ;)
1:14:983 ;)

But I feel good about it because I am running clean, consistantly.
However, I run with the ASM on, and i know that slows me down. I have tried running with the ASM off, but the car gets squirlly on my every time.

Any suggestions?
I would suggest taking it one step at a time. Start with just the TCS on with a car and track that u know well. Then put the asm on and feel the difference and race a ghost and see how hard it is to keep up ;). Then try just tcs again for a while, then once u got the combo down, try no tcs or asm and again FEEL the difference and how the car reacts. It will teach you how to run 'the lines' on a track. But don't try to do it in like one night or something, give it some time like a week or two to develop. Hope it helps.

Hey RedWolf, what car is that RZ? I am going to try that, one of my major complaints with the other cars is the handling... the Spirit is the best handling I've tried, but if you have a better one I think the tradeoff of 4hp is acceptable... 👍
After 1 hour, these are my splits:

T1:17.327 :) (Have seen low 17.2xx)
T2:48.167 (Have seen 47.8xx)
T3:1'11.050 (Have seen 1'10.8xx)

There is much to gain if you get it right everywhere. The corner I have most trouble with is the corner before the straight under the woods. That one is important.
Man, you guys are serious about this. I need to step it up a bit, I normally drive like 5 laps and then my mind starts to wonder!:ouch: Looks like I need to put some time in!!

Splits so far
I can't beat my time I did in my first 5 laps of this whole stupid week!

Argh...It's so annoying.

I can almost catch up to it at the end in the T2 - T3 sector. But I've got a perfect flat out run after T3 so I need to be in front by then.

I've only ever beaten myself to T1 once, which was a 17.2, then threw it away on the next corner, probably out of shock...
Wow, I suck compared to you all. I wish some of you lived near me so I could get some coaching. So far I have:

T1: 17.658
T2: 48.781
T3: 1:13.3XX

I lose so much time in T2 and T3 it's unbelievable. Although, I have started running sans ASM and TCS and I improved by more than 2 seconds. I also know I can make up .5 in T1, but I get frustrated whenever I hit a wall or start sliding and have to start over.