Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
Played some today, came up with some 16.9´s in T1 sometimes and also 1'09.4 in T2 once, but didn´t get a clean lap. Will run more today and get one clean, also i just ran 40 min due to a meeting i had to go.

But these were the splits i´ve got so far.
I've seen a lot of talk about Concrete...

One problem with this is the idea of such a general statement.

There's a lot of concrete on this track.
Places where there is no rumble but there is concrete!?!?

What's legal, what's not?
It's hard to say.
We (cfm and I) would really need to see replays to judge legal vs non-legal.

Either that or amazingly detailed track descriptions. :lol:

One of the biggest problems for me in this is my attitude towards GT driving.

Fast. :indiff: (more like slow lol )
Clean. :dopey: (always and easily)

I always trade speed for clean laps.
It's a hard trade off when you're doing OLR, but for me it's the difference between a great looking replay for my playlist and a bs-lap to fill the playlist with junk. :lol:

How to deal with this sort of thing is even more complex now that GT4 has been released.
In the past the WRS had a great wealth of knowledge regarding technicalities of tracks and cars.

However, in this new age of GT4 we still haven't had time to discover everything... To truely learn this game the way we did with GT3 could take a great deal of time. :guilty:

Everything about this game is new (more or less).
For now I think the best we can do is go by the simple rule...
Keep 2 wheels on, or inside of the rumble stips at all times.​

I know it's hard to do that... But just try.

Btw, this whole subject has really started me on some brain-storming!!! :lol:
Hey Lewie, tried yo send you an email but you have it blocked. I live in St. Pete, maybe we could race sometime. Email me when you get a chance.
There's a lot of concrete on this track.
Places where there is no rumble but there is concrete!?!?

What's legal, what's not?
It's hard to say........

For now I think the best we can do is go by the simple rule...
Keep 2 wheels on, or inside of the rumble stips at all times.

I know it's hard to do that... But just try.

Thanks for the clarification Kent. I think that's what it should be, just the rumble strips, all the time so there is no question. I know its hard, and I can do it. Its just I can be even faster with that extra bit of room :D.

As for the "concrete" in question, I'm talking about the right of the first right left combo or chicane, after the start/finish. Outside of the rumble strip in the right there is a concrete strip, with the sand and grass outside of that. Regardless, I'll adhere to the rules as written, I just know that the small concrete strips were allowed last week and wasn't sure if that went for this week too.
Happy Happy Joy Joy!

My splits are only fractions of a second better than they were before, but I just shaved .8 off my best lap...

T1: 18.1
T2: 49.8
T3: 1:13.2

don't know why I'm losing so much time between T1 and T2, could be that first uphill left as I know I'm staying good all the way after that up to T2...

Ok, back to the race.

Oh, and can someone PLEASE tell me what was meant by the "Gentlemen's Practice Agreement" that was mentioned to me a few posts back - is there some unwritten rule about not driving day and night until you get it perfect?

I'm only closing in on 200 laps...that doesn't seem unreasonable to me (I can't give actual hours cauze then you could calculate out my lap time, though you all already know ~about~ what it should be) you do the math ;)

well, the pacience paid off...

Glad my advice helped 👍

Leaderboard Updated!

I know you are doing this all by hand, and much appreciated by the way - but I'm only driving a DF not a DFP

You forgot to put my splits up there.

No i didnt, they are there have a look! :dunce: :sly:

I didnt forget mate, i just missed them :ouch:
Any way you can get these times put in to the leader board?

T1: 0'17.257
T2: 0'47.436
T3: 1'10.035

these were with the Spirit. Oddly enough i ran a lap with slower sectors but the final time was over a tenth faster!
@Small_Fryz - Please don't update with these splits cause it wasn't a @#$@#$@#$ clean lap (just barely) but I've now seen:


I'll nail it clean though, and without those wall rubbings I'm sure I can get that 1'12 down to a 1'11....

One problem with this is the idea of such a general statement.

There's a lot of concrete on this track.
Places where there is no rumble but there is concrete!?!?

What's legal, what's not?
It's hard to say.
We (cfm and I) would really need to see replays to judge legal vs non-legal.

Exactly, like the tunnel right after T3, there's a chunk of concrete on the inside, and THEN a rumble stip appears (along the same piece of concrete), so two wheels on the tarmac until you get to the rumble strip, and then two wheels on the rumble strip would be the legal route right?

And not to seem like a noob (which I am as far as WRS is concerned), but isn't it too late to judge legal vs. non-legal after replays are submitted? I mean, why would you submit a replay unless you *knew* it was legal in the first place? I think I'd be rather mad to have submitted a reply I thought was legal by what was declared in the forums only to find out later that it wasn't...see what I mean?

Slap me if you need to...

Well I put in another couple of hours and I don't know that I can do any better than this lap, my old lap had a possible question mark over it's cleanliness whereas this one is clean as a whistle and 0.2 secs faster too:

CAR: Spirit R
T1: 0'17.187
T2: 0'47.172
T3: 1'10.061

In all the laps I've done, I've never seen T3 under 1'10 and only once have I had T2 under 0'47, so I don't see this lap being beat any time soon.
Just got a faster end time, while my splits were all slower than my previous record.. :ill:

Will do a session later tonight, and that will probably be the last time I can race before the deadline.
Alright, well the more practice I get with this combo the more I really enjoy it. I have gone from mid 1:13's for T3 to my new splits of:

T1: 17.343
T2: 47.986
T3: 1:11.136

In the Spirit.

I know I can do even better, but I just have a problem with the first and last sector. They are hit and miss for me.
Ah, I hate this track...And im losing my GT mojo. I havent played in like a month, so busy. And I see we have alot of new members! This is going to be another race that proves I belong in Div3 :) 👎
so to clarify, sorry if its been said but outside the white line exiting the first chicane is legal? and the yellow diagonal stripes up the inside ofthe 2 turns either side of the back straight are legal?
so to clarify, sorry if its been said but outside the white line exiting the first chicane is legal? and the yellow diagonal stripes up the inside ofthe 2 turns either side of the back straight are legal?

Yup, you're all good!

I just had to see it because for once, I'm the fastest for Div3.

Nice time! Looks like I'll have to put in some more laps, I was planning on submitting that time today, but then I wake up and see you've overtaken me!

Lucky I've got the day off today...what are the chances....

I hope I get down into the 1'10.xxx today
Think I'm submitting. I really haven't had a good time with this one. Liked the car, just hated this track. Didn't quite get where I wanted to be. Saw plenty of 47.0xx's and a couple between 1:09.7 and 1:09.5's, but just couldn't put it all together :yuck: . Was hoping to catch up to Alpine and maybe hold off veil, but I guess I'll settle for 5th again. Good luck to everyone still running. Maybe I'll get ya next week!
Puck what part of LI ya from I used to live in lake grove.(Sorry for off topic)...anysways im truly sucking..T1-19.376 I think ill be up allnight, and only 2 more days for practicing! :crazy:
Where do you get the spirit R? havent seen it or am i just blind :crazy:

Ya gotta go buy it in GT Mode then it will appear in the Arcade options - same with the RZ, but that ones in the used section 1 (that's where I found mine anyway)

Stellar times u Div 2 Dominators ;) Well done, I'll see if I can put anything together, beyond my previuos best in the next couple days.

Puck what part of LI ya from I used to live in lake grove.(Sorry for off topic)...anysways im truly sucking..T1-19.376 I think ill be up allnight, and only 2 more days for practicing! :crazy:

Right near there, I'm from Sound Beach/Miller Place area, good luck with just two days, this was a tough one!
Sorry bleurabbit7.

I couldn't stand to come second again. So I hopped out of my bathurst, and brought a spirit R. And what do you know, I cut a second of my time in 30 minutes...

T1 - 17.409
T2 - 47.979
T3 - 1'10.746

I'd really like to get below 1'10, but it don't think it's possible for me. I know where I've lost maybe .3, but I think it's impossible to get below that using Auto.