Week 17: Mazdas On Trial...

  • Thread starter Kent
Well it seems I'm doing something right this week. The one corner that gives me heaps of trouble is the very first one?!? Anyway here's a run-though for those that are interested:

  • Usually hit the start/finish at about 215km/h stay as right as you possibly can, there's a shadow in the road that's my brake indicator where I touch the brakes very slightly and coast in a straight line across the apexes (usually touching the brakes lightly in the middle and then power out, usually right next to the wall doing about 180km/h. (Getting this right is a lottery for me?!?)

  • The next corner you brake just as the car loses traction over the hill from very far left but pointing towards the apex of the corner, brake straight and hard and turn in a little later than you would normally and as the car is about to hit 100km/h in third gear power it out...this should give you a T1 of 17.1 - 17.4 fairly consistently (twice got a 16.9) Usually if I don't break 17.4 I drive maniacally for the rest of the lap because making back the time on my ghost is virtually impossible for me.

  • The next corner is like the previous one in reverse, you must start very wide and aim the car towards the apex as you brake and again it's the magical 100km/h in third gear you're looking for. You then power out through the next two corners preparing yourself for the hairpin, again get yourself very wide pointing towards the apex before you brake and yep...you guessed it...100km/h and 3rd gear is your target. This corner can be taken a few different ways though I've found. As you power down the straight make sure you change into 5th just before your car loses traction as you enter the bridge you should then have a T2 of 47.1 - 47.4

  • The next corner is make or break for me, it brings back terrible memories of license test B8 from GT3 but I know that corner like the back of my hand now. My brake point is in amongst some stripey shadows in the road (you'll know when you see it) and again come at it from very wide and you have to cut in like you're going to hit the wall on the right, braking into 3rd gear and about 120km/h then powering out should take you to right near the outside wall of the next tunnel.

  • The next corner is tricky to get exactly right but don't change gears up or down before it and just brake enough so you power through it and the next right hander leading up to the only 2nd gear corner on the track.

  • This corner needs to be cut fine and the exact brake point is still not clear to me but again stay wide while you brake down into 2nd...coast a little into the apex then power out. You should hit T3 in 1'10.0 - 1'10.4

  • From here you've gotta throw caution to the wind, brake hard into the next right hander in the tunnel, again making sure you come at it from wide and pointing into the apex, then as you come around you're back where the restart point is except you're a little faster so be careful, too much acceleration on corners will slide you too wide in preparation for the next but if done right you can absolutely fly through this section!!!

Now you shouldn't be using any aids, they're not needed with this car (the NSX on the other hand :crazy: ) if you use these instructions you should aim for minimal tyre squeal around the track as well, if they're screaming like a little girl it's slowing you down.

Another suggestion is to do 5-10 laps without restarting and concentrating on your strategy, if you keep restarting you'll get an awesome T1 and then ruin one of the many corners to come, practice the whole track!

Hope this helps...if you beat me using my own strategy then so be it, I'm really interested to know if I'm becoming a faster driver or whether I've just found a good strategy for this combo. I guess if you guys use this strategy and beat me then I'll know the answer :sly:

I think I'll give this one a break for a little while and see what pans out...good luck all 👍
great post!!!

you australians are very good writers... holl01 always have those kind of descriptions...

well, later i´ll try some more, but i think you are very good this week, it´s not your strategy (a lot of people are running like that, you are just doing what we are thinking about doing it)
Well, I went through a few cars today, just for fun I started out with an FC that was available to me, then I went to the RX8 Type S, then the RX8 Concept Type 1(the tall gearing car) and actually liked the gearing even though it was tall, then the RX8 Concept Type 2(shorter gearing and more torque), then hopped into the Bathurst R RX7... Stuck it out in that car for a good while, pulled out these splits, then hopped back in the Spirit R... The Spirit has slightly shorter gearing, but I just didn't like the way it handled as much as my bright yellow Bathurst... Some places the gearing is a disadvantage, others it's an advantage; which outways which I don't know, but I'm used to the Bathurst now. And it's different! 👍 And Yellow!

New splits in the Bathurst:
47.848(taking a couple of bad turns here...)

More to come... Maybe... Time's limited a bit this week...
Wow Weary, we have almost the exact same goals to hit for each corner and the same strategy, I would say you are a great driver as I have been having trouble hitting my points all in the same lap. As noted by me faster lap with slower splits....aahhh!!! LOL. Nice post man, u really confirmed for me that I'm doing this one right.

Very good writeup MisterWeary. Pretty much spot on with how i am driving my laps. But here's one corner i'm doing a little differently.

  • This corner needs to be cut fine and the exact brake point is still not clear to me but again stay wide while you brake down into 2nd...coast a little into the apex then power out. You should hit T3 in 1'10.0 - 1'10.4

Instead of shifting into second, this corner can be taken in third, or at least that's how i am doing it. I brake slightly after the suggested gear starts flashing until ~95km/h. Then i fully accelerate and aim for the apex and i hit it at or almost 100km/h.

Anyways, a small progress update for me.
T1: 0'17.077
T2: 0'46.909
T3: 1'09.417

Team H is just plain too fast for me. The only time i can keep up and be competitive with them is if they have not started racing yet :sly: .
I better podium in D3 this week, enough 4ths damnit! I am really gonna go for it this week. After thinking about it for awhile, I hope I don't go up to D2 because I don't have that much time to spend, who knows though I could probably handle but it just gets into so much time in D1 and D2. I am going to college on the 25th so I probably won't have much time at all for WRS :(, but I will get into it whenever I can, I love GT4!!

anyone struggling with this track needs to learn how to drive because it isn't the car :)
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the "RZ" in question is the 2000 model of the RX-7 RZ which only came in white for the exterior with a red interior that you can just barely see. Again I highly recommend it and again I don't have my darn splits!

Anywho, I'm off all weekend so w00t! Look out for some times from yours truly! ;)
AAHHH!!!!! Much better, now I can go up to Seattle to Bobkart's tomorrow morning with a clear mind, I have my DTM and my WRS times to where I'm satisfied. If I have time in the next few days to improve on them great, if not I'm happy :). Here's my new splits for ya guys, and I'm gonna back up ALL the replays I have now to make sure I don't (I'm guessing I deleted Week 16 by accident) lose it like week 16, sorry again guys for that mistake I hope no one doubts my time. Anyway here ya go:

T1 - :17.358
T2 - :47.328
T3 - 1:10.354

Let's see here, I took Weary's advise on braking a little late for the righty just b4 T1 and I found my self getting 17.2-3. FAR more A) easily and B) frequently. The main hairpin I took wider than before and it helped as I kept my speed at I think 67 mph. And I saw on my previous replays that for the blind corners b4 t3 I was taking them too sharp too early and had to comphensate back out of the turn to ensure I would smack the wall :dunce: .

I'm am really hating this track right now. Just ran for 3 hours straight, managed to put down some really good laps, and then checking them I found they're ALL bad. First ran a 17.096/47.300/1:10.159, find I missed the rumble strip on the LAST turn by INCHES :yuck:. Had to scrap that one.

10 mins later here comes a 17.095/47.242/1:10.138. Look over that one, figure I'm good, thought I left myself enough room for that last turn, didnt want to make the same mistake. WRONG. DID IT AGAIN, even closer than before:grumpy:.

Later towards the end of the session, I think I finally have it. Throw down a 16.991/47.122/1:09.802, and I'm going nuts cuz I knew the last turn was clean and I broke both the 17 sec and 1:10 barriers. Go and check it and I find I got onto the concrete for a split second in the first left right and I'm dirty by INCHES AGAIN :mad:.

Best clean so far I have a T3 of like 1:10.3xx, but i'm starting to get real frustrated with this no concrete thing:irked:. Especially since just last week with the NSX, the concrete (except the big sections) was allowed at Grand Valley....can somebody explain to me how come it's allowed there and not here :confused:???? I realize I'm kinda whining here, but just curious...
My splits on Trial Mountain so far with the Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A are

T1: 19.032

T2: 49.845

T3: 1'13.890

The only thing i cant really get is the first chicane, but after that i think i have the track down.
the concrete is legal here.
Yep! Thus, NICE splits Puck!

And, when/where do you get the newer RZ model? Newest I've seen is the 96 model... now if there's a 00 model with 276hp and 1250 to begin with... I'd probably be in it...
i´m sick of this car, of all street cars in fact... i only drive then for the WRS... this week´s results are going to be very bad... i´m going on a travel tomorrow, so i think i don´t play anymore...

well, just now i was trying to get better, but nothing... (stuck with 1´10´440)

i started to get angry with GT and with myself, so i decided to get the best mazda avaliable for a spin in this track...

got the 787 and started to make laps around 1´03, 1´04... that made me feel much better... some weeks are just not for you really...

now just waiting for next week... or maybe a last minute go monday night...
i´m sick of this car, of all street cars in fact... i only drive then for the WRS... this week´s results are going to be very bad... i´m going on a travel tomorrow, so i think i don´t play anymore...

well, just now i was trying to get better, but nothing... (stuck with 1´10´440)

i started to get angry with GT and with myself, so i decided to get the best mazda avaliable for a spin in this track...

got the 787 and started to make laps around 1´03, 1´04... that made me feel much better... some weeks are just not for you really...

now just waiting for next week... or maybe a last minute go monday night...

Patience Iago...👍

Ok, Ok geez. :rolleyes:

:lol: :sly:

Use the deep forest rules set by cfm.

Please take into account that I was confronted by that issue at 4am. :lol:
Caught me off gaurd so to speak (and the night that kept me out till about 2 didn't help either ;) ).

In my quick search of the archive I did a history chart... DF was week 4 right? :cool:
That was back when CFM was doing this alone so I am not well versed on what he may have done. :guilty:

Perfect Example- Motegi East. :)

We will be alright now though, I took the time to write out the history by hand.
It's posted next to my pc lol.
The course, car, and theme of races are accounted for in real world writing. 👍
That makes it really easy for me to setup races for the next week.
CFM, not sure if you have a history like that but it might help. :confused:
(that depends on your memory ;) )

...Later. :P

About the concrete.

Looks we race by CFM rules.
So rumble strips are part of the track.

If I'm wrong or missed another post,sorry.

Used the Spirit.

About the concrete.

Looks we race by CFM rules.
So rumble strips are part of the track.
The rumbles, AND the small section of concrete inside of them. On some tracks, we will specifically say that you can not go on the concrete inside of the rumbles, such as last week's Grand Valley where there were BIG sections of concrete inside of the rumbles.

Anyway, I'm quite pissed with this... I went through T2- finish spectacularly... And even though I've gotten ahead of my ghost by .7+ three times at T2, I keep getting re-passed by the lil punk... I've been chasing it for an hour at least now... ARGH!!!

When I'm less tired I hope I can pull it off though, I need to go to sleep for now though, need to get up early to go to a competition we're having in Seattle tomorrow...

New T-Times, back in the Spirit R again...(Spirit has shorter gearing, and they drive differently, the Spirit likes earlier braking, and has gearing that is actually better, using 3rd and 4th only)

Sprit R
17.616(seen 17.2xx three times, 17.3-4xx consistently)
48.159(seen 47.4xx a couple of times, 47.6-7xx consistently)
1'10.882(seen 1'10.3xx once... and that's still losing time to the ghost between T2-3 GAH!)
Hope this helps...if you beat me using my own strategy then so be it, I'm really interested to know if I'm becoming a faster driver or whether I've just found a good strategy for this combo. I guess if you guys use this strategy and beat me then I'll know the answer :sly:

I think I'll give this one a break for a little while and see what pans out...good luck all 👍

Thanks for the tips, MisterWeary. I'm going to try them out now, it would be great if I can lower my T3 split to below 1.11, I am at 1.11.6 right now...
I just made a T1 of 17.006. Out of pure surprise I crashed in the following corner! :lol:

Otherwise I'm starting to cath up with D1 now. Best T2 I've seen is 47.0xx and best T3 1'10.0xx and there is still quite a lot of time to cut.
Well, I have been getting some new splits this morning, but I can't seem to be able to break 0'17.300 @ T1 :indiff: 👎

Here are my new splits:

T1: 0'17.395
T2: 0'47.526
T3: 1'10.651

I can do the sector between T1 and T2 in 30 seconds, as I have seen T2's of 47.5xx with a T1 of 17.5xx, so I could probably shave another 0.200 out of this lap time, with the same T1...

But if I could at least reach a 17.1xx it would be a whole lot better :D

I will try some more tomorrow...


The Wizard.
Sounds like as if everyone seeing a good T1 goes farming out of surprise.:D

I managed a 0'17.5xx at T1, followed by a 0'47,xxx at T2 and a 1'10.xxx at T3. Beat my previous time by over a second! Will post when I get back.

P.S. I finally received my MAX DRIVE! Yay.

well, the pacience paid off... after some irritated runs with no purpose, with the 787 and the RX-7 LM, i got back and thankfully, my "spirit" was better...

before that, on an interesting note, i ran 20 laps in the bathurst, and doing this i made a better line throughout the whole track... then when i got back to the spirit, i found out i was better... put a time that maybe can put me in the top 10 overall... here´s the new splits:

T1: 17´303 (seen a 16´9)
T2: 47´173 (seen a 46´9)
T3: 1´09´955 (screw up every lap other than that, so that´s the best so far)

couple of things to note... on the very first turn, i got better by having a strategy of braking early, just tapping left and already preparing myself to brake and turn right for the second part of that chicane... already got a 16´9 by doing that...

about the turn that leads to the big straight, its all about exit speed, so do it entirely over the yellow strips, stay inside always. in the end of the straight, do not change to 5 gear, because those cars have a slow gearbox... less shifting is always better, also, my plan for the turn after T2 is to brake as early as possible to get the best exit speed...

i´m still a full second behind team double H, and i don´t see myself taking more than 0.5 of my lap, but that´s alright, i didn´t like it very much of this one... li was lucky to put a decent lap at least... monday will be my final session... i hope i help someone who is having trouble to hit low 47´s in T2... like i was...

good laps to you all... pacience!!! and if you like racing cars like me, remember to take this one carefully, sometimes slower than you think... it pays off on your final time...
Ok so the concrete is legal, guess I should have read more in depth and understood that before I deleted all my old laps :guilty:. Good thing I just ran this then:

T1- 17.053
T2- 47.268
T3- 1:09.848 👍

And I beat the old time where I ran a 1:09 before by a good 0.2. And there was no concrete as I was running to what I "thought" were clean standards :sly:. Oh well, I was going to submit this, but since I now know that I can use the concrete, I might give it another go...
Went at it again, saw a 16.864/46.842/1:09.511, then blew it pushing too hard coming out of that tunnel after T3. Taking a break, I haven't been able to get back to anywhere close to those times, I'll go again either later or maybe tomorrow.
KLR,circa & Puck

Guys, i thought that the concrete on the outside of the rumble strips was declared out of bounds by BOTH CFM and Kent!

If you look at the middle picture of post #7 in the week four thread( in the archive) and look at Kent's post #86,page 5 of this thread....... you will find that tarmac and rumble strips are classed as track, concrete on the OUTSIDE of rumble strips is not.

Oh and BTW the dark grey bit in the middle is tarmac, the stripey bits near corners are rumble strips. ANYTHING on either side of these is OUTSIDE the track no-matter if it is on the inside of the corner or the outside of the corner. It's still on the outside of the track!

Ok sarcastic rant over!

Seriously, can we have some clarification from above, yet again for those of us in the cheap-seats.

Hiya all!!

Got me a few laps down for this week :D


Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A '02

Good to be back on the track!! 👍
Well I improved by about .3 overall, but my splits are getting much better. However, I still suck. I have gone back and been doing all the license test over (had all bronze before), so that I can try and learn what driving is. I have about 21 golds, and 20 silvers now and still working on it.

T1: 17.548
T2: 48.596
T3: 1:11.981

I still have problems in the first sector, the first turn is hit or miss for me. T2 is more or less dependent on the first left hand turn after T1 and the u-turn before the long straight. And in T3 I'm losing time between the tunnels and and the first left right chicane after the second tunnel.
I duno how your doing it, how can i loose a second between t1 and t2???

It's all in that banked turn before the back straight. Sometimes I hit it right and end up with a real low T2 like what I put up there, or if I hit it wrong I end up with a T2 of mid 47's. It's really hit and miss, I usually hit wrong more often than right. It also helps if you can get a good run out of the left hander right after T1 all the way up to that turn.

And thanks ballstothewall, I didn't look in depth to Week 4's posts, I just looked at the first post for the weeks description and saw actually nothing about concrete at all, so that kinda confused me even more when we were told to use those rules. Just saw the pics you were talking about and I'll go by them. Guess I'm going with the lap I put up before. Still kinda disappointed that last week that was allowed and this week its not....
I dont have what it takes this week, for some reason i have no idea how you guys take T2 - T3 so fast.
