week 2 driving skill competition - XKR @ trial mountain

  • Thread starter LMP787B
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-> Heres my measly time:

Driver [GTP / PSN]: The Vanishing Boy / GTP_VanishingBoy
Time: 1:41.966
Transmission: Manual
Controller: DS3
Tire/Tyres: S.Hard | S.Hard
Playtime: 36 min/ 21 laps
Driving Style: Drift-Grip

^ The XKR sounds like its on mute! You have to depend on your gauges evertime you take a corner, at 2nd gear the XKR needs throttle feathering or else the revs keeps on slapping the redline. Overall the XKR is cumbersome and ill-manered most of the time, there is so much torque at 3rd sometimes I have to feather my throttle too! :indiff:
UPDATE: switched to bumper cam and found 1.4ish...

Driver: smskeeter23 / sfam23
Time: 1:40.453
Transmisson: Manual
Controller: DFGT
ABS: 1

Time for bed in the Midwest...
Another great challenge. It looks like the competition is heating up already; lots of good times being put down, and I get the sense all the returning drivers are getting stronger. Thanks for organizing the challenge.

I'm not getting along so well with the car. Lots of expected understeer and yet a horrifying amount of completely unnecessary oversteer. And people say American cars don't know how to go around a corner.

1:36s seem out of the question for me, but I'll try fighting my way into the 1:37s. Still, I'm having fun understanding the car and just trying to figure out where the time is.

When things start getting desperate, I may have to switch to a lighter color to save weight...

Driver: rheinaoi / challah_rajni
Time: 1:38:310
Transmission: Manual (no clutch)
Controller: Wheel (DFGT)
ABS: 1
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Another great challenge. It looks like the competition is heating up already; lots of good times being put down, and I get the sense all the returning drivers are getting a stronger. Thanks for organizing the challenge.

I'm not getting along so well with the car. Lots of expected understeer and yet a horrifying amount of completely unnecessary oversteer. And people say American cars don't know how to go around a corner.

1:36s seem out of the question for me, but I'll try fighting my way into the 1:37s. Still, I'm having fun understanding the car and just trying to figure out where the time.

When things start getting desperate, I may have to switch to a lighter color to save weight...

Driver: rheinaoi / challah_rajni
Time: 1:38:310
Transmission: Manual (no clutch)
Controller: Wheel (DFGT)
ABS: 1

Haha you seem to be getting along with the car fine! Great lap, hope your enjoying the comp, hopefully in the next few week we'll have some easier handling cars to race! But nevertheless welcome to WDSC, and well done on your lap! :)
Update: New time is 1:37:544

Thanks, don't mind my complaining about the car. I'm enjoying wringing every last drop of time I can out of the chassis. For all my belly-aching, I'd subject myself to a Cobra on Comfort Softs and not mind in the slightest. Not to be giving you any ideas, now...

Maybe you should make people include if they are using the driving line. 👍

Done a half hour on this track and its fun:)

Driver: lustika
Controller: ds 3
Gearbox. : A
Time: 140,793
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Geez Louise! i've only been gone for a day! :lol:

I'm just about to go through and add times to the sheet. Apologies if the times I add are not correct or if they have been updated. If I do make a mistake please don't hesitate to PM me and i'll be all over it like stains on a mattress!

I'll post again (or edit this) once i've updated the sheet 👍

happy driving!
yes i do. and i dont know if i used it so ill try again to be sure. if it cant be ill do it again this time paying alot attention to all aids and ill try again right now 1-2 laps just to see what i did wrong

edit: ok i tried it again and i must have done somthing wrong on the 1st time. my time now is 1:41.394
im sorry for mistaking you all :( i really was sure that i have done it correct.

Hey man,

Just trying to add times and cant see whether you used DS3 or wheel? can you please re-post your time with the format:

Driver (GTP/PSN):

Cheers 👍



this rule applies from now as I am going through and picking up people's updates up until now. but if you just edit your previous post your time will probably get missed!
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Hello stranger!

You best get setting times, your getting left behind!

I know right?

Had a bit of a weekend... My sister has been ill and I've been up in Oxford looking after my niece! will be back tomorrow though and will make up for it!

right: time sheet changes and predicted updates

1) Hamilton, many apologies about the time for Suzuka, have changed it now for you. Doesnt affect the leaderboard, but changed none-the-less.

2) Have updated all the times in this thread so far (as above, if I have missed you then by all means PM me)

3) I will (New for next week's comp) be adding a new column stating which wheel the wheel users are using. More for curiosity than anything else as i doubt it makes a difference.

Also, if there is anything that you think would benefit the time sheet then post them here! you may well see them in the future!

I'm gonna be doing my time over the next couple of days, so be sure to take one place off of your current postition on the leaderboard so you dont get upset when I win :sly: ;) :lol:
Driver. Lustika/Lustika
Transmission. At
Controller. DS3
Abs. 1
Time. 1:39,782

Did some more laps and improved a bit:)
Driver: HuskyGT/TheHuskyGT
Time: 1:41.417
Transmission: Manual
Controller: DS3 (two analogs, shifting with triggers)
ABS: 1
Assists: Off
Tires: SH/SH
Tunning: None since it's the arcade Jag.
Camera: Cockpit as always.

Only did three laps. Maybe I should've done a couple more. I didn't really feel I could shave of more than a second the most. I tend to drive in a straight line rather than sideways so I wasn't really pushing it in most corners.
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Small improvement. I'll keep trying for a 1:37:XX

Keep the times coming everyone !
One thing is for sure. Wheels really don't make you quicker. I'm seeing a lot of DS3 users in the low 40's or even high 30's.
One thing is for sure. Wheels really don't make you quicker. I'm seeing a lot of DS3 users in the low 40's or even high 30's.

Yeah, ive noticed that, I'll see how I compare when my wheel comes later this week :)
One thing is for sure. Wheels really don't make you quicker. I'm seeing a lot of DS3 users in the low 40's or even high 30's.

I was going to say the same thing. Actually I think of you are skilled enough in the "fine motor" department a ds3 will win most of the time. Lets face it, no matter how fast you can swing that wheel L to R and tiny analog stick can do it quicker...

I just view the wheel as "more realistic" personally.
I guess today is an off day for me. Had a run of 20 laps and could not improve my time. :nervous: My best times to day was in the low 1:40. Couldn´t break 1:40 mark. Frustrating.

One thing is for sure. Wheels really don't make you quicker. I'm seeing a lot of DS3 users in the low 40's or even high 30's.

I know. Have a wheel myself and are struggeling to keep up with the best DS3 users.
I guess today is an off day for me. Had a run of 20 laps and could not improve my time. :nervous: My best times to day was in the low 1:40. Couldn´t break 1:40 mark. Frustrating.

I know. Have a wheel myself and are struggeling to keep up with the best DS3 users.

Haha don't worry, you'll improve tomorrow! I wil try again tomorrow to break 1:39, reckon I can get down to 1:38.5 with a good lap hopefully. Would like to be in the top 10 this week again! :D
I was going to say the same thing. Actually I think of you are skilled enough in the "fine motor" department a ds3 will win most of the time. Lets face it, no matter how fast you can swing that wheel L to R and tiny analog stick can do it quicker...

I just view the wheel as "more realistic" personally.

I totally agree with you. Nothing beats the realism of the wheel, and even if my times went to hell, I would definitely prefer to have one over the DS3 just for pure enjoyment.

I've been using this twin analog technique since GT1 when the first DS controller was released, and like some other DS3 players I know how to dose the right amount of gas/brake and steering. This "precision" has gone so far that I almost never make contact with the left analog stick and its enclosing.
Haha don't worry, you'll improve tomorrow! I wil try again tomorrow to break 1:39, reckon I can get down to 1:38.5 with a good lap hopefully. Would like to be in the top 10 this week again! :D

Yeah, I´m not giving up just yet :)
Top ten is absolutly a achiveble goal 👍
one thing I'd like to ask some of the DS3 users, what controller sensitivity do you use? (if you've changed it...)

I tweak mine dependant on the car. on the F40 last week I found myself setting it to 0, or even -1, which helped me keep it balanced in the corners, but with the jag in testing, I felt that it was a bit better with 1 or 2 on the sensitivity...

but to echo a comment said earlier, keep the times coming, there's some more new users this week so hopefully the popularity of this will increase!

EDIT: Just updated list with the past couple of times/ updates.

Looking like I may struggle to get in the top 10 again this week :S some really good competition is joining in! Not complaining though, this is great stuff!
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I don't know, I disagree about this wheel/controller being equal debate. With a wheel, it is a lot easier to be smoother and more accurate, but most importantly, the force feed back provides you with a lot more information about the car and grip levels. you can feel a car slipping with a wheel setup, the only thing you have going with a DS3 is tire squeel when it kicks in, actually seeing the car begin to slide, or predicting when it's going to happen.

When I used to use my G27, I always found that I could nip it in the bud when a car was about to start slipping.
one thing I'd like to ask some of the DS3 users, what controller sensitivity do you use? (if you've changed it...)

I tweak mine dependant on the car. on the F40 last week I found myself setting it to 0, or even -1, which helped me keep it balanced in the corners, but with the jag in testing, I felt that it was a bit better with 1 or 2 on the sensitivity...

but to echo a comment said earlier, keep the times coming, there's some more new users this week so hopefully the popularity of this will increase!

I've been using it on 4 for the past month or two, but this last week i've put it up to 7, can't really notice the difference, might turn it down to 3/4 seem to do better with it around that sensitivity.
I've been using it on 4 for the past month or two, but this last week i've put it up to 7, can't really notice the difference, might turn it down to 3/4 seem to do better with it around that sensitivity.

Fair shout. Maybe it's just psychological that i've noticed a difference... The only time I can recall noticing a major difference was when I was doing some high speed races on Route X... having it set to 7 in the X2011 on there is insanely twitchy... lol
I don't know, I disagree about this wheel/controller being equal debate. With a wheel, it is a lot easier to be smoother and more accurate, but most importantly, the force feed back provides you with a lot more information about the car and grip levels. you can feel a car slipping with a wheel setup, the only thing you have going with a DS3 is tire squeel when it kicks in, actually seeing the car begin to slide, or predicting when it's going to happen.

When I used to use my G27, I always found that I could nip it in the bud when a car was about to start slipping.

That is true but it still makes me wonder.

Of course my DFGT is so burnt out I hardly get anything other than just "tension" while turning now...

Good thing the wife has given me a green light on a G27 :)
Lets face it, no matter how fast you can swing that wheel L to R and tiny analog stick can do it quicker...

Actually, I'm not sure about that, in fact I think it's the opposite - the game "smooths" the motion of the stick, so I think there's a maximum turning velocity when you flick the stick all the way left or right. (The fact that there is a steering sensitivity setting seems to back this theory up.)

With a wheel, the response is likely instantaneous. I suspect it's the smoothing (slowing down) applied to the DS3 that protects you from "jerky" steering mistakes and overcorrections.

Anyway I think I'll give this challenge a try myself tonight... but even with my DS3 "advantage" will probably be quite a few seconds off :D
Actually, I'm not sure about that, in fact I think it's the opposite - the game "smooths" the motion of the stick, so I think there's a maximum turning velocity when you flick the stick all the way left or right. (The fact that there is a steering sensitivity setting seems to back this theory up.)

With a wheel, the response is likely instantaneous. I suspect it's the smoothing (slowing down) applied to the DS3 that protects you from "jerky" steering mistakes and overcorrections.

Anyway I think I'll give this challenge a try myself tonight... but even with my DS3 "advantage" will probably be quite a few seconds off :D

Haha thanks for the support, there are a few insanely good drivers on the leaderboard that no one every catches!
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