Woodski, yeah, you're right about the muscle car bit. But what gets me about the Jag is that it's quite nice until you start pushing over the limit. I've driven a bunch of GT5's muscle cars before, but I don't remember any of them being this frustrating. Maybe I just haven't been driving them hard enough.
Yeah Phil, there are times when I've gotten a good .5 out of that last corner, but most of the time, I lose at least .3. I think we're all feeling the crunch of trying to find time with this car/track combo. Seems like a universal experience.
I'd like to say there's a specific corner that kills me, but I find that I'm losing time everywhere.
Now that first hairpin after the first tunnel; I need to stick needles in my voodoo doll Stig and chant nature spells just to get a good run through there. I have to keep the rpms up to keep from bogging down, but 2nd gear's not tall enough for that. Third works, but the torque makes things tricky. When I misjudge the entry by just a bit, I snowplow right on through. No real middle ground for me.
The fast right hander right after that is just as bad. My ghost just walks away as if it's running on better rubber.
Let's not mention the exit after the second tunnel either...
It's still early in the week, though. I'm expecting last-minute bursts of racing insight from everybody come the weekend.