Week 69: Passage to Colosseo

  • Thread starter Kent
First practice session yesterday : 11 laps.
Best lap was lap 11, with T1 = 25.8 and T2 = 55.1.
Just pulled a 54.1 but just scraped the wall on the last corner.....

Starting to get comfortable with the car, but dang cut some of those corners too much and your spinnin or almost airborn..lol
Yeah cosmic,
Just run the qualifier/ registration race and send that time to me.

Go ahead and start running right after that. :D

Mr. P !
Awesome avatar 👍
Mind if I ask where it is from?

Sweet though, makes me want to try something new... this Ken avatar works well for me, but maybe it's time for something new...

btw, did you guys see that there are now profile pictures?
:lol: gtp6 is awesome huh? :D

Anyway, glad to have you with us P...

Oh yeah...
All of you may get a kick out of this...

Yesterday I got a pm from a guy that said he was a big-shot-all-star over at the official playstation forums.
A major gt player over there is what he put across...
Name was FastPat

Anyway, he proposed a challenge.
4 of the best drivers from the gtp wrs .vs. 4 of his best drivers.

Of course I told him that getting the 4 best drivers from history of the weekly would be near impossible, and to just get some of the fastest would still be work, so I repsectfully declined his offer. However, I did direct him to the weekly to test his skill if he was interested.

So if fastpat comes around, you guys know that he is looking for trouble. :mischievous:

How does Mr. P come into this?
It will just look nice on the results page to see missing link and P as well as any of the other "top dogs" to race it out in a week where a lurker may end up judging our board based on the weekly racers.

Anyway, I've gotta run... back later today.
Till then,
If they offer a valid xport replay verified competition? ... then I'm up for it and can fairly guarantee that there's a couple of guys who can handle this threat also! just one click away on my msn 👍

Take it with a pinch of salt I say :sly: ... these guys wouldn't stand a chance :D

btw the avatar I found on one of the movie forums I visit and just had to have it :cheers: cya @ result guys ... best of luck ;)
Mr P
If they offer a valid xport replay verified competition? ... then I'm up for it and can fairly guarantee that there's a couple of guys who can handle this threat also! just one click away on my msn 👍

Count me in if you do 👍
ran some more laps:
best clean lap:
t1- 25.637
t2- 54.448

best dirty lap:

well... best of luck to everyone.
Right on!

I have already responded to the fella, but kept his private message just in case I needed it again. In the response I included "must have" conditions that included "xport/ replay verification & clean racing rules."

Glad to see you all would be so open to a challenge.
I know this guy would end up recognizing some of the people we could front as possible racers for a showdown.

If you would like to get in on a challenge with these guys, I will be happy to set it up and work it out (not even necessarily run in the races since I will only put up the fastest racers for this sort of challenge ).

So yeah. :mischievous: :lol:

I wonder if "FastPat" will come here?

Btw... P?
Avatar? :lol:
Well my name is Pat, but I'm not "FastPat" for sure.....LOL.

I might be called "SlowPat" if we are doing nicknames like that. :indiff:

Of course since this guy hasn't run against some of the big guns around here, maybe we should reserve that name for him.......LOL.

💡 My good friend XtremeD63 might be up for it to (if x-port/s-port replays are mandatory), I'll link him to this thread and let him post if he's interested.
I have already responded to the fella, but kept his private message just in case I needed it again. In the response I included "must have" conditions that included "xport/ replay verification & clean racing rules."
I had a look thru' their forum and they seem to accept digital photos of the times as verification. :rolleyes: Proves you got the time, doesn't prove you got it legally.
Well my name is Pat, but I'm not "FastPat" for sure.....LOL.

I might be called "SlowPat" if we are doing nicknames like that. :indiff:

Of course since this guy hasn't run against some of the big guns around here, maybe we should reserve that name for him.......LOL.

💡 My good friend XtremeD63 might be up for it to (if x-port/s-port replays are mandatory), I'll link him to this thread and let him post if he's interested.
Actually... Don't worry about that.
Nothing personal to you or your friend, but this is a weekly racer thing.

I would only accept a challenge like this if I could field racers that had previously competed & finished a race with us.

Thanks for the offer though.

Oh daan,
Digi photo is no good on the level this dude was talkin' it up. :mischievous: :lol:
Hey Kent. You want to know who fastpat is? He is another guy from the "Team iR" crowd (that isnt worth the salty sweat from my nutsack on a hot day) so please do go on with the competition. Replay verification or not. They won't know what hit them. Ron and I would just laugh on way way past them during a race (lapping them of course) ;)

Anyways. I challenged FastPat (since he threw down one of those "anytime, anywhere" comments) I've had no 'second look.' Even though the guy lives a mere 25 minutes drive from me. That says it all right there. Please, rechallenge them. I want an opportunity to lay the pipe and rip it out all in one sitting. :mischievous::mischievous:
Kent, Team IR is a small racing group. They would get killed buy 4 of our top drivers.
You should follow thru with this challange. BTW, my set-up is back up and running so I'll have a time in for this week.

I will go and let them know the wrs can come up with a team.

Once I get some rough dates established I will come back and mention more.

Any of you have suggestions about the date for these races?
That also includes race format.

What? :D

till next time,
and thanks for all the support. ;)
Actually... Don't worry about that.
Nothing personal to you or your friend, but this is a weekly racer thing.

I would only accept a challenge like this if I could field racers that had previously competed & finished a race with us.

Oh yeah, forgot you mentioned that in an earlier post. He usually only races stuff with replays, that's why he doesn't participate in the weekly series. Oh well, on with the discussion.
We could suggest a road and dirt combo seeing we have some fine dirt drivers here with good setup knowledge, MrP GT3mich and myself, can't remember if TML likes dirt or not, sorry mate.
TML? I am pretty sure that guy despises rally :D But throw him anything (any car) on a road track and then I think he will talk :P

Provided of course I 'make the cut' to be on this superstar team of GTPers. Which I hope I do, as I have a small personal vendetta against Team iR, I don't know why, but I do.
All right, Link,

That said, I think we can work something out. :D

I'm sending a pm to fastpat in a few. Let's hope we can work a team out.
With a possible P entry and 2 others, I would think the wrs team could put in a good showing.

Xport will be a must have for this in my book since "the very reputation" of the wrs is on the line. ;)

Should something like this follow through, Private Messages might be the best way to carry out the event.

I'm gonna go get around to getting in contact with this pat character.
We will work on this after I find out if he is still up to the challenge. What is it they say? "first things first" ? :D

25.550/54.416 so far. Well, I say so far. I mean I'm done... :D
56.8 - 55.5
Thats my best so far but I can improve that a bit.

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