Week 69: Passage to Colosseo

  • Thread starter Kent
Hey all,

Just spent about a half hour running and managed to improve some, but still nothing worse mentioning.

However, I did notice that this car is crazy about shifting early.
There is also some major room for work before t2 on my best lap, so 53.9 may be in my future... just pends on how much time I can get in.

Anyway, I just posted my replay for last week's race, so if you are interested, by all means, go down load it and check it out. :D

Catch you all later.
No news to report in yet... nothings changed since that above crazy lap... I have however found out a couple of new tricks to getting T1's... and have seen a very select few 25.1's, usually though, I am seeing a mid 25.2... no developement in the T2 area except for the 0.200 I have removed from T1.
So, expect me to destory all of you'lls pride. Just alittle racer teasing. :lol:

If you really wanna tease, you should be posting your splits. ;)
Bet that would hurt. :scared:
You need to add a lot of seconds to your earlier posted splits to make me laugh. :lol:
To be honest, I got one decent run in. I would say it was a REALLY good run (for me) except for the fact that I buggered the last corner leading onto my good lap really bad. So bad that my ghost pulls out a full car length ahead before the kink in the straight. It has a T1 of 26.0, but I still ran a decent 54.8 T2. I lost almost .5 over my fastest T1.

Hopefully I get some more time to run and get a full good lap in, but I might be stuck with what I have. Would be nice to run a low 54 T2. Not too bad if you factor in that I'm also running automatic, but I'm surely way off the top guys' pace in div 1.
Im not feeling the car this week at all - Im n00bing around with low 26's and struggling to get anywhere near 55's.

I ran this morning and took a chunk of time off by staying in 4th around the long-ish right hander (rather than dropping to 3rd) just before the back straight.

Dont think I'll be anywhere near the top of Div 2 this week if I dont improve :grumpy:
missing link
No news to report in yet... nothings changed since that above crazy lap... I have however found out a couple of new tricks to getting T1's... and have seen a very select few 25.1's, usually though, I am seeing a mid 25.2... no developement in the T2 area except for the 0.200 I have removed from T1.

Good going link, does this also mean that you might not be driving the "ARCADE Skyline"? ;)
You guys have been having some fun this week. :) I haven't even turned on my PS2 for about 2 weeks...I'm really burned out on GT3. I've put so many miles over the past year and a half, and I've just been stuck at my current skill level for about 2 months now it seems like, still a few tenths off of the guys like Link, P, and Max. My wrist has been hurting too recently, I've had problems with it before I started OLR anyway, from a previous job I had. I don't know if I'm even going to go to MLG in Chicago, I was all gung ho about it but now I'm just not really in the mood. :yuck: What I really need is some GT4 to get me interested again. 3 years of GT3 and a few years prior to that with GT1 & 2 is about enough I guess :lol:

On a different note, I WOULD be willing to help defend GTP's honor if those dudes from the iR team or whatever want to challenge us, it would make a nice retirement race for me ;) That is, of course if you really need to scrape the bottom of the barel to get a driver :embarrassed: :lol: If you need me just PM or email me Kent. :cool: I'll still be around maybe running a spot race or two, or jumping in on a weekly from time to time, just not every week like I was doing for a long time. See you all lata 👍
Actually i did OLR before at gamefaqs, but that was a long time ago. I raced in a couple of WRS races too, i missed the deadline for one of them but am sure my replay is there (week 65 i believe).
I'll eat a bit of crow, and offer an apology.

I jumped on you a bit early, as your posted numbers seemed way too fast.

Then I just ran a clean 25.7, 54.7. WHich means that if Missing link is on, he's running 1.5-2.0 faster than me at T2. Conceivably a 53 second run is very realistic.

I'm happy with where I am at, but do realize that I could chip a another 1/2 second off my time.

So all total, I'm expecting the top time in Division one to be in the 1'17.high range.

Good luck

Der Alta
So all total, I'm expecting the top time in Division one to be in the 1'17.high range.

I'd be guessing a little lower than that, given my time and just how much quicker Link (and others) are going.
My time is in...

Just finished a mindless 40 lap session,lol....
Dont know how but my last lap was the best, and i dont even remember doing it, was daydreaming...

Not the best time, so im hoping for some Pal replays from some of you guys, to see where i could have made up some time.

I've actually witnessed Famine standing up and talking at the same time. And he didn't even fall over.
I'd be guessing a little lower than that, given my time and just how much quicker Link (and others) are going.
After a bit more speculating, and a few more laps, I'm expecting someone to be in the 1'16 range.

I've run the gamut on my time, which is going in shortly.

Good luck, and we'll see you on the next round.

If the winner is in the 1:16.8 area then they better post the replay. That would be a record time in that car.
If the winner is in the 1:16.8 area then they better post the replay. That would be a record time in that car.
Hey GT3mich: Am I looking in the wrong column at GTDB??? :confused: I'm seein' Calsonic @ Rome Circuit record as: 1:19.944 ! My money's on every racer in every division besting that time this week! ...UB57 :D

BTW: Am MOST disappointed not to get ANY response from my query in Post #62. :irked: GoKents better NEVER get a complaint about running so many "Hot Lap" races from you guys!!! :irked::irked::irked:
:lol: I love how u guys runnin 54.x are like "theres room for improvement",Im running 56.x and sayin to myself, "well thas as good as its gona get" :D



I guess u guys are right,there is room for improvement 👍

UB :lol:

Now you know my frustrations with the suggestions. ;)

I've gotta say, in regards to times submitted...
I expect replays from everyone that can give one.

Some people don't like bothering with replays, but I have slowly learned that replays make racing a whole lot better on a multitude of levels.

From more trust to better times, replays can increase almost every positive element of OLR.

Now about that race of yours (ub)... you know, the one I never addressed...

Hit me with it whenever you want, no problems. If it's not this week, maybe next week or even the week after.

Now, I have one order of buisness left, but that's for a new thread all together.

Remember that challenge I got?
Well guess what... I need a team to stand up and beat Team-iR.

Can any of you help out.

Keep an eye out for this thread because later today I will be posting a sticky thread in the wrs forum and maybe the short race series forum...

More info to come soon... unfortunately, it will be later today though... dad needs the pc and internet line.... sooo...

Until later today.
BTW: Am MOST disappointed not to get ANY response from my query in Post #62. :irked:

I have a hard enough time running one decent lap, let alone stringing 5 of them together......LOL. Will we get 5 weeks for this one? lmfao!
That's the enjoyable and entertaining parts of the 5 lap races. And knowing UB, it'll be a tight race from start to finish.

If we run it, are we going to relax the wall/AI interference to a differnet level? I ran one a while ago, that was 5 laps all clean, and nearly pulled my hair out trying to stay clean and avoid the AI.

Hey GT3mich: Am I looking in the wrong column at GTDB??? :confused: I'm seein' Calsonic @ Rome Circuit record as: 1:19.944 ! My money's on every racer in every division besting that time this week!

Those must have been posted ages ago, because I've slaughtered that time. If I've done that, then I know that others are well out in front of it.

did somebody say challenge race??

i guess i'll have to put my latest retirement off just a little bit if you guys will let me run.

do i qualify for the team?? if so, you know me; i'm always down for a rumble.
Hahahaha kent... what did I tell you???... now, if max knew the line-up of cars and tracks you and I were brewing he wouldn't have even needed to know it was against some iR guys :P:P:P BTW... did you get that PM I sent with my suggestions?

Oh... and as for the T1 thing and not being in the 'arcade' car... that was just an early mistake, I didn't realize that the place(s) I was losing time before T1 were on the MAIN STRAIGHT, cause there was no way in hell I was getting through the double left any faster... well, not 0.150 or so faster :P

I withdraw that, and like I said, if he is willing to (and capable of) submitting a replay, then I will let time tell and await the replay verification of his run.

As for the predictions of what the top time will be, let me tell you this, you guys will probably be surprised. ;)
Der Alta
If we run it, are we going to relax the wall/AI interference to a different level? I ran one a while ago, that was 5 laps all clean, and nearly pulled my hair out trying to stay clean and avoid the AI.

I'll second that. Haven't got much hair left. I don't wanna loose the rest in a weekly race. :nervous:



I also see another half second out there. The hard part is to get it.
Oh, I forgot to add... since in arcade mode (or sim mode for that matter) the Calsonic and the Loctite are only separated by paint scheme (much like the JGTC NSX's) the best time is a Loctite @ 1'16.981 by flinx. He also has a 1'16.978 in the JGTC Denso Supra. Either way, I don't think he spent a week of practice on getting those times, and subsequently, they may be beaten ;)
Managed to get a few laps in the Calsonic tonight :yuck: this car is too twitchy 👎

anyway I have a clean save with a very slow last section ... with these sectors

25.199 / 53.645

I think I lose a good .4 on the end section 👎

On another note ...

.. Good to see you in on this other little upcoming duel Max :cheers:
Nicd sectors there MrP :cool:

I too have found some nice sectors... and alas, have left 0.100 in the final section, as well as 0.200 in the middle section (discovered more shifting tricks) and from the first sector you can plainly see, that I left another 0.150 in sector 1


However, unless someone posts up some comparable sectors, I really don't think I want to spend the hour or two it would probably take to track down another 0.250 to 0.500 out of this time, even though that would make me exceptionally happy :D

Especially once you guys see the final time... it would mean big things on Racing Point :cool: ;)
well... here is what i managed:
t1: 25.2xx
t2: 53.4xx
but i totally screwed up the second to last corner. on a side note, my ps2's laser blew out so am trying to reach my friend so i can use his ps2 to get this replay up.