Week 70: Find Your Way Out Of This One!

  • Thread starter Kent
Slight improvement:


Its very difficult to work out exactly how much more time can come off this one because there is too much to take into account but I believe I am still at least .500 behind the leaders, whomever they may be :)

I know there is a not so difficult .300 to be gained at T1 and another .300 between T2 & 3. As for the final sector, well, that's anyone's guess.
I know there is a not so difficult .300 to be gained at T1 and another .300 between T2 & 3. As for the final sector, well, that's anyone's guess.

Yep! Kinda hard to tell how "Low" the "Bar" has been set without input from "Rallye Stalwarts" like: danoff, eggmann, GT3mich, HighonPSI, LDM, Lotus350, Mr P, Oliver DePlace or Redline Fox to name just a few. (Hint! Hint!)...UB57 :D

BTW Sphinx, VERY Nice "Recovery" from your Memory Card "Incident"!!! 👍
T1 31.420
T2 58.085
T3 1,19.154

These 10 min sessions I'm doing work well :)
Wow, you guys are really competitive.

Are people actually running this in stealth and not posting thier t times on purpose?

That's cool, just asking.

Personally, I'm not sure if I will post my name in the results or not.
I spent some time with this early in the week and managed what I am guessing to be a div 3 podium time. :indiff:
I really can't say since I haven't been opening the time submissions this week.

However, I must admit, I am impressed with everyone this week.
It took me a "really nice lap" to get into the 1'22 area (I think) and is being matched by div 2, not to mention being crushed by div 1. 👍

Nice racing for sure.
I will set up more rally racing for us in general, so keep an eye out for it. ;)
Yep! Kinda hard to tell how "Low" the "Bar" has been set without input from "Rallye Stalwarts" like: danoff, eggmann, GT3mich, HighonPSI, LDM, Lotus350, Mr P, Oliver DePlace or Redline Fox to name just a few. (Hint! Hint!)...UB57 :D
Thanks Bob, but I wouldn't include myself on that list - I can attribute any personal rally success to assistance from GT3mich or LDM; without their help "eggmann's success" changes to "eggmann succs". ;)

I was out of town this weekend so I never got to try the race til last night. So far my best T's are around 32.1 / 59.1 / 1:20.1. With a full schedule tonight I'm not even sure I'll get any more tries, but either way I wouldn't worry about beating my time. :)
I had fun with week 70's rally, and was even hoping for a podium spot early on while looking at the posted split times. As the week went on and others picked up time and I didn't race it much anymore, I think I fell back to my usual mid/back of the pack status.

UB57 and Sphinx have posted some really good split times. I'm thoroughly impressed with both. Not too surprised with Sphinx because I've raced with him in the dirt a little bit before and know how very fast he can be. I've never raced with UB57 in the dirt before though, so that was a bit of a shocker when he was all of a sudden making me look like a slow poke.

I'll most likely submit my time from the splits I posted early in the week as I haven't really tried much after that. Only thing that disappoints me about it is I know I'm losing 3-4 tenths or maybe more on the last section due to a small error.

Depending on what GT3mich is savin up for us, it looks to be a good battle for the top 3 spots. Wonder if anyone that hasn't posted splits is going to submit a time to challenge those 3?
Depending on what GT3mich is savin up for us, it looks to be a good battle for the top 3 spots. Wonder if anyone that hasn't posted splits is going to submit a time to challenge those 3?

I would say you can count on it.

I would also be surprised to get a podium spot with my current time, I may however have another stab at it later tonight when everyone else here is asleep, but as usual I expect that killer punch will elude me, I can see the time, I get in the position to get the time but more often than not, something goes wrong and I mess up. I suppose what I am trying to say is that I lack consistency when it counts. A bit like my sex life really ;)
Thanx for the "Kudos" tuff240: :cheers:
:D I really enjoy the Rallye segment of GT3 & usually manage to "Narrow the Gap" between myself & the "Fast Guys" (& Gal) just a bit on the dirt. I still have the same goal however: 1 second/Minute behind, so if I'm 1.75 Seconds or less back from the Winner this Week I'll be Very Satisfied. 👍 ...UB57 :D
Time submitted, late due to the board downtime:

32.917 59.987 1:22.141

Didn't have the time to do this one justice. Was in the 1:24s until Monday night, when I tried a few things based on Tuff's and GT3Mich's settings. Worked wonders, though not enough time left to exploit it fully. Thanks you guys! 👍
thanks for being patient everyone, resuts shortly. :D