Week 72: Lotus Blossom Hill

  • Thread starter Kent
Well, summertime sure is putting a dent in my GT3 time. Not that I'm complaining, but it shows in the results:

11.994 26.099 53.035

@ angelx: Good to see a fellow Marylander in here. 👍 I'm in Frederick.
@ angelx: Good to see a fellow Marylander in here. 👍 I'm in Frederick.

thats pretty close by, am in the silver spring area. And you are right, the heat is getting to me too, at work i was outside most of the time.
Almost forgot this one. Time submitted.

I never got a chance to run again from my last session. Submitting this time with base settings, no TC/ASM and under 40miles on the brand new car. I gotta find more time in the day.

Of to bed. See you all when I see you.