Week 91: A Classic Match

  • Thread starter Kent
Took a few quick laps this morning, just to see how badly the subaru wants to launch itself into outer space :) The week's gonna take some work.

A question though: is there a way to keep the car on the ground on the final straight (without loosing speed, of course)? That big hump puts me into a wheelie for a few seconds, which is disconcerting to think about on a really fast lap. Are you guys just letting it fly, or what?

I have found that if you lower the springs "tension" (forgot the word), it grabs air for less time than one with hard springs.

Couldn't get the Scooby to stick at all. :grumpy:
In the final straight however, the Subaru goes airborne even with maximum downforce. With the same settings the FTO stays on the track.

Good to know. I don't mind be airborne so much, it's the wheelie that's the problem because I can't see anything for the car being straight up in the air. I'll have to give the FTO a shot.
Spent 45 minutes in the FTO ... 6.9 / 22.0 / 39.0 :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

I don't know how much time I'll put in this week. Just not really my kind of race.
Do you think some settings would help you out Luxy? I can post them if you or anyone else would like.
Do you think some settings would help you out Luxy? I can post them if you or anyone else would like.

Yeah, that'd be awsome 👍. I haven't done any tuning yet (I don't really know how to tune a rally car :confused: )
Thought I'd give the FTO a ride around SMII. Wow! :eek:
T1) 6.107
T2) 19.673
T3) 35.349
I'm not sure if I can go faster or not. Just keeping this car going straight , fast and clean is a handfull. :eek:
^ Wow.

Here's my settings, but by the looks of it, Mich might have something better.

5.5 6.5
115 115
5 5
5 5
2 1
0 -0.5
4 4
19 15
5 5
5 10
5 5
Gears 4.009; 2.746; 2.070; 1.619; 1.296; 1.080; Final: 3.189 Auto 18 (Tranny Trick)

DF: 1 1.25
VCD: 40%

Edit: These are for the FTO.


Doesn't look different from my last T3, but I've cut 0.7 sec overall. :)

I've seen a clean T2 at 20.452, so there's still at least a half second out there.
Wow Mich,
Looks to me like you are really enjoying this race.
I'm sure you've done something like this before. :D

By chance, do you think this combo should have been in bc4? :lol:

Anyway, keep up the good work everyone.
I will be back later,
till then,
Not my favorite thing, driving high powered cars through the forest.

But, instead of chickening out and hide that I am not good at rallying I will give it a go and submit (and admit my lesser experience on rally).

after 5 laps: edit also some time in the subaru

6.972 / 7.037
23.027 / 22.883
40.822 / 40.268

I have to say: watching the replay: The best sky I have ever seen in a videogame... I missed writing down my T's from just watching the sky..........

edit: more time in the FTO

Thanks icemanshooter23! with those settings i got 3sec better time ^^ now back to gt3 and FTO :D

i got pretty nice times with these new settings (cutted 3.5sec off from T3 :)) heres my times:

T1 06.901
T2 23.661
T3 41.272

pretty ok times
After another session:


And still finding time out there.
Nowhere near Niels G. :nervous: But then I have just started on the setup, somway Ill get there.
Fun coming over the jumps and up that un-evensteven stretch, not so fun smashing in 1st curve. D`y all start breaking on the tarmac?

T1: 6.716
T2: 22.336
T3: 39.674

Just provisonal times.

#87 Advan Impreza

Remember Brazil
Did about 10 quick laps and came away with 6.464, 20.886, 37.474. Only .3 off the final though due to a poor final turn.
If they do/don't help you Touge, please let me know 👍.
Those setting really helped me out alot
also might I mention how perfect those gear ratios are for the track thanks for the settings iceman :)
Thanks for the input, I did chage a few thing that might or might not make a big difference; I lowered the VCD to 35%, made 6th gear a bit longer, shock bound and rebound to 6.
I'll second that thanks for the settings, iceman.

Tried them out, and made a bit of progress (not clean, though) and saw a 6.4 / 21.1 / 38.2 (not on the same lap).

I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain about the gears for a sed ...

Final: 3.189
Auto 18 (Tranny Trick)

I've got two questions:

What's the reason behind shortening 1st gear all the way down?

And how do you decide where to set the rest of the gears?
Well, I usually use auto transmission so I can't really use the benifits of manual to skip a longer first gear to prevent wheelspin so I make it as short as possible to limit the amount of time in that gear. I didn't really think much about the other gears, and I really didn't spend a whole lot of time on them. I'm sure they can be improved a lot, and if you'd like to try, go for it 👍, because I'm not really too good with setting gears.
Your trying to drive this with an Auto box? :eek: You don't need to worry about 1st or second gear at all in this race. They are never used. Even third isn't if you can keep your speed up. This is a good track to try switching to manual gear box but not with this car and so much HP. Make sure your ride height is set to max high and the spring rate at 4.5/6.0
The other suspension settings should be stiff. Good luck guys.
I'll try manual here, and I'll try to revise those gear sets a bit. I can switch from Auto to Manual pretty easily but on most races manual just isn't that much of an advantage for me. Any chance of a full setup Mich?
hey guys,i thought i would drop in and see how yall were,my arm and legs are still healing from that dirtbike wreck :crazy: ,the doctor told me i could probly start racing on the ps2 and my dirtbike within 2-3 weeks :) ,well you guys have fun i wish i could race this one it sounds fun. :guilty: :guilty: :guilty:
Tried a few laps with maual and 10 10 bound/rebound and was pulling 36's fairly easily. So far my best clean is at 36.808, but T times much lower have been seen. Even saw a 35.8, and had a good final turn, but there was a wall tap near the beginning of the lap. With some more laps tonight, I'm pretty sure I can get around the 35-36 area.
Had another go this morning, and got down to a clean 6.6 / 20.7 / 37.5 and took the last turn well to edge out a previous 37.2 by 0.100 at the line.

I'll have to try stiffening things up and see if it helps :D
For anyone who's using my settings, I made a few changes that you might want to try.
5.0 6.5
115 115
10 10
10 10
2 1
0 0
4 6
19 15
30 30
30 30
5 5
Gears Made 1st gear bigger and did the same to the others, but I can't remember the actual settings.

DF: 1 1.25
VCD: 30%
Ran another bunch of laps and have a new best at 36.4. Saw another 35 that I blew in the last corner. I just cant out this one down.