Week 96: The UK Cat Prowls The Hill

  • Thread starter Kent
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Geez I already said I don't have a xport, no need to be rude. All I can say for now is that Mr P you are mistaken ;) When I get a replay device I'll be glad to show it.

Gonna be busy until sunday but maybe then I'll race a bit more.

Ok man at least you know where I stand 👍

I'm not going to go on and on about it .... but expect to post all data regarding your lap! all loggerdata sections individually and we will judge your superlap from there :sly:

This aint no forum of novices where any old bull$hit will be accepted :)

Good luck in proving me wrong 👍

oh yeah! .... have a nice Christmas ;)
I'd like to see your settings Meteo. How about it?
Sometimes if they're feeling really nice the fastest drivers on here like MrP and Hugo Boss will post their settings for the benefit of us "slower" members. I've just run some laps, and if you're seriously a second and a bit quicker than me through T3, then good on you, but be prepared to come under some fire about being able to prove it. Don't take it personally, it just means you've got some proven very fast drivers a little interested. We've had our share of charlatans on here so we tend to be sceptical to begin with.
Have you raced on other boards and posted times? That's always a good place to refer to if you have. Maybe you have some other friends that you play GT3 with that are on this website and could back you up here?

My times so far:-
T1 11.410
T2 24.034
T3 49.340
Damn This Jag is hard to get. I tried to win a F1 in the Super Speed Enuro but I got a crappy Corvette. and any car I try has to be pitted at least once and since half the other cars dont I end up 2nd or 3rd :mad: I think I'll buy a Mugen NSX
Meteo: In MrP's defense, it's 'rare' that a driver comes to the WRS or any forums OLR section that displays your pace that isn't known or been heard of to somebody in the GT community. These known quick drivers have normally been 'authenticated' (i.e. Times checked and approved).

To add to MrP's suggestion of the data analysis, if you are able to access a digital camera that takes short mpeg's (and who isn't these days?) you could simply take a couple to help your case, in regards to clean driving etc (hp etc is another matter), then you could simply post them or send them to someone...
I'm very skeptical of those times also Meteo. Saying you are faster than Hugo and Mr. P, both of which woh handily won races against a collection of the very best racers in the world (Board Challenge), and saying you are faster by over a half second on a hotlap makes me very suspicious. I'd like to see the relpay also.
I don't know what to tell you then... I realize it's a fast lap, not perfect but one of my best ones for sure. I've been addicted to this game for a long time now and I like this track. Jag race car, Super Soft tires, 569 horsepower, free run, I'm sure Im running the right thing here so I'm sorry if you dont like my times.
You do realise that we/you are supposed to keep at least 2 tires ON the track/rumples at ALL times, right?

Maybe if you post your settings to help out us "slower guys" we might believe you a little more. ;)
At Least 2 tires were on at ALL times.

Like I said my setting are simple. Only my gears are complicated, I learned a trick that I use alot and I found out today in another forum that most people use it. "tranny trick I guess it's called.

lowest/highest springs
Medium ride height
highest dampers
3.0 for camber
no toe
medium stabilizers
highest brakes
10/20/20 limited slip
don't know the gear numbers (1 tip is to not use 1st gear)
no asm 1 tcs(to not spin out)
highest downforce/high downforce

I dont see many other's settings :confused:
Iceman-I don't know much about this "board challenge" but I'm sure I could win a race if I tried hard enough. But thats not the point I DONT mean i'm better than hugo or mister P, all i'm saying is those are my times, take it or leave IT.
Hey! Tuff's back! Good to see you again! You've been missed!

Meteo, thanks for the settings, will see what sort of difference they make to my laptimes.
Also, well done for keeping calm and level headed in the face of some obvious scepticism, most kids of your age that have had their times questioned like this in the past have usually subjected us to a barrage of 4-letter abuse and left by now. 👍
You can see where we're coming from too, though can't you? The ball is in your court and the kudos are yours IF you can come through with such a phenomenal replay. Hellnback's idea about a digital camera is pretty good if you can do something like that, it'd definitely help.
Where are you based? Maybe there's a WRS member closer to you than you think, that could help.
Well I ran this ragged last night! I put in lap after lap and my best ever T3 was 48.5's on a few occasions ..... no way anyone is hitting 48.0 and thats my final say on this :sly: ... no way at all 👎
I wont race again until after Christmas now but just wanted to come in and tell Mr calm and collected that his sector is not possible 👍 I know lots of fast racers from many forums and I can assure you that even the best racers out there would have great difficulty hitting a sector like Meteo is hitting .... it's all an act, his calmness is part of his bull$hitting us :dopey:

all i'm saying is those are my times, take it or leave IT

I 100% leave it .... now go and overglorify yourself elsewhere man as your not being believed at all!

48.0 .... hahahahahahahahaha! what a retard 👍
Does the reverse button trick work on this car? It may explain the T3 he is getting if it does
Does the reverse button trick work on this car? It may explain the T3 he is getting if it does
What reverse button trick ?
I think I've never used that green triangle button over the past 2 years.
Instead of moving up the gears in the normal fashion, use the reverse button to change gear by doing a quick tap on the button so not to engage reverse, and it will then change up a gear and produce a faster gear change as if you were using a clutch.
Instead of moving up the gears in the normal fashion, use the reverse button to change gear by doing a quick tap on the button so not to engage reverse, and it will then change up a gear and produce a faster gear change as if you were using a clutch.
Doesn't seem like too timesaving to me. :odd: I mean,it takes about 3 tenth's of a second to change gear. I don't think that he gains more than 1 sec just because of that. I think that he is nothing but a really,really skilled and fast driver ;)
Or atleast ya'll should wait before flaming him, until he/you got proof that he did/didn't run that time.
It depends if it works for this car, that is why I asked the question. If you are applying the trick correctly then you have answered my question, thanks. 👍
It would help, but I doubt a gear change trick would account for a half second improvement.

And besides, P says it's impossible to run a 48.0 T3 in this car. I'll take his word for it.
Just did some testing at the 1000m test course and with my settings, the gear trick was actually slower by about .2.
And besides, P says it's impossible to run a 48.0 T3 in this car. I'll take his word for it.

Maybe not impossible for the absolute elite at this game ... Momo, Arco, Hugo etc and that would be some damn run for sure ... but no way any Tom, Dick or Harry will turn out a sector like that 👎

Thanks for backing my opinion mate 👍 .... appreciated ;)
New best at 49.9xx. I'm losing a lot of time in the hairpin somwhere, how are you guys taking it? Also, are you using TCS?
Mr P
Well I ran this ragged last night! I put in lap after lap and my best ever T3 was 48.5's on a few occasions ..... no way anyone is hitting 48.0 and thats my final say on this :sly: ... no way at all 👎
I wont race again until after Christmas now but just wanted to come in and tell Mr calm and collected that his sector is not possible 👍 I know lots of fast racers from many forums and I can assure you that even the best racers out there would have great difficulty hitting a sector like Meteo is hitting .... it's all an act, his calmness is part of his bull$hitting us :dopey:

I 100% leave it .... now go and overglorify yourself elsewhere man as your not being believed at all!

48.0 .... hahahahahahahahaha! what a retard 👍

Don't get me wrong MrP.
I'm still highly sceptical of his T3 myself, especially as there's been no mention of other splits consistent with such a blazing lap. But, as an 11 year old he's handled the abuse pretty well. (Your own kid has proved that you don't have to be old to be quick, mind you, if I had Dad's ghost to follow which was anything like yours, then I'm sure I'd get quicker too!)
It'll be interesting to see which division he's qualified in, and how his entry time stacks up. If its a repeat of mrdpunto, qualified in Div3 and claiming to beat the cream of Div1 a week later, then we'll know for sure its not Kosher.
As you're consistently proven to be one of the fastest out there, and Hugo is still 0.6s away from Meteo, and I'm having difficulty hitting less than 49.2s T3, I've said before that he's got to provide cast-iron proof that he's done what he's claiming. But until results day, when Kent has stepped in, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, even if its a very very large doubt, and I'll be the one with egg on my face when he scarpers like mrdpunto.
Chances are you're absolutely right...... 👍
Ok guys ... for the record! I never knew or even thought that Meteo was only 11 years old :guilty: I was out of order to be so abrupt and arrogant, for that I apologise :indiff:

I just sent a pack of Lego out to Meteo in the post for Christmas :dopey: 👍

Best leaving a game that demands such scrutiny for an age when he has the maturity to know what honesty is :) 👍

I wont post again on this issue as I have said more than enough already

Enjoy Christmas guys :cool:
I'm glad to see that we are all going to let go of this situation just like with mrdpunto.

Things aren't always what they seem to be and that works in all directions. :lol:

Just wait for the results and until then... :D

Now get back to the racing everyone.
I woud love to see the Jag get its full potential brought out since this is the only week we have ever used it as the car of the week.

So good luck and god speed (if I can even say that lol).
(not sure about the atheist crowd in the wrs, so no disrespect is meant ;) ).

Any way, good luck. :D
Later. :sly:
Well, i´m running this to. Great combo really.
Best so far with my settings:
T1 - 11.2XX
T3 - 51.5XX

I like this track, and will give a try with Icemanshooter´s settings later.
Nice T1 Jean 👍. I rarely see T1's that low, usually 11.3-11.5 almost every time. I've changed my settings quite a bit since a posted those, but you can try them if you like.
Touge Master
brakes 24/24
LSD 15/40/15 (i think i'm not sure)
DF 1/1.25

So far this set up works wonders for me if some can give me some feedback as to whether this is a good setup or not that would help out alot.

This is the one you need. 👍
At least it works for me.
Meteo, can you post your full splits, please (T1, T2 & T3)?
I drove a 48.300 with your suspension settings and can see a little more. Only those settings are worthless in the chicane, too slippery 👎

With my own settings I improved to 11.265, 23.542, 48.426. And a good chicane :sly:

My settings:
4.6 / 16.8
78 / 66
9 / 10
9 / 10
1.8 / 0.4
0 / 0
7 / 7
14 / 10
15 / 32 / 28
Auto 24
1.00 / 1.22
Hello fellas!

I guess much of you don't even know or remember who I am, but well, it's nice to see that the WRS is still alive and now with lots of new and fast racers, and it's good to see some old school guys battling out yet.

Just to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I'll probably get pumped up to race for the last time at week 100 :sly: because I'm selling some of my old copies of games to get some money for new games, and GT3 is included along with some others.

Well, again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all you WRS racers, enjoy! :)
Yes I remember, Good to see you back. I'v been out for a while and like you I'm saving up for some new games GT4 :) by the way nice avatar I was a big Starcraft fan myself

BTW I finally got the Jag and the best T's I'v seen is:

T1 11.6xx
T2 24.xxx
T3 50.5xx

PS "I do this for Iur" :dopey:
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