Well, what a waste of time this afternoon. Surely, I would have thought I would place 2nd or 3rd. But nope. That was the longest 22-23 minutes ever in my life. These AI are tough this go-round, and it's no point in me trying the other 3 SF cars because they may not get me much progress either. And it would be too hard and insane to try using MT with this machine. Hope I'm not forced to. How is everyone else getting better results and we're all using the same SF cars, I think the horsepower is almost the same for each car. Another freaking block from the 750,000k.
Looking at your video, you are easily losing 10 seconds a lap with how you are entering and exiting corners. Lets break down some from an average lap of yours:
Turns 2 & 3: Down 2nd gear decently enough for 2 but you should begin to accelerate abit earlier (Right about as you start turning right, plenty of curb.) for 3.
Turn 5: No need to lift, you've got a very downforce heavy car. You should be able to turn in with no problems and the brakes are good enough to slow you down for 6 before going downhill.
Turns 8, 9 & 10 (The Esses): Again, no need to lift. You can easily take this whole section flat. If anything, you should be able to make up speed on the AI just through there alone.
Turns 13, 14, 15 & 16 (Chicane of Death): Again, easily flat. This is easily the best overtaking spot on the whole track when done properly as the AI Brake frequently.
Overall, you've got to trust the downforce. The key to these cars is leaning on that downforce through the fast sectors whenever possible. Regardless if its the SF19 or the SF23, both will easily do 22s or 21s when driven to the limit. There is easily 10 secs to make up per lap. I've driven both and despite the Horsepower difference, the feel is barely noticeable in my hands and I'm not even on World Tour level pace.
I'll show you the video of my run tomorrow for a comparison.