Weekly Race Series, Week 14 - EVO vs. WRX

  • Thread starter boombexus
Ok, still have yet to put in a whole lot of time with these cars, but this is what I got so far.


T1: 20.6
T2: 38.6
T3: 58.2


T1: 20.9
T2: 39.1
T3: 58.7

Seems like I'm running just a tad slower in the EVO, but I like the way it handles compared to the Subaru.

I'm still working out the kinks though. We'll see what happens. :mischievous:
Originally posted by GTJugend
Is the X-port usable for anything else than transferring data from the PS2 to PC?


Not that I know of, but it is still handy. I mean you can save hundreds of replays with no problem on the PC. And with the MK garage editor program you can rearrange, mod, exchange cars and other stuff to your garage with ease. I alphabatized my garage so it's easy to find cars in arcade mode.:) There is also a replay manager program around here that is useful as well.
Hi guys and gals just here to post my sectors nothing special only running the suby.
I am struggling with a setup at the moment can any of you guys give me solution to the gears as for i am 1 second behind on every sector :confused:

Here is my sectors

T1 20.7:mad:

T2 39.0:(

T3 58.9:irked:

Dont think these sectors are any good or are they:banghead:

Evo: 20.938-38.890-58.249. Time submitted.

Thanks to GTJugend for the settings.👍

Never got that one satisfying lap.:irked:

My Subaru won't show a chase view in replay.:boggled:

Have a Happy Memorial Day.:)

Originally posted by CarbonFiber Man
There is also a replay manager program around here that is useful as well.
Arwin wrote such a program. There's a link to it in this thread.
How's it goin? Your welcome Oliver! Carbonfiber, I'll mabye buy one..

Are you guys using ASM? Until today I had it turned off but tried it at 2-3 and I noticed that the car became more reliable in turns 3, 4, 5, and especially turn 9.. it did't bounce off the kerbs as much as before and I could improve the cornering speed with a few kph.

Another thing I've noticed is the importance of having the 2:nd gear set properly so you can use it to power around the first 2 corners and the last corner. Making that change shaved surely 0.2 secs of the lap if I got the turns right.

Originally posted by GTJugend
How's it goin? Your welcome Oliver! Carbonfiber, I'll mabye buy one..

Are you guys using ASM? Until today I had it turned off but tried it at 2-3 and I noticed that the car became more reliable in turns 3, 4, 5, and especially turn 9.. it did't bounce off the kerbs as much as before and I could improve the cornering speed with a few kph.

Another thing I've noticed is the importance of having the 2:nd gear set properly so you can use it to power around the first 2 corners and the last corner. Making that change shaved surely 0.2 secs of the lap if I got the turns right.


for me :D
I used Luxy's set up on the suby btw ;) very nice 👍

I'll post my Evo set up later when i boot up the PS2 , suby is better though :cool:
Originally posted by GTJugend
Thinking of buying an X-port if I'll continue with this but in sweden it is 60$, quite much for a poor student. Is the X-port usable for anything else than transferring data from the PS2 to PC?
/D [/B]

www.play.com - here you can get it for about 25$, I think they have free delivery even in Sweden.

Originally posted by Mr P
I used Luxy's set up on the suby btw ;) very nice 👍

I'll post my Evo set up later when i boot up the PS2 , suby is better though :cool:

lol, I was going to ask you what you're setup was :lol: I've been getting frustrated with that damn suby.
Thank you Arwin, I'll probably buy it there in a few weeks:tup:

Just one thought - In the technicals for the V2 it is said to work only on UK pal. Is this just bull? ´fcourse there are different types of pal over europe, but does it really matter if it's pal-x or pal-y?

Originally posted by IDAFC21.
Good times Nelsy, keep it up by the way, what class are you competing in?

I'm in the beginer Class.

My new splits for the Impreza,
T1 = 21.140
T2 = 39.560
T3 = 59.293

My new Splits for the Lancer,
T1 = 21.299
T2 = 39.684
T3 = 59.836
Submitting my time today, to help me keep my mind on school..

I've tweaked the evo down to T3 57.5, haven't really bothered to test the wrx but from what I've read it could go quicker..

One thing that really disturbed me was before I learned to ignore the split-time difference, as soon as I saw the blue numbers I couldn't keep my eyes on the road. I just had to read them, lost some concentration and if I was well under the previous time my heart started pounding and often I made some really crappy turns after that..:banghead:

But with practice the "blue-numbers syndrome" got better..

can you guys help me out??
i've seen you splits and there like over a second faster than mine, can you give me some tips?
Originally posted by GTJugend
I've tweaked the evo down to T3 57.5

For a new guy you are very fast mate ;) i'm pushing some to match you! .... very nice work 👍
Thank you, P! I'm only new to OLR and fine-tuning, been playing GT for 5 years or so and that's where it comes from.. ;)

Hey Im finally back to racing, and I mean it this time :mischievous:. Midnite Challenge pulled me away somehow.....dont know how that happened. Thanks for the Reminder Holland :). BTW, nice avatar Mr. P 👍...
















480 hp

163.8 miles

T1 20.721

T2 38.981

T3 58.540
Fair. Might test other settings later. I'd not planned to race, but I like the match up, and I guess this may have been inspired by Car and Driver and Road & Track.

Don't know if I will go for a better time. I would have preferred to have been faster earlier. I ay try one of those 57.5 T3 settings later.

If my Luxy (sorry if I am getting the name wrong) based settings are any good, someone please tell me.

I probably will not bother, but some one may benefit from trying a lower level flywheel because of the uphil speed los that is supposedly in the game, at least it was mentioned in one or both of the previous games. The oe set up felt odd in the first lap I tried with it, and my speed did not appear to improve uphill. I do not know if I could have noticed much as far as improved or degraded acceleration.

T5 is the turn after the T1 time marker, right? Frankly, being 80-82 mph through it does not hurt as much as one might assume. You can be smooth at 87, but if you have some traction loss or turning difficulty you may lose some of the advantage of being 5-7 mph faster.
I almost got a good lap

T1 20.6
T2 38.9

Then I screwed up the corkscrew and got beat by the ghost so I couldn't save the best lap :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

T3 59.9

I just realized that i was taking the first turn wrong (so I'm welcome to any suggestions :D )
Well, forget work and school... nothing is taking away from my gt time like a new game... mobile suit gundam: federation vs zeon.

Yea, its taken my game time and its taken my love of the playstation as well.

Basically I havent done a single lap in a long couple days, and will probably only put down a lap come monday.

Talk to you guys when ever I get to the game for some new times, or in a little while when I have more to say...
Submitting my time to busy this weekend got a lot on my plate at the moment sorry mateys look forward to the next round :irked:
Maybe i will have some time behind me on the next round laters




T5 is the turn after the T1 time marker, right? Frankly, being 80-82 mph through it does not hurt as much as one might assume. You can be smooth at 87, but if you have some traction loss or turning difficulty you may lose some of the advantage of being 5-7 mph faster.

Talent, I think it's the turn before T2

Well, just spent some quality time with the EVO. I'm starting to like this car as I've gotten a better set up for her than I had before.

T1: 20.818
T2: 38.774
T3: 58.054

172 Miles.

-2.0/0.0 (this seemed to help me out quite a bit.)

Auto: 18
Final: 3.970
ASM: 0
TCS: 0

I opted to go with the LSD instead of the AYC. As soon as I changed this, my times started to drop. I even ran without having either of them installed, but the LSD has proven the better choice for me.

Time to see if the WRX can catch up. :mischievous:
I got my T3 to 59,1 up untill now doing 151k,
last turn is still a problem, :banghead:

Think i´ll be toying with tho toes a bit to see i´f i can run a bit faster. anyways gotta go. :mischievous: