Weekly Race Series, Week 38

  • Thread starter boombexus
Well, since so many are saying they don't have times, or they don't have a clean run, I'm getting the feeling I may end up as the only guy who stuck to the supra.

Should I do some zonda runs just to put in a zonda time as well?

At the moment I have a pretty good supra time that I would love to turn in, so Im gonna send that in, but Im also gonna run a zonda session right now.

Back in a few if I can pull anything in the zonda. (in one session :irked: I dont know, but I will try)
:D Deal!

I already ran exactly 4 laps. Came down with a 41.9, so I figure 41.5 should be on the record by the end of the hour.

Back in a few...
I will be posting a Denso time later.. Fubar'ed my weekend with Freedom Fighters whan I should've been focusing on more important stuff :grumpy:
Well like I said, I would be back at about the end of the hour.

Progress was made indeed. But dissappointing work too.

Low clean was at 41.2, but fast clean was at 41.5.

Im sure I can get something in, but I've gotta start a new session since the overall fastest was dirty, hence, I haven't been able to save a single clean lap.

I should be able to get in a few more laps before real life calls me back.

I will post progress when it occurs.

till then...

Ok, I've given up on the zonda. It's fun and fast, but not what I wanted to race.

I'm running consistant 41.2/41.3 and it's pretty much a sure thing as long as I can get through the turn immediately after t1.

So thats about it, and after the results are up I will let you guys know where my 45 minute zonda session left me compared to the group.

However, I will still be turning in my supra time. I spent all the time I had for racing this week on the supra and it's not going to waste.

Good luck to all of you zonda racers, but if I was you guys I would just hope that someone like zeroh or odp doesn't turn in a zonda time... reason I say that:
I know how fast those guys are.

I know where my zonda t2's came in compared to the faster zonda times and if I can do 41.2's with 45 minutes... 1 week of work from odp is gonna end in a nasty low time.

So good luck and god speed.
btw, keep an eye on you rear view, you just might get a glimpse of the castrol :mischievous:
The Castrol can be won by completing the Pro Vitz Race. You just need to win 3 of the 5 races to get it. It's a fantastic car that I prefer over the Denso. I also haven't had much time this week and wasted quite alot of it trying to put up a good Lister Storm time. Damn you, Lister Storm.
I'm afraid of posting my Zonda setup. I mean, it's the sweetest setup I've ever had on a car with this much power, and rides comparably to Max E's Vertigo. Oh well, I doubt I'll be able to get a faster time than the 41.8 T2 I posted a while ago, I took a couple days break from GT3, came back, and couldn't even match my best time in the Vertigo with the Zonda. Oh well, I might as well try again...
Well for a last second hope of helping any zonda competitors...

Only one string, you've gotta let me know what the results are like this...

12/16 springs
lowest ride hieght
10 bound and rebound all the way
3/2.5 camber
0/0 toe
24/24 brakes
5/5/5 lsd
max df
0 asm
choice of tcs

Good luck and let me know how it goes.

Btw, sorry to anyone who got my earlier set up attempts... after my testing mentioned in my hour long session just above, this is the set up I settled on.

Good luck.
Kent i won't be getting a supra time, i just can't. I'm still trying to get a damn clean zonda run and its starting to p!ss me off. Only got another hour or so left to get one so hopefullyill get one or ill end up submitting a crap time, bbl.
Well, this is my first ever entry for an OLR so I'll just have to see how I stack up.
Put a T2 of 41.8 in a Zonda... couldnt get anything else close.
Just hope the last sector was good enough... as long as I'm not the slowest I'll be happy :)
That's cool. Hopefully I'll be competing in your division soon (currently I am a beginner struggling to make the upgrade). New Lap time yields slightly faster T times:
T1: 0'11.234
T2: 0'41.832

Not quite clean, as at one point I did brush up against the wall rather stiffly (chances are that would have been 1 second off my overall time instead of just .6).
Pm sent to boom.

Good luck you guys.

I ran some testing at the begining of the week. Then stuck to the Castrol supra. Just did some times with the zonda, they look ok. Had a clean 41.3 save with the zonda, but blasted it out of the water with an awesome 41.6.

This 41.6 was great because of one turn... the second to last turn... the one right before the wide U-turn. I managed it full throttle in 5th, so it pulled in a way faster than it would have... still lost time on the u-turn, but I am satisfied with it. The supra is similar, a well rounded lap with something like a 42.4.

Im looking forward to seeing the final fastest zonda time and really looking forward to seeing if I was able to represent the castrol supra as the underdog compared to the denso pack.

Catch you guys when I get back from class or in the morning.

till then...

btw, jpec, if you wanna talk about that pm you sent me, just hit me on aim. Sorry, dont have yahoo or msn
Hmm I couldnt get that last turn before the U turn at full throttle, but managed to get it in like a low 5th gear drifting the car, still I could get ready for the U turn and didn't lose any time on it...well I am pretty sure my time isn't the fastest...if I could got T times of 10.8xx and 41.2xx...then my lap isn't the best of me, well good luck to all again :)
Originally posted by HeinrichII
Hmm I couldnt get that last turn before the U turn at full throttle, but managed to get it in like a low 5th gear drifting the car, still I could get ready for the U turn and didn't lose any time on it...well I am pretty sure my time isn't the fastest...if I could got T times of 10.8xx and 41.2xx...then my lap isn't the best of me, well good luck to all again :)

I hear that, and by chance, thought I would mention... I saw probably 2 or 3, 11.2/3's go into the 41.2/3 range. I also saw a few of the 10.8/9's.

So I figure that if max and p were still real active in here, we just might have seen some 40.8/9's.

Well thank god for the rest of us that those guys and times aren't hanging around in here.

Anyway... good luck again. (I should have known posting here would pick up before I left for school. )
Only reason you havent seen them 40.8s or 40.9s is because some people dont have time to spend on this. I spent a total of one hour on this on Saturday night, and from what I can tell, I got an ok time with one small wall nudge (wont submit it of course), and I was nowhere close to the max potential by far. I figure 39's are possible with enough time. It doesnt take Max or Mr P to achieve them, just takes time. Although they could probably achieve it a little quicker.
Indeed, time is all it takes. (with a bit of skill of course.)

However, I kinda felt like you were almost bustin on me for having enough time to get in a full 250 miles on the castrol (kept track since I was breaking it in almost the whole time) and 100 or less miles on the zonda.

Thats about all the time I could ask to give and Im pretty happy with it. Not the greatest, but it was pretty good based on my standards.

Bio test and semester research paper were both this week and really took the majority of my time.

Dont feel bad T13R, I didnt mean to leave you out of the p max e list, I was just trying to cite some of the faster racers who hadn't put a hand in on this race.

Anyway, catch you guys later.
Time submitted. T2/ 41.4 in saved lap. A fast T2 time doesn't always mean a fast time. I stopped counting the number of times I hit that damn wall on the left right after T2.:banghead: I reached my goal time so thats fine with me.
I was just trying to hint that most people, with enough time, should be able to achieve 40.8 or 40.9 at least once.. even if slightly dirty or something ( It doesn't necessarily take Ron or Max to achieve that, and I think zer0h will show this this week.. I think he has a quick time ).
Also not everyone has the same adaptation period for a certain car/track combo, and it does not mean that a driver which adapts quicker will be quicker in the end. That's why I find time is almost more important than raw GT3 skill. Of course this is simply my opinion.
I managed a whopping 49 miles in the Zonda Race car.

Just couldn't come up with the track time to get it done.

Whoa. Best i've got so far was a 44.6 T2... I'm nowhere near anyone, i don't think i'm even going to bother with submitting my time.
well, i think ive run about as fast as i can in this denso. at least w/ the time i have left tonight. i wish i wouldve had more time to work on it this week. I feel good about my denso time tho. splits in this lap were 11.1/42.2 my best dirty ive seen tonight is 42.1, and ive yet to go below the 11.1 mark, so i think ive about hit my limit tonight. theres still a little time tho so who knows. good luck to all the zonda, and non-zonda drivers! hehe. cant wait to see some of these zonda times. i didnt even do 1 lap in that car this week.
I got a few more hours in on the ZZII tonight, and was about to go to sleep, then I realized it was monday and I had to submit. Close one.

Anyway my final clean times were:
T1: 0'11.317
T2: 0'42.432
time submitted. couldnt get anything better than my previous post. its not a GREAT time. but i just didnt get enough opportunitys to sit down w/ this race this week. I just hope i hold my own against the non-zonda racers :)