Originally posted by lotus350
Well hello again to all weekly racers! good to see the series still going strong thanks to Boom and the dedicated racers here 👍
And a hello to you too! Great to see you, welcome back!
Well, I ran another session and improved by 4sec.
Met or surpassed all of my previous PBs except L2 and that was a 46.1.
So, I never did get a blistering lap, like CFM's 45.4, but L5 was pretty good.
I'll submit this.
Good luck and have fun!
Don't you hate it when there's a dodgy moment, after a couple of fast laps and you have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind, as you finish the race.
If the race is fast, you then have to agonize over the replay, hoping it's clean.
Has anyone watched the AI in replay?
Check out the way they fly after pitting.
The speedo reads the same as normal, but they are going much faster.
Reminds me of a hybrid.