Weird new

man how i wish you didnt post that video. it makes me realize we shill have another month before the 24.:guilty:

though i did love the ending to that part of the race. sure it didnt make the other teams to happy with the corvette boys having the star spangled banner played loud in an awesome rock fashion for the whole paddock to here.

but my views on the thing is i would love to have weather in the game and damage. the day night cycle, while i would love to be able to race at night, i could deal with not having.
As far as I'm concerned, for the most part, all they will be are primary elements to screw your race up.

That. is. exactly. the point! Real racing life is ALL ABOUT fear. In GT you can go into a corner not caring a bit what your speed is. If you have damge/weather, you have to actually think about what you're about to do.
That. is. exactly. the point! Real racing life is ALL ABOUT fear. In GT you can go into a corner not caring a bit what your speed is. If you have damge/weather, you have to actually think about what you're about to do.

Exactly:tup: That is why we need damage and not just weather alone, because there is a difference between driving in the rain and spinning out to lose 8 seconds (no damage) and spinning out and losing a minute or getting a DNF (with damage). I bet that in the latter case your lap times will be 2 seconds slower than in the former.

I don't care if we have to wait for damage, weather, or day/night as long as it makes it into GT5 sooner or later.

I just wish for an awesome on-line virtual racing league that will motivate me to play more and become a better driver. I think that PD should take the iracing route and start with an awesome on-line experience (with leagues, tournaments, rankings, etc.) to make sure that people get hooked on it and then add on stuff like damage, weather, tire wear etc.
I speak french and I know this site but please for god's sake don't believe their rumors. At a time they were speaking about halo 4 and I didn't see this news on any other website

I haven't heard about this rumor. But I know they used to be serious in the past. I'm pretty "critical" and I don't believe everything I read. This is why I posted this here.
I speak french and I know this site but please for god's sake don't believe their rumors. At a time they were speaking about halo 4 and I didn't see this news on any other website

Well that post, instilled a certain amount of hope for me that we will see weather from the off.

Nox, I can't see how you can say weather can come later. Something like weather is so big, it needs to be integrated into the core gameplay right from the off.

If I start the game etc. get to the 24hours of La Sarthe work hard and win it, all in sunny weather, then 6 monthes later a patch comes out to add weather, I will be a bit miffed that I missed out on it first time, adn that I will have to do it all over again if i want to experience it.

Likewise, how do you suggest they incorperate wet weather tyres? as soon as you download the weather patch, you would have to go and buy intermediates and full wets for all your cars, that is a bit of a pain. Perhaps the likes of weather should be in GT5 right from the off or not at all. Adding cars is fine, adding tracks is fine, but not core gameplay features, the core game should be right there from the start, bonus add onns can wait.
That. is. exactly. the point! Real racing life is ALL ABOUT fear. In GT you can go into a corner not caring a bit what your speed is. If you have damge/weather, you have to actually think about what you're about to do.
Ditto. 👍

There is more people who see greater entertainment/value in destroying cars and driving backwards then there is weather or day/night changes. So PD could be targeting the larger audience.
:lol: I love it when some people think that the only reason we want damage in the game is to crash cars for fun. :boggled:

But yeah, I'd also like to finally see working reverse lights as well! Come on PD, you can do it! ;)
ok but damage is already confirmed for race cars only... and i prefer so... cuz many beautyful stock cars will be destroyed to do photo mode and show worldwide...
race car are different, you can destroy and do such a photo mode that no company will be affected...
Kaz is inside the car company market now.... he can't do such a risk to compromise is statement...
ok but damage is already confirmed for race cars only... and i prefer so... cuz many beautyful stock cars will be destroyed to do photo mode and show worldwide...
race car are different, you can destroy and do such a photo mode that no company will be affected...
Kaz is inside the car company market now.... he can't do such a risk to compromise is statement...
Yes, it is most likely easier to get the manufacturers to agree on having damage on race cars only, but that doesn't mean that PD shouldn't try to add damage model to stock cars as well. And PD certainly shouldn't be prevented from doing so by a couple of rotten apples who only want to wreck cars for fun and then take pictures. :grumpy:
I still don't think there will be damage on only race cars, I think that part was translated wrong.
however damage for race cars would be the best... its reality..
if i try to think about damaging stock cars i'll be disappointed... we would see many replays with every car damaged, and it would be really annoying to watch the beautyful driving game of the world with the beautyful wrecked car in the world...
You would also see replays of a stock car ramming a race car and going on with no damage while the race car is sitting with a destroyed car. Damage on only race cars would make the game horrible in my opinion. Online would be filled with people taking fully upgraded cars into rooms of race cars and making a wreck fest.

This is Kaz we are talking about and he is finally getting the freedom that he hasn't gotten with the GT series. Do you really think he is only going to half to something? No he is going to go all out or not go at all.
You would also see replays of a stock car ramming a race car and going on with no damage while the race car is sitting with a destroyed car. Damage on only race cars would make the game horrible in my opinion.
If they are going to have damage model only on race cars, like RAVELLRON said, I highly doubt we would see both race and stock cars in the same race.

This is Kaz we are talking about and he is finally getting the freedom that he hasn't gotten with the GT series. Do you really think he is only going to half to something? No he is going to go all out or not go at all.
I agree with you; they should either have damage model on all the cars, or none at all.
If they are going to have damage model only on race cars, like RAVELLRON said, I highly doubt we would see both race and stock cars in the same race.

I agree with you; they should either have damage model on all the cars, or none at all.

Well in respects to me the fact damage is only for race cars is good news for the time being, it probably means they are doing the damage properly and as close to realistic as possible as opposed to using some generic damage model for all the cars. And as we all know there will be dlc so more cars are likely to get damage later on.
Well in respects to me the fact damage is only for race cars is good news for the time being, it probably means they are doing the damage properly and as close to realistic as possible as opposed to using some generic damage model for all the cars. And as we all know there will be dlc so more cars are likely to get damage later on.


yes maybe we could see finally a 100% damage and simulation driving... endurance would be the most beautyful race to do...
Well in respects to me the fact damage is only for race cars is good news for the time being, it probably means they are doing the damage properly and as close to realistic as possible as opposed to using some generic damage model for all the cars. And as we all know there will be dlc so more cars are likely to get damage later on.
Trust me, I want a well-made and realistic damage model as much as you. :)

I suppose PD are able to put more effort into making the damage as realistic as possible if they are only doing it for the race cars. The manufacturers are propably more lenient on having extensive damage model on their race models instead of stock cars, and since there are fewer of them, it shouldn't take as long to do, as opposed to having damage model on every single car model.

Still, I can't help but to feel funny at the thought that stock cars aren't going to get a scratch, while at the same time, race cars are going to get totalled. :scared:
No damage to stock cars is probably only limited to "visual" damage anyway... so it won't be possible to drive round in your impregnable ford ka and take out all the F1 cars.

That. is. exactly. the point! Real racing life is ALL ABOUT fear. In GT you can go into a corner not caring a bit what your speed is. If you have damge/weather, you have to actually think about what you're about to do.

I can't decide whether to take this comment seriously or as a joke. It's pretty much a toss up.
If you are serious, most of your time racing must be spent in the sand pits.
With the exception of "Rally Racing" there is no real racing in the rain.

Recently, I briefly viewed an F1 race being run in the rain.
Multi million dollar 900 HP race cars putting around in the rain.
It was the sorriest excuse for racing I have ever witnessed.
The only reason they run in the rain is "MONEY". Not because it creates great racing conditions. It costs a lot of money to delay a race because of rain.
I can't decide whether to take this comment seriously or as a joke. It's pretty much a toss up.
I have the same problem with your post. :rolleyes: What he means is that driving like a nutcase in the game has no serious, tangible consequences other than a bad lap time and losing a couple of positions.

You say wet races aren't interesting? :lol:
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I have the same problem with your post. :rolleyes: What he means is that driving like a nutcase in the game has no serious, tangible consequences other than a bad lap time and losing maybe a couple of positions.

Sorry but I fail to see how the addition of rain is going to dramatically change that.
My impression at this point is these additions are really wanted solely for the purpose of attempting to somehow "Idiot proof" the game.
That prospect gives me true cause for concern at the resulting next stage of deduction.
I can't decide whether to take this comment seriously or as a joke. It's pretty much a toss up.
If you are serious, most of your time racing must be spent in the sand pits.
With the exception of "Rally Racing" there is no real racing in the rain.

Recently, I briefly viewed an F1 race being run in the rain.
Multi million dollar 900 HP race cars putting around in the rain.
It was the sorriest excuse for racing I have ever witnessed.
The only reason they run in the rain is "MONEY". Not because it creates great racing conditions. It costs a lot of money to delay a race because of rain.


F1 cars are slow in heavy rain sure, but they have such a low weight and such wide tyres they exert a very low pressure on the road and basically sit on top of the water.

Perhaps you watch racing where everything is sunny all the time, but many races in western europe are rainy, its a big part of racing. Choosing your tyres, adjusting your setup, sure the laptimes are slower but the cars are still racing and the fastest one in the rain is usually the winner.

There most certainly is such thing as real racing in the rain.
It's funny, on the AUDI R8 interview with Kaz, I get idea that Weather Effects as well Day Night Cycles are almost complete yet Damage will take bit longer
With this interview I get idea Damage is about done yet weather needs bit longer..


F1 cars are slow in heavy rain sure, but they have such a low weight and such wide tyres they exert a very low pressure on the road and basically sit on top of the water.

Perhaps you watch racing where everything is sunny all the time, but many races in western europe are rainy, its a big part of racing. Choosing your tyres, adjusting your setup, sure the laptimes are slower but the cars are still racing and the fastest one in the rain is usually the winner.

There most certainly is such thing as real racing in the rain.

Perhaps "real racing" is not the proper term. What I mean by that,is you will not see the race run, in the capacity of its true design element with the accompaning speeds and stresses on man and machine, that you would have, weather permitting.
As you say, if rain is too difficult and costly to delay, reschedule and work around, then you have to, what I would term, "settle" for racing in the rain which will entail "putting" as compared to racing in dry conditions.
A race is a race nonetheless and it may be a very good race to watch in some classes but for me in F1, its too far removed from the dry condition aspect.