Weird new

Ferrari and Porsche have nor problems with their cars being damaged as they were both in F2. Also as I've said in other threads the "It's never been in GT before" argument is a bad one. I guess by that argument we don't need weather, online, in-car view or any car newer than the 2005 model year.

Also, the biggest part of the fan base is going to be the casual gamer as every game has that as thir primary target as that's who buys the most games. I can tell you right now that the review magazines will knock the overall score down because they will view it as an incomplete game without damage. This will cause a number of people to view it as an incomplete game and in turn not buy it.

Also, people don't buy racing games with damage for the damage, they buy it for the racing. Damage just makes it seem funner and more realistic.

Ferrari and Porsche were examples, nothing more.

How is damage fun? I hit a wall, oh look it's the end of my race and the end of that car. Realistic, yes.
So if you don't point out flaws how does one know they are there to fix?

An easier fix would just to put damage on every car.

Also, I will never get over it as I like debating no matter how pointless.

It's not a flaw, you want damage races, join a race with only race cars.

Why would you take a stock car into a race with race cars anyway?

You're right I don't have any experience with manufacturer's. Although I have played enough games with Ferrari and Porsches in them that also have damage to know that it is possible to have it in the game.

Also, how is being a mailman treating you. I'm sure a lot of people are mad about the price hike.

I too have played many games with Ferrari and Porsche's in them, NONE of them have what I would call realistic damage by any stretch of the imagination.
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My point exactly.
This is also why in 99% of "on line" races it is turned off.

For online i agree it wouldn't work unless for casual online races, destruction derby anyone?

However for singleplayer i strongly disagree. GT5 is a sim, in real life cars get damaged and it's this fear of damaging your ride that makes you drive more cautiously but fast, in my book if you don't want damage you shouldn't be playing a sim because damage is an important aspect of any real life race. Yes it's a hindrence but thats what makes it challenging/ "a game", if you want an easy ride go play mariokart.
For online i agree it wouldn't work unless for casual online races, destruction derby anyone?

However for singleplayer i strongly disagree. GT5 is a sim, in real life cars get damaged and it's this fear of damaging your ride that makes you drive more cautiously but fast, in my book if you don't want damage you shouldn't be playing a sim because damage is an important aspect of any real life race. Yes it's a hindrence but thats what makes it challenging/ "a game", if you want an easy ride go play mariokart.

I understand all that and I agree. What I have trouble with is this attitude that it will make or break the game.
I don't believe most of us true racing enthusiasts of racing games approach progressing thru the game by crashing into everything.
You can win every race in GT4 driving a comparable car, without ever touching the AI. However if it had the damage feature and they reach out and touch you this is where the problem comes in. That's realistic too but it won't make for a very, as the man said "fun" race.
The thing is i think people keep worrying too much that if damage is included that the slightest knock will put you out the race, Kaz has already commented before that they are testing various damage models in attempt to avoid this problem, Im sure you will be able to take quite a few hard knocks and only accumulate some cosmetic damage before it starts affecting your performance considerably. I mean look at collin mcrae dirt, i think the damage model in that was excellent, a very good balance between realism and playability, plus cosmetically it was very good, im sure we will see something of a similar nature in gt5 just with a lot higher polygon count for better visuals.

And yeah people who judge the game simply by if it includes damage must not appreciate the true aspects of the game that matter the most, the driving physics and gameplay. Many people have said things like reducing resolution, framerate, polygon count, graphics in general to include these kinds of features but then these are the standards by which gt5 sets itself apart from other sims, you reduce those to facilitate more features and then it just becomes generic like all the other racers out there, this is a bad example but say thety were to reduce the quality of all aspects of the game a bit to facilitate damage we would basically just end up with forza. Polyphony likes taking it a step at a time and getting it right rather than cramming the disc with half assed crap. Plus im sure they will hold some things back intentionally either as dlc we might have to pay for or for gt6 and so on.
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What I have trouble with is this attitude that it will make or break the game.
I'll buy and undoubtedly love GT5, damage or no damage, but it would be a great addition to the game, just like the ability to drive in different weather conditions. :) But I suppose we'll know soon enough...can't wait for E3! :D
I really don't get why people here are so willing to settle for less, in my opinion if you have damage either have it on all the cars or none at all. As I've said before I like trying to put tuned versions of cars up against there race counterparts, it's fun and adds a challenege to the game. If they only have damage on race cars that would cause major problems in this even if they turned damage off when someone used both types of cars.

I'll wait for E3, maybe they will clear this up as I still think the "racing cars only" comments was badly translated.
The thing is i think people keep worrying too much that if damage is included that the slightest knock will put you out the race, Kaz has already commented before that they are testing various damage models in attempt to avoid this problem, Im sure you will be able to take quite a few hard knocks and only accumulate some cosmetic damage before it starts affecting your performance considerably. I mean look at collin mcrae dirt, i think the damage model in that was excellent, a very good balance between realism and playability, plus cosmetically it was very good, im sure we will see something of a similar nature in gt5 just with a lot higher polygon count for better visuals.

That is the one thing I am counting on. KY's high standards and attention to detail with the GT series. However as I have stated before; you can't work on it forever. At some point you have to release it.
Personally, I'm tired of waiting.
Damage, weather or whatever, BRING IT ON!!!
I really don't get why people here are so willing to settle for less
I'm not quite sure what you're saying with this. We "settle" because it's either buy the game or don't buy the game. No amount of puppy dog eyes, fit throwing or threats of tree dismemberment will change anything about what's on the disc at release. As dan says, Kaz and his team work really hard on everything they put in the games and the quality shows. And they do have their own opinions as to what works and what's unacceptable.

Suppose they have a damage model that's as good as GRiD's or better, but two car makers refuse to allow it. While a lot of us would say, "Give us Forza level damage and that's cool," Kazunori might see that as something ugly, like the arcady physics he had to put into GT1 for the west. Or suppose seven car makers refuse to allow damage of any kind? And suppose five of those are popular, and it affects as many as 100 cars?

It's easy to be an easychair quarterback when you've never thrown a pass before. And I'm in the Treasury Department, if you're curious. By the way, what's your social security number? ;)
I'm not quite sure what you're saying with this. We "settle" because it's either buy the game or don't buy the game. No amount of puppy dog eyes, fit throwing or threats of tree dismemberment will change anything about what's on the disc at release. As dan says, Kaz and his team work really hard on everything they put in the games and the quality shows. And they do have their own opinions as to what works and what's unacceptable.

Suppose they have a damage model that's as good as GRiD's or better, but two car makers refuse to allow it. While a lot of us would say, "Give us Forza level damage and that's cool," Kazunori might see that as something ugly, like the arcady physics he had to put into GT1 for the west. Or suppose seven car makers refuse to allow damage of any kind? And suppose five of those are popular, and it affects as many as 100 cars?

It's easy to be an easychair quarterback when you've never thrown a pass before. And I'm in the Treasury Department, if you're curious. By the way, what's your social security number? ;)

BR549 :D

BTW nice post.
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That is the one thing I am counting on. KY's high standards and attention to detail with the GT series. However as I have stated before; you can't work on it forever. At some point you have to release it.
Personally, I'm tired of waiting.
Damage, weather or whatever, BRING IT ON!!!

I agree with you that you have to release the game at some point, but I would rather wait another year and get a game that I can enjoy for 2-3 years than get the game tomorrow and enjoy it for only 6 months.

Although Kaz and his team may be "perfectionists", their product is far from perfect. People here keep acting like he will either introduce a perfect damage model or no damage at all. This couldn't be further from the truth, even Kaz himself said that a realistic damage model is out of the question, because a tiny error at high speeds would cause your car to disintegrate.

If we do get weather and damage it will be far from perfect, but GT5 would be a good place to start because it will take time and a couple more releases GT7 or GT8 before it is done right. That's why we have to have damage and weather now. If it isn't in GT5, then we will wait until 2015 or so before we get it (far from perfect).

@tenacious D - since you work at the treasury department, maybe you can tell them to stop running up so much debt before they run the county into the ground.:scared::nervous:💡
@tenacious D - since you work at the treasury department, maybe you can tell them to stop running up so much debt before they run the county into the ground.:scared::nervous:💡
I wish. :nervous: Unfortunately, it's Obama, Pelosi and Reed telling us what to do, and they have no clue. None of them have held an honest job a day in their lives, or had to face personal responsibility for decades. I'm praying for a taxpayer revolt in 2010 and a huge change in Congress, because if America goes broke, the world is doomed.

I know, I'm such an optimist. But honestly I am. ;)
@tenacious D - since you work at the treasury department, maybe you can tell them to stop running up so much debt before they run the county into the ground.:scared::nervous:💡

I wish. :nervous: Unfortunately, it's Obama, Pelosi and Reed telling us what to do, and they have no clue. None of them have held an honest job a day in their lives, or had to face personal responsibility for decades. I'm praying for a taxpayer revolt in 2010 and a huge change in Congress, because if America goes broke, the world is doomed.

I know, I'm such an optimist. But honestly I am. ;)

Wow, this is more encouraging than anything about GT5 that could happen at E3.
Likewise, I hope your prayer is answered TD.

While I could proceed into a voluminous rant at this point, instead I will offer this famous quote:
"Pay know attention to that man behind the curtain".
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This game should have at a MINIMUM:

A Robust On-line virtual racing league ala iRacing.

Whoever says otherwise is cutting PD too much slack. It has been 5 years since GT4 and if Kaz wants to be the leading "Driving simulator" he needs to be a lot more proactive and inlude those four things at a minimum.
Meh, whatever... At the end of the day, it's a game. I have a car and live in the real world for the rest of it.
Getting away from the idiots running the planet lately, need for superheroes and back on topic, as much as I agree with all that... ;)

I am hopeful that something grand is in store for GT5. rob's list may yet happen. Damage is undoubtedly the trickiest, because you have to deal with 70-100 egos with the various car makers around the world, not technical issues as much. Just look at the latest videos of... well, start with Metal Gear Solid 4, what Kojima-dono created. Or Killzone 2, at what Guerilla accomplished. Look forward to Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2, games which have incredible, breathtaking graphics and activity. Even the new Ratchet & Clank. Polyphony Digital undoubtedly has access to whatever resources and knowledge base they need, and Prologue is without question the best looking racer in history, with physics up there with many PC sims. What treasures are Kaz and the team going to bestow on us?

Gah, still over two weeks to find out... this is torture.
Getting away from the idiots running the planet lately, need for superheroes and back on topic, as much as I agree with all that... ;)

I am hopeful that something grand is in store for GT5. rob's list may yet happen. Damage is undoubtedly the trickiest, because you have to deal with 70-100 egos with the various car makers around the world, not technical issues as much. Just look at the latest videos of... well, start with Metal Gear Solid 4, what Kojima-dono created. Or Killzone 2, at what Guerilla accomplished. Look forward to Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2, games which have incredible, breathtaking graphics and activity. Even the new Ratchet & Clank. Polyphony Digital undoubtedly has access to whatever resources and knowledge base they need, and Prologue is without question the best looking racer in history, with physics up there with many PC sims. What treasures are Kaz and the team going to bestow on us?

Gah, still over two weeks to find out... this is torture.

Spot on! I agree with you 100% 👍

Its like having a watermelon in a glass box in the middle of the desert... I'm gasping!
What treasures are Kaz and the team going to bestow on us?

Gah, still over two weeks to find out... this is torture.

Well, judging just by how LATE the game has been, he's probably gonna give us a helluva lot of stuff. I'm expecting damage, but not the highest possibility so far as you can total your car extremely - TOCA standards will do fine with me for a damage system.

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