Whaling: What's your opinion about it?

  • Thread starter Prenny
Currently, there are 4 countries that whaling is legal: Iceland, Norway, Japan and Denmark.
These countries are heavily criticized for whale hunting, principally Japan in which is the main target for ''Anti-Whaling'' groups.

Also in the U.S native americans are alowed to hunt for Whales for ''being part of native american culture.''

What's your opinion about it?
I don't really have an issue with it but I also don't really have much knowledge of the ecology of whale hunts. Also, I'm a Canadian and don't have an issue with the seal hunt so I can't really get up in arms about whaling.
I don't really have an issue with it but I also don't really have much knowledge of the ecology of whale hunts. Also, I'm a Canadian and don't have an issue with the seal hunt so I can't really get up in arms about whaling.
This is mostly about driving whales to extinction with senseless hunting - or so I've heard anyway.
This is mostly about driving whales to extinction with senseless hunting - or so I've heard anyway.
Yeah that's what I mean, off the top of my head I don't have an issue with whaling but I'm sure there's legitimate ecological reasons to avoid it.
I support fisheries management, and that should probably include whales.
I have zero issue with it, as long as the whales are protected from going extinct. Some of you know that I do sort of have a dog in the fight, but personally, I don't know how anybody would want to kill whales or dolphins. Lovely creatures.
Whaling is said to be central to the tiny Makah tribe at Neah bay. I don't question their practices which date back thousands of years and perhaps take one whale a year. Industrial scale whaling by the Japanese under the cloak of research is another matter.

On the other hand, 99.9% of all species that ever lived are extinct today. It probably would be a good thing for elephants and rhinos to go extinct, so the poor beasts shouldn't suffer at the hand of poachers.

For the rest of us, we really no longer need animals at all for food. Insects and 3D printing of foodstuffs should see us through to the end. :rolleyes:

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Industrial scale whaling by the Japanese under the cloak of research is another matter.

The research conducted being How does it taste?

Good point though, industrial whaling such as that is dangerous whereas the once-a-year stuff by traditional communities probably isn't going to harm fishing stocks.
I'm fine with it. I can see both ends of it but I'd rather be killed than kept in captivity so it can go either way
I try not to value the life of one animal above that of another. Therefore I don't have issue with whale hunting in principle.

What I am against is the piles of rotting meat as it becomes increasingly unfashionable to eat Whales. That's just wasteful.
To be honest, thinking further about it, the mass hunting of whales (same goes for other large animals like rhinos) can prove extremely dangerous for the species' existence due to the very long amount of time it takes for them to reach a mature age and successfully reproduce...
My opinion on the hunting of certain animals goes like this"

They must be tasty or useful in some realistic, cost-effective way.
If hunting places them at risk of extinction then they must be farmable.

If it can't pass that test then I disapprove of hunting them, but I won't actively act on it in anyway.

For instance, I don't knowingly purchase anything that uses whale byproducts. I wouldn't mind a taste of whale meat, but won't seek to purchase it.

With so few societies allowing it I am surprised that we are killing enough to affect the population at this point.
I say train them to attack .. then see what happens pod of wales against a boat. the biggest culprit's are below but again , it's a society that has thrived from the ocean and there main staple is fish .... look how healthy and how long they live

With so few societies allowing it I am surprised that we are killing enough to affect the population at this point.
Whales are like the Elephants of the sea. They're big and there aren't very many.