What about running in reverse in every track?

  • Thread starter Dimitrov
That simple feature would add lots of fun in Nurb, La Sarthe and others. Trying to relearn Reverse Nurb would be great.

All tracks should have this option. I don't remember if only city courses are reverse-enabled or not.
Having every track available in reverse would certinaly add to the variety in the races. In EPR for example, you can race Tsukuba and the Nordschliefe in reverse and they;re both great, the ring especially, it's like a whole new track. I know Kaz said he never put reverse variations of real tracks in because it's kind of taboo for real racing drivers, but in the game who cares. It's not realiistic to have them in any real racing events like the JGTC event ect, but in the many ficticious event, why not.
Real tracks never let the course be run in reverse* for safety reasons - it makes sense and adds realism to the game by sticking to these rules. Tracks are designed to be run in a certain direction, they could be dangerous if run differently - the corkscrew at Laguna would never work in reverse.

* Ii believe Brands Hatch was sometimes run in reverse in the early days
Health and saftey has no place in the game, theres a point where you have to stop the realism and remember the games meant to be fun, allowing one track to be run in reverse effectively makes that one track, two tracks, so why not. For the sake of increasing the number of track variations in the game for almost no extra effort on PD's part, I still say why not.
Real tracks never let the course be run in reverse* for safety reasons - it makes sense and adds realism to the game by sticking to these rules. Tracks are designed to be run in a certain direction, they could be dangerous if run differently - the corkscrew at Laguna would never work in reverse.

Actually, I find the corkscrew much more interesting in reverse, and challenging, of course. That whole track is more fun to drive backwards, anyways.

That option would be an excellent addition.
I'll support this. I think you used to be able to run Laguna Seca backwards in GT2. It'd be great to run any track backwards. I'd personally run the Daytona 500 with all RIGHT HAND turns. XD

I suppose, if you want, you could drive backwards on purpose in a time trial and time yourself, but where's the fun in that?
All street courses except Cote D'Azur/Monte Carlo have reverse variatons. That's because Monte Carlo should actually be labelled as a "World Circuit" than a "City Course." I remember chatting with my GTP buddy "McLaren'sAngel" about racing Laguna Seca in reverse and trying to climb up the hill. I tried it in GT3, and my car was sparking from the rear like crazy! That's right. The weatherman wasn't expecting a spark shower to hit Laguna Seca when going up the hill in reverse. Suzuka would be tougher in reverse because you get the toughest part of the track first- the Casio Triangle. Nürburgring Nordschleife would be easier because you get the easiest part of the course after the final turns of the regular circuit- that ultra-long straight. I want to say that straight is longer than the Hunadieres (some call the Mulsanne), chicanes or no chicanes. This really benefits the fantasy courses because since they aren't existing course, then in Layman's terms... you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Depending on some courses, going in the other direction kind of ruins the flow of the original course. Like, Donnington Park has that rhythm to it, and everything just seems a bit out of rhythm when you try to do the course with the toughest two sections first.

I'm not against this idea, I'm not for this idea... it just all depends on the courses. I am not too bothered.
I've seen parts of the Nurburgring Nordschleife being run in reverse in real life. I'll try to find the video (I think it was on the Renn TV website).

edit: I've tried running the Nurburgring backwards in Enthusia and GT4 but just can't get the hang of it. I've also gone backwards round Laguna Seca, that's fun.

edit: Here's the video link.
I´m totally against the running in reverse thing. In fact, I think they should can the reverse deal on all tracks in GT, and add more tracks instead.
Running a track in reverse destroys the flow, and upsets cornerspeeds and ultimatly it changes the overall time on a lap. This, in effect, means that the reversed track seems like a different track (wich it actually is not), so why not add more tracks instead?
Because allowing you to run a track in reverse takes almost no time to do and takes up no memory. Creating a whole new track takes months. And the whole fun in racing a track in reverse is because it makes it feel alike a different track, it's be a bit boring it was the same either way.
Real tracks never let the course be run in reverse* for safety reasons - it makes sense and adds realism to the game by sticking to these rules. Tracks are designed to be run in a certain direction, they could be dangerous if run differently - the corkscrew at Laguna would never work in reverse.

* Ii believe Brands Hatch was sometimes run in reverse in the early days

I know of some club tracks that are bidirectional (can't think of 'em, though), and I also know that both Hockenheim and Fuji both started life as counter-clockwise tracks, and I think the road course at Daytona was originally run clockwise.
As for having real tracks in GT5 reversable, I'm kinda against it because, like Team666 said, it ruins the flow and it would be nicer to have additional real tracks than some reverse versions. Plus, if damage is included, what would happen if you slammed into the end of a guardrail where (in real life) marshalls and safety crews stay? I'm surprised the folks from Tsukuba and the Ring allowed EPR to include reverse versions. :odd:
Because allowing you to run a track in reverse takes almost no time to do and takes up no memory. Creating a whole new track takes months. And the whole fun in racing a track in reverse is because it makes it feel alike a different track, it's be a bit boring it was the same either way.
Precisely -- It (the track) has a whole new set of dynamics when raced in reverse. The game makes you learn the track a whole different way. If the tracks weren't run in reverse -- everyone would get 100% completions and win every race right from the off.

I believe it's PD's way of making us think about how we drive in EVERY situation.
Precisely -- It (the track) has a whole new set of dynamics when raced in reverse. The game makes you learn the track a whole different way. If the tracks weren't run in reverse -- everyone would get 100% completions and win every race right from the off.

I believe it's PD's way of making us think about how we drive in EVERY situation.

I think we have a winner!

however, i've been thinking...if we're gonna include ovals, I really don't see much point in running them backwards. (i know i had the Daytona comment up there....) they're pretty much the same, just turning right instead of left.
Yeah, with ovals it would be pretty pointless. but for all the other tracks, who cares if we don'e see it happening irl, we don't see LMP cars racing at the ring either, when for no effort, you can in effect, double the number of tracks. People keep saying I'd rather a whiole new track than a track to be run in reverse, so would I, but the two are not comparable. Creating a whole new track is not the same as making a track ready to be run in both directions. What about if you can get the new tracks then you can have them run in both directions as well, even better.
Maybe it could be an option in the game. I'm kind of wanting to keep RL tracks traditional myself, but I wouldn't complain a bit if Polyphony gave us reverse Laguna or Nurburgring. Sometimes the real tracks are a pain to run in reverse, but it's not like real life tracks don't have hairpins and the like, and it really is like getting a new track.
I still think more tracks is to prefer. Just letting us race in reverse is kind of cheap, don´t you think? And if it is such little effort to let us do that, why not include more new tracks AND let us run them in reverse? But more tracks is preferable.
I still think more tracks is to prefer. Just letting us race in reverse is kind of cheap, don´t you think? And if it is such little effort to let us do that, why not include more new tracks AND let us run them in reverse? But more tracks is preferable.
Not to be a needle in the foot -- but aren't you kind of contradicting yourself in that statement??
You state it's a cheap to have tracks run in reverse -- then you say add more tracks AND run them in reverse as well.

I suppose all-in-all -- adding more tracks would be nice, but I believe it's just not necessary
Not to be a needle in the foot -- but aren't you kind of contradicting yourself in that statement??
You state it's a cheap to have tracks run in reverse -- then you say add more tracks AND run them in reverse as well.

I suppose all-in-all -- adding more tracks would be nice, but I believe it's just not necessary

I just pointed out that people here seems to say it´s easy for PD to let us run tracks in reverse, and that I still prefer new additions instead. I can´t see how I contradict myself in that?
I was also a "chicken", trying to please everybody! If it really is that easy, why not do both? GT series allow you to choose somewhat, atleast once you finished the game, as to where and what you want to race, and I do not race tracks in reverse, simply because I don´t like it. And I wouldn´t have to do it the future either! Well, during actual game progress, but not later.
But your missing the point, the point is would you lieke to see tracks in reverse, a whole new track isn't comparble to allowing you to race a track in reverse. It's just should tracks be run in one direction, or not. Preferring them to include an extra track doesn't come into it, they're two completely different things. I think any game should let you run all the tracs in reverse, it's not a cop out for including less tracks, it's just a way of increasing the life span of each track.
I just pointed out that people here seems to say it´s easy for PD to let us run tracks in reverse, and that I still prefer new additions instead. I can´t see how I contradict myself in that?
I was also a "chicken", trying to please everybody! If it really is that easy, why not do both? GT series allow you to choose somewhat, atleast once you finished the game, as to where and what you want to race, and I do not race tracks in reverse, simply because I don´t like it. And I wouldn´t have to do it the future either! Well, during actual game progress, but not later.
OK - fair enough I suppose. In all honesty, I don't see why PD couldn't add a bunch of new tracks into GT5 -- the blue-ray drive and the storage capacity of the DVD discs associated with that type of drive is astronomical - 25 - 50 GB of data storage on 1 disc. That's not to say that PD would be using that type of disc though. If they do 👍 -- if they don't -- no worries from me -- I'll keep buying each GT game as it comes out.
But your missing the point, the point is would you lieke to see tracks in reverse, a whole new track isn't comparble to allowing you to race a track in reverse. It's just should tracks be run in one direction, or not. Preferring them to include an extra track doesn't come into it, they're two completely different things. I think any game should let you run all the tracs in reverse, it's not a cop out for including less tracks, it's just a way of increasing the life span of each track.
Okay, if you put it that way I choose more tracks any time! I see no point in running a track in reverse, really. The scenery is the same, and everthing is familiar already, so the exitement is somewhat gone. But...
OK - fair enough I suppose. In all honesty, I don't see why PD couldn't add a bunch of new tracks into GT5 -- the blue-ray drive and the storage capacity of the DVD discs associated with that type of drive is astronomical - 25 - 50 GB of data storage on 1 disc. That's not to say that PD would be using that type of disc though. If they do -- if they don't -- no worries from me -- I'll keep buying each GT game as it comes out.
Haha, spot on! So will I!
Okay, if you put it that way I choose more tracks any time! I see no point in running a track in reverse, really. The scenery is the same, and everthing is familiar already, so the exitement is somewhat gone.
You completely missed th point, again, a whole new track and allowing an existing track to be run in reverse are not comparable. Do you think PD should allow every track to be run in reverse?

I think they should, allowing this increases the variataion on that track and extends that tracks life even if it's similar, it's not the same and you still have to aproach each corner differently. and no, there is no reason PD couldn't add a few new tracks to GT5.
You completely missed th point, again, a whole new track and allowing an existing track to be run in reverse are not comparable. Do you think PD should allow every track to be run in reverse?

This may sound strange, but yes I do. Many people like tracks in reverse apparently, so why not please as many people as possible? Like I said, I don´t have to run the tracks in reverse if I don´t want to. I simply don´t like a track in reverse, and thats it. I simply prefer more tracks instead. And preferably real tracks, not made up ones.

I think they should, allowing this increases the variataion on that track and extends that tracks life even if it's similar, it's not the same and you still have to aproach each corner differently. and no, there is no reason PD couldn't add a few new tracks to GT5.

Again, I have no problem with reverse tracks as an existance, but that do not mean I have to like them, does it?
But it matters very little anyway, since I will buy the next GT installment anyway :)
"Reverse track" is a concept that only applies to real tracks, and that's because of security reasons. Fake tracks are just that, and it doesn't matter which of the versions we (or the creators of the game) call "normal" and call "reverse".

Another issue is allowing - in game - that a real track can be raced in the "normal direction" (the one used IRL) or in reverse. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be possible to drive it both ways. But if you are a purist, and like to drive the Nurb just to do what so many great drivers have made for nearly a century, you won't like to do it in reverse.

Than again, you might just surprise yourself. I have a friend (PS2 owner) that is a Nurb maniac and I remember his disgusted face when I told him that in Enthusia we could race the Nurb in reverse mode. A few months later, he told me that he had bought the game and that he had great fun with the reverse Nurb.
Some might say that safety reasons don't apply in this game, so each track should be allowed to run reverse. But when a game is called "The REAL driving simulator" I think they should stick to realism as close as they can get. And damage was not an option, as car companies didnt want realistic renderings of their cars being damaged.
But if your stretching to that much realism why not just get rid of all the fake tracks altogether, I mean El Capitan, theres not a chance in hell that a track like that would ever be used. You can't split the game into real and unreal and then say, it should be as real as possible. The way I see it, you split it, realism v gameplay. You can increase both in certain ways, or you can leave one and increase the other. Things like reverse tracks add to the variety of race and they add to the life of each track. They don't reduce the gameplay, if anything they increase it for many players, and the realism only takes a minor hit. I apply this to everything I think should be in the game, realism v gameplay.
But if your stretching to that much realism why not just get rid of all the fake tracks altogether, I mean El Capitan, theres not a chance in hell that a track like that would ever be used. You can't split the game into real and unreal and then say, it should be as real as possible. The way I see it, you split it, realism vs gameplay. You can increase both in certain ways, or you can leave one and increase the other. Things like reverse tracks add to the variety of race and they add to the life of each track. They don't reduce the gameplay, nd the realism only takes a minor hit. I apply this to everything I think should be in the game, realism v gameplay.

The fake tracks can be run reverse, if I'm not mistaken. I say keep the fake parts how you want them, but if you are going to add real things, then keep them real, including tracks and cars.