What are the *small* additions, that you want to see in GT7?

The ability to open doors in Scapes
The ability to have more than 3 cars in Scapes...especially the bigger areas
If we opt in to an engine swap, we should keep the old engine. Especially if it can go into another car.

  • improved car selling menu search. Sometimes it takes forever to find a specific car you want to sell.
To take it a step further, just let us sell our cars from the garage. The organizing options are weird at the UCD.
Whilst they're at it, why not just combine the two? They're both integral to modifying a car so why split them? Combine the three car buying sections under one section too, Brand Central, Used Cars and Legendary Cars. Three separate sections within a 'buying cars' section.
These (among with a change/tune car from the start button menu) are things that GT6 do (though in case of GT6 dealers, all cars are always available).
I'd like an easy way to just look at the cars in my garage.

The one you're currently driving shows up in turntable view for about five seconds before the game automatically switches to the extreme closeups. You can manually switch between the different views, but you aren't allowed to linger on any of them. It's like one of those websites with a poorly-programmed slideshow that doesn't have a pause option.

The cars you aren't driving don't even give you that much unless you "get in" them. My First Gran Turismo brought back the classic turntable view, and I was very happy about that.
Yep. I have always wanted a Project Gotham Racing 3 type walk around garage for GT. This would be fantastic. Even if you could only pick your top 10 cars or something.
  • The ability to use the VR showroom without a headset. Obviously not in VR, but just let us walk around and look inside the car with the controller stick. The showroom is a great feature but I never understood why it's only available if you spend hundreds on a virtual headset.
  • Perhaps a way to view all available colors for UCD or LCD car (not buy per se).
  • I think the weather radar should be disabled if there is no chance for rain at all (eg. if a track doesn't have rain support, like Trial Mountain). If the brake balance, torque controller, and fuel map only show up when relevant, I think this should also apply to the weather radar.
  • I like how the quick race lets you jump into a preset race very quickly. However, it would be nice if there is a small optional button when you create one that lets you change specific options like TOD or lap count. Otherwise you need to go through the whole custom race options.
  • Not a feature per se, but don't wait until I've configured a whole custom race (very carefully) to only then tell me I have incompatible tires, thus making me change my tires and have to go through all the settings again.
  • A more dynamic chase cam like in GT Sport. Perhaps as an option, just like how the interior view has two presets.
  • Let us preview what body parts are available if you widebody your car before committing to permanently widebodying it and not being able to go back.
  • Improvements to engine swapping. If you could see what cars an engine you were rewarded with go into, it would be a little better than having to search up an engine swap list.
  • Add any uncopyrighted song to brand central. If you have broadcast mode turned on, all you'll hear is silence when you go to brand central because each song is copyrighted and gets disabled. Maybe After The Rain or Night Birds will do!
  • I'm curious why ABS goes yellow when you turn it off. Other assists just gray out when disabled, so I'm not sure why ABS is a different color (this doesn't really matter but I found it odd).
  • Fix the Deep Forest track map in world circuits. If you look at the track animation the dot goes the wrong way (anyone else noticed this?)
  • Let us transmission swap cars - as in, for example, converting from semi-auto to manual. Would be cool if we could give certain cars the manuals they deserve (if that's your thing). I have no idea how realistic this kind of thing is, but I have a feeling a 787B engine does not fit in an MX5 either.
  • Window tinting perhaps?

-An option that automatically turns
driving assists like ABS on or off
depending on if that specific car has
these in reality or not
Yes, this please!
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Another idea I had: "S" versions of non-permanent, non-aspiration changing engine parts (i.e. ECU with wider power adjustment ranges, racing exhaust, filter, and/or exhaust manifold). This should mean more tuning potential for NA racing engines without turbo/supercharging them, especially when used as swap.