The June Issue of Road and Track in your office? Lucky *****!!!
Actually, Mr. CoolFiat - the mag is from another Office - my Optician's Office!! See - he is a pal of mine from when we were in our teens (like you are now - obviously, judging from your pic in the 'Pics of You!' thread) Now he runs a glamourous downtown office that I take my teen sons to, when they need new glasses. (Lesson here? Some of your pals are gonna get rich and famous.Treat them nice.)
Well, I happened to be there some weeks ago, and saw it on his desk so I nabbed it. He didn't mind. He runs a spiffy Jag - but the car is just transportation to him - he gets all these fancy mags to throw around his office in keeping with his Big Shot image!
So I'm like : "That's mine!"
And he's like: "Whatever, Harry, you and your cars!"
Reading magazines in Office was obligatory, though, when I worked as a Copywriter in an Ad Agency!
Okay, food guys! What do you think I had last night?
Back later to tell you!
Off-topic: Vandenal: if Solid Lifters is King of the Food Thread, does that make Omnis the Jester?