What are you Eating/Drinking?

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I have nothing anymore except a vegetable/fruit smoothie but it tastes too sweet to start the day.

EDIT: I am so hungry that I started off with this very sweet tasting smoothie. I still have to wait for the shop to open to get food.
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Sadly. In preparation for a 4 day family camping trip, I'll not be eating breakfast, and having very lite lunches. This is in an attempt to to counter act the large amount of camp fire and fried delectables nd copious amounts of alcohol I'll be enjoying on this long weekend. I'll try to get some pictures uploaded when I have service. Good food, drink, people, kayaking and camping... wish it was wednesday night already.
I lied... I have found my lunch for today.
Mmm, delicious!
I miss the days I could stuff my face with any old junk food and not gain any weight for the effort.
I miss the days I could stuff my face with any old junk food and not gain any weight for the effort.
Seconded. I used to have a hollow leg, but now I have a bad knee.

Masoor dal and pita chips to drag through it at my desk.
Aye @TexRex
While digging to find one of my posts in the unpopular opinions thread, I stumbled across this.
That's fine, and I hope that didn't come off as me saying you should. My comments were intended to shed light on why that might be the case, rather than why you're not supposed to. Actually, I suspect a significant number of people feel obligated to go rare or medium rare--either due to societal pressure or because they "can," unlike with pork or chicken--even when the steak they're getting should probably be cooked more thoroughly for it to taste the best it can. If I really want a steak regardless of quality, and know it's going to be wet-aged, I'm going to get it cooked to 160 so that those off flavors are minimal. Also know that it's not uncommon for fine dining establishments that generally offer dry-aged beef to have wet-aged cuts for well-done orders.
I would like to direct your attention to these!
Umai Bags
These bad lads let you dry age steak right from the comfort of your home fridge! Slap a rib eye in one, toss it in the fridge, 45 days later, dry aged perfection.

Edit: it appears I may have quoted the post after the one I was reading. About wet aged and dry aged and all that. Well, it's close enough anyway.
I would like to direct your attention to these!
Umai Bags
These bad lads let you dry age steak right from the comfort of your home fridge! Slap a rib eye in one, toss it in the fridge, 45 days later, dry aged perfection.
I'm intrigued, if dubious. Admittedly, I don't actually know how they're supposed to work.

I've actually got a spare fridge in the garage that hasn't found a new home yet, and I've been considering plugging it in and giving more traditional dry aging a try for myself.Bonus, the shelves are metal rung instead of glass and I may even be able to hang the meat for better air circulation.

A dry aged T-bone puts a big smile on my face.

Well, it's close enough anyway.
The bags work by not being very good bags. They allow air and moisture to get out, but they don't allow anything to get back in. This then holds the moisture level at just the right spot without letting bad bacteria in.
I learned about them watching a YT channel called Sous Vide Everything.

I bought these 2 six packs in anticipation of my weekend trip to Bend, OR.
Ones is supposed to be a citrus bomb (Thru the haze) the other (Centennial) is more tropical in flavor. Think mango/pineapple.
I’ll write my review next week.
I can hardly wait to try!
Centennial is top notch and lead me down a path of everything IPA with citrus notes, and the least malt taste as possible. I landed at Brew Kettle's White Rajah. Then went on to Brewdog's Elvis Juice. Those three are at the top of my list.
@coryclifford, thanks for making want to crack them open now! :lol: :cheers:

I’m an IPA guy myself. I love the citrus and pine resin flavors that are produced. The less malt the better.

I’ve heard of Brew Dogs. (Enjoyed the tv show too) but they don’t distribute out here. Very tough to land a bottle of anything from them at the bottle shops.

I’m going to look for Brew Kettles. Although I don’t recall ever seeing them out this way either.

I live in Portland. It’s HUGE business out here. From the hundreds of local brewers (it’s unreal) to the hop farmers who grow some of the best hops in the world.

It’s hard for me to try and/or find beers from the Midwest and east coast with so many varieties I have to chose from. For example, an east coast hazy IPA. I'd love to get my hands on some quality brews in that style

Thanks for the tips. I love talking beer.
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Nothing planned for dinner since the cable guy was scheduled to come out (turned out to be a misunderstanding), so pulled a box of these out of the freezer and fired up the oven:


These used to be a regular favorite of mine when I worked at the grocery store. Good times...
Smoked brisket ciabatta grilled cheese made with meat brought home night before last, smoked gouda and sun dried tomatoes. Actually cooked them on the grill too since the ciabatta won't sit flat in a skillet anyway.

Chrysanthemum greens with sliced red onion and pears, toasted walnuts and crumbled Roquefort, tossed in a mustardy vinaigrette.

Full Sail pilsner.

Edit: Nope, the brisket is leftover from last night. Why does today feel like Thursday?
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Had some chicken quesadillas for dinner. Filled with lots of peppers, onions, cheddar of course, chicken. All dashed about with Le Perferida Sazon. Fried up some spuds to go along with them. Pretty tasty stuff.
@Boston77, Founder's is my favorite brand. I dont think I've had anything by them I didnt like. I've not tried their centennial IPA, being a stout drinker, but I've had enough of their other beers to given them a solid recommendation.
My pick for beers with a piney punch is Weyerbacher Double Simcoe, but it's nicely balanced with malt. I think that helps the resin quality shine, but those wanting to avoid that body shouldn't bother.

I have yet to try it since they brought it back, but I'm given to understand the new Ballantine IPA from Pabst is all about pine and citrus.

Sam Adams had a Juniper IPA a while back that I thoroughly enjoyed, but it seems to have vanished.

Don't mind me, folks. About the only thing I drink is Bud Light. And wine on occasion.

I'll grab my coat :indiff:.

EDIT: I like Blue Moon and most Apple Cider flavored drinks. Forgot about those.
You guys are all wrong, its Saturday, and so is tomorrow and the next day!
Edit: so far for my Saturday morning, I've had :drum roll: Coffee!
We will be having a whole lot of other tasty foods that I will definitely be sharing through out my 72 hour Saturday.
I had a well done sunny-side up egg with sauteed red onion and bell pepper, spinach, and cilantro on toast.

A bowl of porridge with chopped and cooked peaches, blue berries, black berries, a little brown sugar, Greek yogurt and a small dab of butter.

Then a small homemade banana muffin.

That was breakfast. I did a 20hr fast, so I wanted a nice breakfast.

I'm about to make some broccoli and some homemade stove top popcorn to top off for my next fast.

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